for UAs without console object
// allow force of debug mode via URL
if (sm2.debugURLParam.test(wl)) {
sm2.debugMode = true;
if (id(sm2.debugID)) {
return false;
var oD, oDebug, oTarget, oToggle, tmp;
if (sm2.debugMode && !id(sm2.debugID) && (!hasConsole || !sm2.useConsole || !sm2.consoleOnly)) {
oD = doc.createElement('div'); = sm2.debugID + '-toggle';
oToggle = {
'position': 'fixed',
'bottom': '0px',
'right': '0px',
'width': '1.2em',
'height': '1.2em',
'lineHeight': '1.2em',
'margin': '2px',
'textAlign': 'center',
'border': '1px solid #999',
'cursor': 'pointer',
'background': '#fff',
'color': '#333',
'zIndex': 10001
oD.onclick = toggleDebug;
oD.title = 'Toggle SM2 debug console';
if (ua.match(/msie 6/i)) { = 'absolute'; = 'hand';
for (tmp in oToggle) {
if (oToggle.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {[tmp] = oToggle[tmp];
oDebug = doc.createElement('div'); = sm2.debugID; = (sm2.debugMode?'block':'none');
if (sm2.debugMode && !id( {
try {
oTarget = getDocument();
} catch(e2) {
throw new Error(str('domError')+' \n'+e2.toString());
oTarget = null;
idCheck = this.getSoundById;
_wDS = function(o, errorLevel) {
return (!o ? '' : sm2._wD(str(o), errorLevel));
toggleDebug = function() {
var o = id(sm2.debugID),
oT = id(sm2.debugID + '-toggle');
if (!o) {
return false;
if (debugOpen) {
// minimize
oT.innerHTML = '+'; = 'none';
} else {
oT.innerHTML = '-'; = 'block';
debugOpen = !debugOpen;
debugTS = function(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage) {
// troubleshooter debug hooks
if (window.sm2Debugger !== _undefined) {
try {
sm2Debugger.handleEvent(sEventType, bSuccess, sMessage);
} catch(e) {
// oh well
return false;
return true;
getSWFCSS = function() {
var css = [];
if (sm2.debugMode) {
if (sm2.debugFlash) {
if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
return css.join(' ');
flashBlockHandler = function() {
// *possible* flash block situation.
var name = str('fbHandler'),
p = sm2.getMoviePercent(),
css = swfCSS,
error = {type:'FLASHBLOCK'};
if (sm2.html5Only) {
// no flash, or unused
return false;
if (!sm2.ok()) {
if (needsFlash) {
// make the movie more visible, so user can fix
sm2.oMC.className = getSWFCSS() + ' ' + css.swfDefault + ' ' + (p === null?css.swfTimedout:css.swfError);
sm2._wD(name + ': ' + str('fbTimeout') + (p ? ' (' + str('fbLoaded') + ')' : ''));
sm2.didFlashBlock = true;
// fire onready(), complain lightly
processOnEvents({type:'ontimeout', ignoreInit:true, error:error});
} else {
// SM2 loaded OK (or recovered)
if (sm2.didFlashBlock) {
sm2._wD(name + ': Unblocked');
if (sm2.oMC) {
sm2.oMC.className = [getSWFCSS(), css.swfDefault, css.swfLoaded + (sm2.didFlashBlock?' '+css.swfUnblocked:'')].join(' ');
addOnEvent = function(sType, oMethod, oScope) {
if (on_queue[sType] === _undefined) {
on_queue[sType] = [];
'method': oMethod,
'scope': (oScope || null),
'fired': false
processOnEvents = function(oOptions) {
// if unspecified, assume OK/error
if (!oOptions) {
oOptions = {
type: (sm2.ok() ? 'onready' : 'ontimeout')
if (!didInit && oOptions && !oOptions.ignoreInit) {
// not ready yet.
return false;
if (oOptions.type === 'ontimeout' && (sm2.ok() || (disabled && !oOptions.ignoreInit))) {
// invalid case
return false;
var status = {
success: (oOptions && oOptions.ignoreInit?sm2.ok():!disabled)
// queue specified by type, or none
srcQueue = (oOptions && oOptions.type?on_queue[oOptions.type]||[]:[]),
queue = [], i, j,
args = [status],
canRetry = (needsFlash && !sm2.ok());
if (oOptions.error) {
args[0].error = oOptions.error;
for (i = 0, j = srcQueue.length; i < j; i++) {
if (srcQueue[i].fired !== true) {
if (queue.length) {
// sm2._wD(sm + ': Firing ' + queue.length + ' ' + oOptions.type + '() item' + (queue.length === 1 ? '' : 's'));
for (i = 0, j = queue.length; i < j; i++) {
if (queue[i].scope) {
queue[i].method.apply(queue[i].scope, args);
} else {
queue[i].method.apply(this, args);
if (!canRetry) {
// useFlashBlock and SWF timeout case doesn't count here.
queue[i].fired = true;
return true;
initUserOnload = function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
// call user-defined "onload", scoped to window
if (typeof sm2.onload === 'function') {
_wDS('onload', 1);
_wDS('onloadOK', 1);
if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad) {
event.add(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
detectFlash = function() {
// hat tip: Flash Detect library (BSD, (C) 2007) by Carl "DocYes" S. Yestrau - /
if (hasFlash !== _undefined) {
// this work has already been done.
return hasFlash;
var hasPlugin = false, n = navigator, nP = n.plugins, obj, type, types, AX = window.ActiveXObject;
if (nP && nP.length) {
type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
types = n.mimeTypes;
if (types && types[type] && types[type].enabledPlugin && types[type].enabledPlugin.description) {
hasPlugin = true;
} else if (AX !== _undefined && !ua.match(/MSAppHost/i)) {
// Windows 8 Store Apps (MSAppHost) are weird (compatibility?) and won't complain here, but will barf if Flash/ActiveX object is appended to the DOM.
try {
obj = new AX('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
} catch(e) {
// oh well
obj = null;
hasPlugin = (!!obj);
// cleanup, because it is ActiveX after all
obj = null;
hasFlash = hasPlugin;
return hasPlugin;
featureCheck = function() {
var flashNeeded,
formats = sm2.audioFormats,
// iPhone <= 3.1 has broken HTML5 audio(), but firmware 3.2 (original iPad) + iOS4 works.
isSpecial = (is_iDevice && !!(ua.match(/os (1|2|3_0|3_1)/i)));
if (isSpecial) {
// has Audio(), but is broken; let it load links directly.
sm2.hasHTML5 = false;
// ignore flash case, however
sm2.html5Only = true;
// hide the SWF, if present
if (sm2.oMC) { = 'none';
} else {
if (sm2.useHTML5Audio) {
if (!sm2.html5 || !sm2.html5.canPlayType) {
sm2._wD('SoundManager: No HTML5 Audio() support detected.');
sm2.hasHTML5 = false;
if (isBadSafari) {
sm2._wD(smc + 'Note: Buggy HTML5 Audio in Safari on this OS X release, see - ' + (!hasFlash ?' would use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, but none detected.' : 'will use flash fallback for MP3/MP4, if available'), 1);
if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5) {
// sort out whether flash is optional, required or can be ignored.
// innocent until proven guilty.
canIgnoreFlash = true;
for (item in formats) {
if (formats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
if (formats[item].required) {
if (!sm2.html5.canPlayType(formats[item].type)) {
// 100% HTML5 mode is not possible.
canIgnoreFlash = false;
flashNeeded = true;
} else if (sm2.preferFlash && (sm2.flash[item] || sm2.flash[formats[item].type])) {
// flash may be required, or preferred for this format.
flashNeeded = true;
// sanity check...
if (sm2.ignoreFlash) {
flashNeeded = false;
canIgnoreFlash = true;
sm2.html5Only = (sm2.hasHTML5 && sm2.useHTML5Audio && !flashNeeded);
return (!sm2.html5Only);
parseURL = function(url) {
* Internal: Finds and returns the first playable URL (or failing that, the first URL.)
* @param {string or array} url A single URL string, OR, an array of URL strings or {url:'/path/to/resource', type:'audio/mp3'} objects.
var i, j, urlResult = 0, result;
if (url instanceof Array) {
// find the first good one
for (i=0, j=url.length; i
= 0; i--) {
if (sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]].isHTML5 && sm2.sounds[sm2.soundIDs[i]]._hasTimer) {
catchError = function(options) {
options = (options !== _undefined ? options : {});
if (typeof sm2.onerror === 'function') {
sm2.onerror.apply(window, [{type:(options.type !== _undefined ? options.type : null)}]);
if (options.fatal !== _undefined && options.fatal) {
badSafariFix = function() {
// special case: "bad" Safari (OS X 10.3 - 10.7) must fall back to flash for MP3/MP4
if (!isBadSafari || !detectFlash()) {
// doesn't apply
return false;
var aF = sm2.audioFormats, i, item;
for (item in aF) {
if (aF.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
if (item === 'mp3' || item === 'mp4') {
sm2._wD(sm + ': Using flash fallback for ' + item + ' format');
sm2.html5[item] = false;
// assign result to related formats, too
if (aF[item] && aF[item].related) {
for (i = aF[item].related.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
sm2.html5[aF[item].related[i]] = false;
* Pseudo-private flash/ExternalInterface methods
* ----------------------------------------------
this._setSandboxType = function(sandboxType) {
var sb = sm2.sandbox;
sb.type = sandboxType;
sb.description = sb.types[(sb.types[sandboxType] !== _undefined?sandboxType:'unknown')];
if (sb.type === 'localWithFile') {
sb.noRemote = true;
sb.noLocal = false;
_wDS('secNote', 2);
} else if (sb.type === 'localWithNetwork') {
sb.noRemote = false;
sb.noLocal = true;
} else if (sb.type === 'localTrusted') {
sb.noRemote = false;
sb.noLocal = false;
this._externalInterfaceOK = function(swfVersion) {
// flash callback confirming flash loaded, EI working etc.
// swfVersion: SWF build string
if (sm2.swfLoaded) {
return false;
var e;
debugTS('swf', true);
debugTS('flashtojs', true);
sm2.swfLoaded = true;
tryInitOnFocus = false;
if (isBadSafari) {
// complain if JS + SWF build/version strings don't match, excluding +DEV builds
if (!swfVersion || swfVersion.replace(/\+dev/i,'') !== sm2.versionNumber.replace(/\+dev/i, '')) {
e = sm + ': Fatal: JavaScript file build "' + sm2.versionNumber + '" does not match Flash SWF build "' + swfVersion + '" at ' + sm2.url + '. Ensure both are up-to-date.';
// escape flash -> JS stack so this error fires in window.
setTimeout(function versionMismatch() {
throw new Error(e);
}, 0);
// exit, init will fail with timeout
return false;
// IE needs a larger timeout
setTimeout(init, isIE ? 100 : 1);
* Private initialization helpers
* ------------------------------
createMovie = function(smID, smURL) {
if (didAppend && appendSuccess) {
// ignore if already succeeded
return false;
function initMsg() {
var options = [], title, str = [], delimiter = ' + ';
title = 'SoundManager ' + sm2.version + (!sm2.html5Only && sm2.useHTML5Audio ? (sm2.hasHTML5 ? ' + HTML5 audio' : ', no HTML5 audio support') : '');
if (!sm2.html5Only) {
if (sm2.preferFlash) {
if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
if (sm2.flashPollingInterval) {
options.push('flashPollingInterval (' + sm2.flashPollingInterval + 'ms)');
if (sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
options.push('html5PollingInterval (' + sm2.html5PollingInterval + 'ms)');
if (sm2.wmode) {
options.push('wmode (' + sm2.wmode + ')');
if (sm2.debugFlash) {
if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
} else {
if (sm2.html5PollingInterval) {
options.push('html5PollingInterval (' + sm2.html5PollingInterval + 'ms)');
if (options.length) {
str = str.concat([options.join(delimiter)]);
sm2._wD(title + (str.length ? delimiter + str.join(', ') : ''), 1);
if (sm2.html5Only) {
// 100% HTML5 mode
sm2.oMC = id(sm2.movieID);
// prevent multiple init attempts
didAppend = true;
appendSuccess = true;
return false;
// flash path
var remoteURL = (smURL || sm2.url),
localURL = (sm2.altURL || remoteURL),
swfTitle = 'JS/Flash audio component (SoundManager 2)',
oTarget = getDocument(),
extraClass = getSWFCSS(),
isRTL = null,
html = doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0],
oEmbed, oMovie, tmp, movieHTML, oEl, s, x, sClass;
isRTL = (html && html.dir && html.dir.match(/rtl/i));
smID = (smID === _undefined?;
function param(name, value) {
return '';
// safety check for legacy (change to Flash 9 URL)
sm2.url = normalizeMovieURL(overHTTP?remoteURL:localURL);
smURL = sm2.url;
sm2.wmode = (!sm2.wmode && sm2.useHighPerformance ? 'transparent' : sm2.wmode);
if (sm2.wmode !== null && (ua.match(/msie 8/i) || (!isIE && !sm2.useHighPerformance)) && navigator.platform.match(/win32|win64/i)) {
* extra-special case: movie doesn't load until scrolled into view when using wmode = anything but 'window' here
* does not apply when using high performance (position:fixed means on-screen), OR infinite flash load timeout
* wmode breaks IE 8 on Vista + Win7 too in some cases, as of January 2011 (?)
sm2.wmode = null;
oEmbed = {
'name': smID,
'id': smID,
'src': smURL,
'quality': 'high',
'allowScriptAccess': sm2.allowScriptAccess,
'bgcolor': sm2.bgColor,
'pluginspage': http+'',
'title': swfTitle,
'type': 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'wmode': sm2.wmode,
'hasPriority': 'true'
if (sm2.debugFlash) {
oEmbed.FlashVars = 'debug=1';
if (!sm2.wmode) {
// don't write empty attribute
delete oEmbed.wmode;
if (isIE) {
// IE is "special".
oMovie = doc.createElement('div');
movieHTML = [
} else {
oMovie = doc.createElement('embed');
for (tmp in oEmbed) {
if (oEmbed.hasOwnProperty(tmp)) {
oMovie.setAttribute(tmp, oEmbed[tmp]);
extraClass = getSWFCSS();
oTarget = getDocument();
if (oTarget) {
sm2.oMC = (id(sm2.movieID) || doc.createElement('div'));
if (! { = sm2.movieID;
sm2.oMC.className = swfCSS.swfDefault + ' ' + extraClass;
s = null;
oEl = null;
if (!sm2.useFlashBlock) {
if (sm2.useHighPerformance) {
// on-screen at all times
s = {
'position': 'fixed',
'width': '8px',
'height': '8px',
// >= 6px for flash to run fast, >= 8px to start up under Firefox/win32 in some cases. odd? yes.
'bottom': '0px',
'left': '0px',
'overflow': 'hidden'
} else {
// hide off-screen, lower priority
s = {
'position': 'absolute',
'width': '6px',
'height': '6px',
'top': '-9999px',
'left': '-9999px'
if (isRTL) {
s.left = Math.abs(parseInt(s.left,10))+'px';
if (isWebkit) {
// soundcloud-reported render/crash fix, safari 5 = 10000;
if (!sm2.debugFlash) {
for (x in s) {
if (s.hasOwnProperty(x)) {[x] = s[x];
try {
if (!isIE) {
if (isIE) {
oEl = sm2.oMC.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
oEl.className = swfCSS.swfBox;
oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
appendSuccess = true;
} catch(e) {
throw new Error(str('domError')+' \n'+e.toString());
} else {
// SM2 container is already in the document (eg. flashblock use case)
sClass = sm2.oMC.className;
sm2.oMC.className = (sClass?sClass+' ':swfCSS.swfDefault) + (extraClass?' '+extraClass:'');
if (isIE) {
oEl = sm2.oMC.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
oEl.className = swfCSS.swfBox;
oEl.innerHTML = movieHTML;
appendSuccess = true;
didAppend = true;
// sm2._wD(sm + ': Trying to load ' + smURL + (!overHTTP && sm2.altURL ? ' (alternate URL)' : ''), 1);
return true;
initMovie = function() {
if (sm2.html5Only) {
return false;
// attempt to get, or create, movie (may already exist)
if (flash) {
return false;
if (!sm2.url) {
* Something isn't right - we've reached init, but the soundManager url property has not been set.
* User has not called setup({url: ...}), or has not set soundManager.url (legacy use case) directly before init time.
* Notify and exit. If user calls setup() with a url: property, init will be restarted as in the deferred loading case.
return false;
// inline markup case
flash = sm2.getMovie(;
if (!flash) {
if (!oRemoved) {
// try to create
createMovie(, sm2.url);
} else {
// try to re-append removed movie after reboot()
if (!isIE) {
} else {
sm2.oMC.innerHTML = oRemovedHTML;
oRemoved = null;
didAppend = true;
flash = sm2.getMovie(;
if (typeof sm2.oninitmovie === 'function') {
setTimeout(sm2.oninitmovie, 1);
return true;
delayWaitForEI = function() {
setTimeout(waitForEI, 1000);
waitForEI = function() {
var p,
loadIncomplete = false;
if (!sm2.url) {
// No SWF url to load (noURL case) - exit for now. Will be retried when url is set.
return false;
if (waitingForEI) {
return false;
waitingForEI = true;
event.remove(window, 'load', delayWaitForEI);
if (tryInitOnFocus && !isFocused) {
// Safari won't load flash in background tabs, only when focused.
return false;
if (!didInit) {
p = sm2.getMoviePercent();
if (p > 0 && p < 100) {
loadIncomplete = true;
setTimeout(function() {
p = sm2.getMoviePercent();
if (loadIncomplete) {
// special case: if movie *partially* loaded, retry until it's 100% before assuming failure.
waitingForEI = false;
window.setTimeout(delayWaitForEI, 1);
return false;
if (!didInit) {
sm2._wD(sm + ': No Flash response within expected time. Likely causes: ' + (p === 0 ? 'SWF load failed, ':'') + 'Flash blocked or JS-Flash security error.' + (sm2.debugFlash?' ' + str('checkSWF'):''), 2);
if (!overHTTP && p) {
_wDS('localFail', 2);
if (!sm2.debugFlash) {
_wDS('tryDebug', 2);
if (p === 0) {
// if 0 (not null), probably a 404.
sm2._wD(str('swf404', sm2.url), 1);
debugTS('flashtojs', false, ': Timed out' + overHTTP?' (Check flash security or flash blockers)':' (No plugin/missing SWF?)');
// give up / time-out, depending
if (!didInit && okToDisable) {
if (p === null) {
// SWF failed. Maybe blocked.
if (sm2.useFlashBlock || sm2.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
if (sm2.useFlashBlock) {
} else {
// no custom flash block handling, but SWF has timed out. Will recover if user unblocks / allows SWF load.
if (!sm2.useFlashBlock && canIgnoreFlash) {
// special case: try for a reboot with preferFlash: false, if 100% HTML5 mode is possible and useFlashBlock is not enabled.
window.setTimeout(function() {
complain(smc + 'useFlashBlock is false, 100% HTML5 mode is possible. Rebooting with preferFlash: false...');
preferFlash: false
// if for some reason you want to detect this case, use an ontimeout() callback and look for html5Only and didFlashBlock == true.
sm2.didFlashBlock = true;
}, 1);
} else {
// fire any regular registered ontimeout() listeners.
processOnEvents({type:'ontimeout', ignoreInit: true});
} else {
// flash loaded? Shouldn't be a blocking issue, then.
if (sm2.flashLoadTimeout === 0) {
} else {
}, sm2.flashLoadTimeout);
handleFocus = function() {
function cleanup() {
event.remove(window, 'focus', handleFocus);
if (isFocused || !tryInitOnFocus) {
// already focused, or not special Safari background tab case
return true;
okToDisable = true;
isFocused = true;
// allow init to restart
waitingForEI = false;
// kick off ExternalInterface timeout, now that the SWF has started
return true;
flushMessages = function() {
// SM2 pre-init debug messages
if (messages.length) {
sm2._wD('SoundManager 2: ' + messages.join(' '), 1);
messages = [];
showSupport = function() {
var item, tests = [];
if (sm2.useHTML5Audio && sm2.hasHTML5) {
for (item in sm2.audioFormats) {
if (sm2.audioFormats.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
tests.push(item + ' = ' + sm2.html5[item] + (!sm2.html5[item] && needsFlash && sm2.flash[item] ? ' (using flash)' : (sm2.preferFlash && sm2.flash[item] && needsFlash ? ' (preferring flash)': (!sm2.html5[item] ? ' (' + (sm2.audioFormats[item].required ? 'required, ':'') + 'and no flash support)' : ''))));
sm2._wD('SoundManager 2 HTML5 support: ' + tests.join(', '), 1);
initComplete = function(bNoDisable) {
if (didInit) {
return false;
if (sm2.html5Only) {
// all good.
didInit = true;
debugTS('onload', true);
return true;
var wasTimeout = (sm2.useFlashBlock && sm2.flashLoadTimeout && !sm2.getMoviePercent()),
result = true,
if (!wasTimeout) {
didInit = true;
if (disabled) {
error = {type: (!hasFlash && needsFlash ? 'NO_FLASH' : 'INIT_TIMEOUT')};
sm2._wD('SoundManager 2 ' + (disabled ? 'failed to load' : 'loaded') + ' (' + (disabled ? 'Flash security/load error' : 'OK') + ')', disabled ? 2: 1);
if (disabled || bNoDisable) {
if (sm2.useFlashBlock && sm2.oMC) {
sm2.oMC.className = getSWFCSS() + ' ' + (sm2.getMoviePercent() === null?swfCSS.swfTimedout:swfCSS.swfError);
processOnEvents({type:'ontimeout', error:error, ignoreInit: true});
debugTS('onload', false);
result = false;
} else {
debugTS('onload', true);
if (!disabled) {
if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad && !windowLoaded) {
event.add(window, 'load', initUserOnload);
} else {
if (sm2.waitForWindowLoad && windowLoaded) {
return result;
* apply top-level setupOptions object as local properties, eg., this.setupOptions.flashVersion -> this.flashVersion (soundManager.flashVersion)
* this maintains backward compatibility, and allows properties to be defined separately for use by soundManager.setup().
setProperties = function() {
var i,
o = sm2.setupOptions;
for (i in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// assign local property if not already defined
if (sm2[i] === _undefined) {
sm2[i] = o[i];
} else if (sm2[i] !== o[i]) {
// legacy support: write manually-assigned property (eg., soundManager.url) back to setupOptions to keep things in sync
sm2.setupOptions[i] = sm2[i];
init = function() {
// called after onload()
if (didInit) {
return false;
function cleanup() {
event.remove(window, 'load', sm2.beginDelayedInit);
if (sm2.html5Only) {
if (!didInit) {
// we don't need no steenking flash!
sm2.enabled = true;
return true;
// flash path
try {
// attempt to talk to Flash
// apply user-specified polling interval, OR, if "high performance" set, faster vs. default polling
// (determines frequency of whileloading/whileplaying callbacks, effectively driving UI framerates)
setPolling(true, (sm2.flashPollingInterval || (sm2.useHighPerformance ? 10 : 50)));
if (!sm2.debugMode) {
// stop the SWF from making debug output calls to JS
sm2.enabled = true;
debugTS('jstoflash', true);
if (!sm2.html5Only) {
// prevent browser from showing cached page state (or rather, restoring "suspended" page state) via back button, because flash may be dead
event.add(window, 'unload', doNothing);
} catch(e) {
sm2._wD('js/flash exception: ' + e.toString());
debugTS('jstoflash', false);
catchError({type:'JS_TO_FLASH_EXCEPTION', fatal:true});
// don't disable, for reboot()
return false;
// disconnect events
return true;
domContentLoaded = function() {
if (didDCLoaded) {
return false;
didDCLoaded = true;
// assign top-level soundManager properties eg. soundManager.url
* Temporary feature: allow force of HTML5 via URL params: sm2-usehtml5audio=0 or 1
* Ditto for sm2-preferFlash, too.
var a = 'sm2-usehtml5audio=',
a2 = 'sm2-preferflash=',
b = null,
b2 = null,
l = wl.toLowerCase();
if (l.indexOf(a) !== -1) {
b = (l.charAt(l.indexOf(a)+a.length) === '1');
if (hasConsole) {
console.log((b?'Enabling ':'Disabling ')+'useHTML5Audio via URL parameter');
'useHTML5Audio': b
if (l.indexOf(a2) !== -1) {
b2 = (l.charAt(l.indexOf(a2)+a2.length) === '1');
if (hasConsole) {
console.log((b2?'Enabling ':'Disabling ')+'preferFlash via URL parameter');
'preferFlash': b2
if (!hasFlash && sm2.hasHTML5) {
sm2._wD('SoundManager: No Flash detected' + (!sm2.useHTML5Audio ? ', enabling HTML5.' : '. Trying HTML5-only mode.'), 1);
'useHTML5Audio': true,
// make sure we aren't preferring flash, either
// TODO: preferFlash should not matter if flash is not installed. Currently, stuff breaks without the below tweak.
'preferFlash': false
if (!hasFlash && needsFlash) {
// TODO: Fatal here vs. timeout approach, etc.
// hack: fail sooner.
'flashLoadTimeout': 1
if (doc.removeEventListener) {
doc.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded, false);
return true;
domContentLoadedIE = function() {
if (doc.readyState === 'complete') {
doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', domContentLoadedIE);
return true;
winOnLoad = function() {
// catch edge case of initComplete() firing after window.load()
windowLoaded = true;
event.remove(window, 'load', winOnLoad);
* miscellaneous run-time, pre-init stuff
preInit = function() {
if (mobileHTML5) {
// prefer HTML5 for mobile + tablet-like devices, probably more reliable vs. flash at this point.
if (!sm2.setupOptions.useHTML5Audio || sm2.setupOptions.preferFlash) {
// notify that defaults are being changed.
sm2.setupOptions.useHTML5Audio = true;
sm2.setupOptions.preferFlash = false;
if (is_iDevice || (isAndroid && !ua.match(/android\s2\.3/i))) {
// iOS and Android devices tend to work better with a single audio instance, specifically for chained playback of sounds in sequence.
// common use case: exiting sound onfinish() -> createSound() -> play()
if (is_iDevice) {
sm2.ignoreFlash = true;
useGlobalHTML5Audio = true;
// sniff up-front
// focus and window load, init (primarily flash-driven)
event.add(window, 'focus', handleFocus);
event.add(window, 'load', delayWaitForEI);
event.add(window, 'load', winOnLoad);
if (doc.addEventListener) {
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded, false);
} else if (doc.attachEvent) {
doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', domContentLoadedIE);
} else {
// no add/attachevent support - safe to assume no JS -> Flash either
debugTS('onload', false);
catchError({type:'NO_DOM2_EVENTS', fatal:true});
} // SoundManager()
// SM2_DEFER details:
if (window.SM2_DEFER === undefined || !SM2_DEFER) {
soundManager = new SoundManager();
* SoundManager public interfaces
* ------------------------------
window.SoundManager = SoundManager; // constructor
window.soundManager = soundManager; // public API, flash callbacks etc.