module AppKit # The base resource controller. This controller contains all the # functionality for REST actions for all resources. Resource specific # controllers are generated that inherit from this class. It should not # be nessicary to use this class directly. class ResourcesController < ApplicationController # Stores the resource object this controller manages. class_attribute :resource layout 'app_kit/application' # respond to html and json for api calls. respond_to :html, :json, :xml, :csv # Setup a instance variable for the model before_action :find_record, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :history, :destroy, :perform_action] # GET /resource # Lists all records for an invoice. def index filter_params = params["#{}_filter"].try(:first) @records = process_filters(model, filter_params) # page resources if the request is for html. For JSON and XML we will # return the entire recordset @records = respond_with(@records) end # GET /resource/new # Renders new form for a given resource. def new @record = # call before actions created in the DSL if resource.before_actions[:new] resource.before_actions[:new].call(@record) end end # POST /resource # Creates a new resource record if valid, renders new form if not. def create @record = # call before actions created in the DSL if resource.before_actions[:create] resource.before_actions[:create].call(@record) end if redirect_to polymorphic_path([app_kit, @record]) else puts @record.errors.full_messages.inspect render 'new' end end # GET /resource/:id # Shows the details of a given resource. def show instance_exec(&resource.before_actions[:show]) if resource.before_actions[:show] end # GET /resource/:id/edit # Shows the edit form for a given resource. def edit resource.before_actions[:edit].call(@record) if resource.before_actions[:edit] end # PATCH /resource/:id # Updates a given resource if valid, renders the edit form if not. def update flash[:success] = "Record updated successfully." # call before actions created in the DSL if resource.before_actions[:update] resource.before_actions[:update].call(@record) end if @record.update(record_params) redirect_to polymorphic_path([app_kit, @record]) else render 'edit' end end # DELETE /resource/:id # Deletes a given resource and redirects to index. def destroy if @record.destroy flash[:success] = "Record deleted successfully." redirect_to polymorphic_path([app_kit, model]) end end def history; end def version version_index = params[:version_id].to_i @record = model.find_by_id(params[:id]).versions[version_index].reify(dup:true) render 'show' end def show_version version = PaperTrail::Version.find(params[:version_id]) @record = version.reify render 'show' end # GET /resource/:id/:action_name # A catchall action for any custom actions defined in the DSL. # The action name is passed by the route as a param and a block # given in the DSL is called (with the record instance). # # Actions can be defined using blocks are a symbol name of a method # in the model. def perform_action action_name = params[:action_name].to_sym action = resource.member_actions[action_name] if action.is_method_action? @record.send(action.method_name) end if action.is_block_action? end return redirect_to([app_kit, @record]) end private def get_page params[:page] || 1 end # Whitelisting for all fields marked as +editable+ in the dsl. def record_params fields = params.require(model.model_name.param_key.underscore.to_sym).permit(fields) end # A generic before_action method to set an instance variable for the # current record. def find_record @record ||= model.find_by_id(params[:id]) end # A helper method that returns the AppKit::Resource object tied to the # current controller. def resource self.class.resource end helper_method :resource # A helper method to retrieve the model classs based on the current # controller's class name. def model @model ||= resource.model end helper_method :model def has_namespace? != "" end # helper method to resolve the url for forms, between edit and new def form_url(record) if has_namespace? [app_kit,, record] else [app_kit, record] end end helper_method :form_url # A helper method to display the current resource name. def resource_name controller_name.humanize end helper_method :resource_name # handles record filtering passed by the filter panel def process_filters(records,filter_params) return records unless filter_params filter_params.each do |field,filter_param| if filter_param.has_key?("value") value = filter_param["value"] next unless value.present? condition = filter_param["condition"] || 'eq' case condition when "eq" value = true if value == 'true' value = [false, nil] if value == 'false' records = records.where(field.to_sym => value) when "cont" records = records.where("#{field} LIKE '%#{value}%'") when "ncont" records = records.where("#{field} NOT LIKE '%#{value}%'") when "gt" records = records.where("#{field} > ?", value) when "lt" records = records.where("#{field} < ?", value) end end end return records end end end