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# [Smashing](https://github.com/Smashing/smashing/wiki)

Smashing, the spiritual successor to [Dashing](https://github.com/Shopify/dashing), is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build excellent dashboards. It looks especially great on TVs.

![Smashing logo](./.github/docs/assets/screenshot.png)

## Community

Feel free to submit issues for bugs, new features, and enhancements in [GitHub](https://github.com/Smashing/smashing/issues). For more general questions, or help with widgets, please use the [gitter chatroom](https://gitter.im/Smashing).

## Installation

# Install bundler
$ gem install bundler
# Install smashing
$ gem install smashing
# Create a new project
$ smashing new my-project
# Change Directory into the project
$ cd my-project
# Install the bundle of project specific gems
$ bundle
# Start the example dashboard!
$ smashing start

[Check out our wiki](https://github.com/Smashing/smashing/wiki).

Note: This is a fork of the Dashing project, which is no longer being maintained. Read about that [here](https://github.com/Shopify/dashing/issues/711).

## License
Distributed under the [MIT license](MIT-LICENSE).