# encoding: utf-8
module Mongoid #:nodoc:
module Criterion #:nodoc:
module Inclusion
# Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values that must all
# be matched in order to return results. Similar to an "in" clause but the
# underlying conditional logic is an "AND" and not an "OR". The MongoDB
# conditional operator that will be used is "$all".
# Options:
# attributes: A +Hash+ where the key is the field name and the value is an
# +Array+ of values that must all match.
# Example:
# criteria.all(:field => ["value1", "value2"])
# criteria.all(:field1 => ["value1", "value2"], :field2 => ["value1"])
# Returns: self
def all(attributes = {})
update_selector(attributes, "$all")
alias :all_in :all
# Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values that must
# be matched in order to return results. This is similar to a SQL "WHERE"
# clause. This is the actual selector that will be provided to MongoDB,
# similar to the Javascript object that is used when performing a find()
# in the MongoDB console.
# Options:
# selectior: A +Hash+ that must match the attributes of the +Document+.
# Example:
# criteria.and(:field1 => "value1", :field2 => 15)
# Returns: self
def and(selector = nil)
# Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values where any can
# be matched in order to return results. This is similar to an SQL "IN"
# clause. The MongoDB conditional operator that will be used is "$in".
# Options:
# attributes: A +Hash+ where the key is the field name and the value is an
# +Array+ of values that any can match.
# Example:
# criteria.in(:field => ["value1", "value2"])
# criteria.in(:field1 => ["value1", "value2"], :field2 => ["value1"])
# Returns: self
def in(attributes = {})
update_selector(attributes, "$in")
alias :any_in :in
# Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values to do
# geospacial searches by. The field must be indexed with the "2d" option.
# Options:
# attributes: A +Hash+ where the keys are the field names and the values are
# +Arrays+ of [latitude, longitude] pairs.
# Example:
# criteria.near(:field1 => [30, -44])
# Returns: self
def near(attributes = {})
update_selector(attributes, "$near")
# Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values that must
# be matched in order to return results. This is similar to a SQL "WHERE"
# clause. This is the actual selector that will be provided to MongoDB,
# similar to the Javascript object that is used when performing a find()
# in the MongoDB console.
# Options:
# selectior: A +Hash+ that must match the attributes of the +Document+.
# Example:
# criteria.where(:field1 => "value1", :field2 => 15)
# Returns: self
def where(selector = nil)
case selector
when String
@selector.update("$where" => selector)
@selector.update(selector ? selector.expand_complex_criteria : {})