# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "logstash/json" require "logstash/environment" require "logstash/util" describe "LogStash::Json" do let(:hash) {{"a" => 1}} let(:json_hash) {"{\"a\":1}"} let(:string) {"foobar"} let(:json_string) {"\"foobar\""} let(:array) {["foo", "bar"]} let(:json_array) {"[\"foo\",\"bar\"]"} let(:multi) { [ {:ruby => "foo bar baz", :json => "\"foo bar baz\""}, {:ruby => "1", :json => "\"1\""}, {:ruby => {"a" => true}, :json => "{\"a\":true}"}, {:ruby => {"a" => nil}, :json => "{\"a\":null}"}, {:ruby => ["a", "b"], :json => "[\"a\",\"b\"]"}, {:ruby => [1, 2], :json => "[1,2]"}, {:ruby => [1, nil], :json => "[1,null]"}, {:ruby => {"a" => [1, 2]}, :json => "{\"a\":[1,2]}"}, {:ruby => {"a" => {"b" => 2}}, :json => "{\"a\":{\"b\":2}}"}, # {:ruby => , :json => }, ] } if LogStash::Environment.jruby? ### JRuby specific # Former expectation in this code were removed because of https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/issues/964 # as soon as is fix we can re introduce them if decired, however for now the completeness of the test # is also not affected as the conversion would not work if the expectation where not meet. ### context "jruby deserialize" do it "should respond to load and deserialize object" do expect(LogStash::Json.load(json_hash)).to eql(hash) end end context "jruby serialize" do it "should respond to dump and serialize object" do expect(LogStash::Json.dump(string)).to eql(json_string) end it "should call JrJackson::Raw.generate for Hash" do expect(LogStash::Json.dump(hash)).to eql(json_hash) end it "should call JrJackson::Raw.generate for Array" do expect(LogStash::Json.dump(array)).to eql(json_array) end end else ### MRI specific it "should respond to load and deserialize object on mri" do expect(Oj).to receive(:load).with(json).and_call_original expect(LogStash::Json.load(json)).to eql(hash) end it "should respond to dump and serialize object on mri" do expect(Oj).to receive(:dump).with(hash, anything).and_call_original expect(LogStash::Json.dump(hash)).to eql(json) end end ### non specific it "should correctly deserialize" do multi.each do |test| # because JrJackson in :raw mode uses Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashMap and # Java::JavaUtil::ArrayList, we must cast to compare. # other than that, they quack like their Ruby equivalent expect(LogStash::Util.normalize(LogStash::Json.load(test[:json]))).to eql(test[:ruby]) end end it "should correctly serialize" do multi.each do |test| expect(LogStash::Json.dump(test[:ruby])).to eql(test[:json]) end end it "should raise Json::ParserError on invalid json" do expect{LogStash::Json.load("abc")}.to raise_error LogStash::Json::ParserError end end