namespace :jasmine do namespace :phantom do desc "Run jasmine specs using phantomjs and report the results" task :ci => "jasmine:require" do jasmine_config_overrides = File.join(, 'spec', 'javascripts' ,'support' ,'jasmine_config.rb') require jasmine_config_overrides if File.exist?(jasmine_config_overrides) config = config.start_jasmine_server # omg config.jasmine_port finds a new unused port every time! port = config.instance_variable_get :@jasmine_server_port script = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), 'run-jasmine.js' pid = Process.spawn "phantomjs #{script} http://localhost:#{port}" begin Thread.pass sleep 0.1 wait_pid, status = Process.waitpid2 pid, Process::WNOHANG end while wait_pid.nil? exit(1) unless status.success? end end end