require 'spec_helper' require 'active_support/core_ext/string' require 'inflector_test_cases' describe 'String' do describe "#demodulize" do it "removes any preceding module name from the string" do "Foo::Bar".demodulize.should == "Bar" "Foo::Bar::Baz".demodulize.should == "Baz" end it "has no affect on strings with no module seperator" do "SomeClassName".demodulize.should == "SomeClassName" end end describe '#underscore' do it "camel to underscore" do CamelToUnderscore.each do |camel, underscore| camel.underscore.should eq(underscore) end "HTMLTidy".underscore.should eq("html_tidy") "HTMLTidyGenerator".underscore.should eq("html_tidy_generator") end it "replaces '-' in dasherized strings with underscores" do "well-hello-there".underscore.should == "well_hello_there" end it "converts single all-upcase strings into lowercase" do "OMG".underscore.should == "omg" end it "splits word bounderies and seperates using underscore" do "AdamBeynon".underscore.should == "adam_beynon" end it "does not split when 2 or more capitalized letters together" do "HTMLParser".underscore.should == "html_parser" end end describe '#dasherize' do it 'dasherizes' do { "street" => "street", "street_address" => "street-address", "person_street_address" => "person-street-address", }.each_pair do |underscore, dashes| underscore.dasherize.should == dashes end end end end