require 'cases/helper_sqlserver' require 'models/topic' require 'models/task' require 'models/post' require 'models/subscriber' require 'models/minimalistic' class AdapterTestSQLServer < ActiveRecord::TestCase fixtures :tasks let(:basic_insert_sql) { "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([name]) VALUES('Knock knock')" } let(:basic_update_sql) { "UPDATE [customers] SET [address_street] = NULL WHERE [id] = 2" } let(:basic_select_sql) { "SELECT * FROM [customers] WHERE ([customers].[id] = 1)" } it 'has basic and non-senstive information in the adpaters inspect method' do string = connection.inspect string.must_match %r{ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter} string.must_match %r{version\: \d.\d} string.must_match %r{mode: dblib} string.must_match %r{azure: (true|false)} string.wont_match %r{host} string.wont_match %r{password} string.wont_match %r{username} string.wont_match %r{port} end it 'has a 128 max #table_alias_length' do assert connection.table_alias_length <= 128 end it 'raises invalid statement error for bad SQL' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Topic.connection.update("UPDATE XXX") } end it 'is has our adapter_name' do assert_equal 'SQLServer', connection.adapter_name end it 'support DDL in transactions' do assert connection.supports_ddl_transactions? end it 'allow owner table name prefixs like dbo to still allow table exists to return true' do begin assert_equal 'topics', Topic.table_name assert Topic.table_exists? Topic.table_name = 'dbo.topics' assert Topic.table_exists?, 'Tasks table name of dbo.topics should return true for exists.' ensure Topic.table_name = 'topics' end end it 'return true to insert sql query for inserts only' do assert connection.send(:insert_sql?,'INSERT...') assert connection.send(:insert_sql?, "EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [fk_test_has_fks] ([fk_id]) VALUES (@0); SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS bigint) AS Ident', N'@0 int', @0 = 0") assert !connection.send(:insert_sql?,'UPDATE...') assert !connection.send(:insert_sql?,'SELECT...') end it 'return unquoted table name object from basic INSERT UPDATE and SELECT statements' do assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:get_table_name, basic_insert_sql) assert_equal 'customers', connection.send(:get_table_name, basic_update_sql) assert_equal 'customers', connection.send(:get_table_name, basic_select_sql) end describe 'with different language' do before do @default_language = connection.user_options_language end after do connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE #{@default_language}") rescue nil connection.send :initialize_dateformatter end it 'memos users dateformat' do connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE us_english") rescue nil dateformat = connection.instance_variable_get(:@database_dateformat) assert_equal 'mdy', dateformat end it 'has a dateformatter' do assert Date::DATE_FORMATS[:_sqlserver_dateformat] assert Time::DATE_FORMATS[:_sqlserver_dateformat] end it 'does a datetime insertion when language is german' do connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE deutsch") connection.send :initialize_dateformatter assert_nothing_raised do starting = Time.utc(2000, 1, 31, 5, 42, 0) ending =, 12, 31) Task.create! starting: starting, ending: ending end end end describe 'testing #lowercase_schema_reflection' do before do SSTestUpper.delete_all SSTestUpper.create COLUMN1: 'Got a minute?', COLUMN2: 419 SSTestUpper.create COLUMN1: 'Favorite number?', COLUMN2: 69 end after do connection.lowercase_schema_reflection = false end it 'not lowercase schema reflection by default' do assert SSTestUpper.columns_hash['COLUMN1'] assert_equal 'Got a minute?', SSTestUpper.first.COLUMN1 assert_equal 'Favorite number?', SSTestUpper.last.COLUMN1 assert SSTestUpper.columns_hash['COLUMN2'] end it 'lowercase schema reflection when set' do connection.lowercase_schema_reflection = true assert SSTestUppered.columns_hash['column1'] assert_equal 'Got a minute?', SSTestUppered.first.column1 assert_equal 'Favorite number?', SSTestUppered.last.column1 assert SSTestUppered.columns_hash['column2'] end end describe 'identity inserts' do before do @identity_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([id],[name]) VALUES(420,'Knock knock')" @identity_insert_sql_unquoted = "INSERT INTO funny_jokes (id, name) VALUES(420, 'Knock knock')" @identity_insert_sql_unordered = "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([name],[id]) VALUES('Knock knock',420)" @identity_insert_sql_sp = "EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([id],[name]) VALUES (@0, @1)', N'@0 int, @1 nvarchar(255)', @0 = 420, @1 = N'Knock knock'" @identity_insert_sql_unquoted_sp = "EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] (id, name) VALUES (@0, @1)', N'@0 int, @1 nvarchar(255)', @0 = 420, @1 = N'Knock knock'" @identity_insert_sql_unordered_sp = "EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([name],[id]) VALUES (@0, @1)', N'@0 nvarchar(255), @1 int', @0 = N'Knock knock', @1 = 420" end it 'return quoted table_name to #query_requires_identity_insert? when INSERT sql contains id column' do assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql) assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql_unquoted) assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql_unordered) assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql_sp) assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql_unquoted_sp) assert_equal 'funny_jokes', connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql_unordered_sp) end it 'return false to #query_requires_identity_insert? for normal SQL' do [basic_insert_sql, basic_update_sql, basic_select_sql].each do |sql| assert !connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,sql), "SQL was #{sql}" end end it 'find identity column using #identity_columns' do task_id_column = Task.columns_hash['id'] assert_equal, connection.send(:identity_columns, Task.table_name) assert_equal task_id_column.sql_type, connection.send(:identity_columns, Task.table_name).first.sql_type end it 'return an empty array when calling #identity_columns for a table_name with no identity' do connection.send(:identity_columns, Subscriber.table_name).must_equal [] end end describe 'quoting' do it 'return 1 for #quoted_true' do assert_equal '1', connection.quoted_true end it 'return 0 for #quoted_false' do assert_equal '0', connection.quoted_false end it 'not escape backslash characters like abstract adapter' do string_with_backslashs = "\\n" assert_equal string_with_backslashs, connection.quote_string(string_with_backslashs) end it 'quote column names with brackets' do assert_equal '[foo]', connection.quote_column_name(:foo) assert_equal '[foo]', connection.quote_column_name('foo') assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', connection.quote_column_name('') end it 'not quote already quoted column names with brackets' do assert_equal '[foo]', connection.quote_column_name('[foo]') assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', connection.quote_column_name('[foo].[bar]') end it 'quote table names like columns' do assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', connection.quote_column_name('') assert_equal '[foo].[bar].[baz]', connection.quote_column_name('') end it "surround string with national prefix" do assert_equal "N'foo'", connection.quote("foo") end it "escape all single quotes by repeating them" do assert_equal "N'''quotation''s'''", connection.quote("'quotation's'") end end describe 'disabling referential integrity' do before do connection.disable_referential_integrity { SSTestHasPk.delete_all; SSTestHasFk.delete_all } @parent = SSTestHasPk.create! @member = SSTestHasFk.create!(fk_id: end it 'NOT ALLOW by default the deletion of a referenced parent' do SSTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { } assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { @parent.destroy } end it 'ALLOW deletion of referenced parent using #disable_referential_integrity block' do SSTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { @parent.destroy } end it 'again NOT ALLOW deletion of referenced parent after #disable_referential_integrity block' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do SSTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { } @parent.destroy end end it 'not disable referential integrity for the same table twice' do tables = SSTestHasPk.connection.tables_with_referential_integrity assert_equal tables.size, tables.uniq.size end end describe 'database statements' do it "run the database consistency checker useroptions command" do skip 'on azure' if connection_sqlserver_azure? keys = [:textsize, :language, :isolation_level, :dateformat] user_options = connection.user_options keys.each do |key| msg = "Expected key:#{key} in user_options:#{user_options.inspect}" assert user_options.key?(key), msg end end it "return a underscored key hash with indifferent access of the results" do skip 'on azure' if connection_sqlserver_azure? user_options = connection.user_options assert_equal 'read committed', user_options['isolation_level'] assert_equal 'read committed', user_options[:isolation_level] end end describe 'schema statements' do it 'create integers when no limit supplied' do assert_equal 'integer', connection.type_to_sql(:integer) end it 'create integers when limit is 4' do assert_equal 'integer', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 4) end it 'create integers when limit is 3' do assert_equal 'integer', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 3) end it 'create smallints when limit is 2' do assert_equal 'smallint', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 2) end it 'create tinyints when limit is 1' do assert_equal 'tinyint', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 1) end it 'create bigints when limit is greateer than 4' do assert_equal 'bigint', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 5) assert_equal 'bigint', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 6) assert_equal 'bigint', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 7) assert_equal 'bigint', connection.type_to_sql(:integer, limit: 8) end it 'create floats when no limit supplied' do assert_equal 'float', connection.type_to_sql(:float) end end describe 'views' do # Using connection.views it 'return an array' do assert_instance_of Array, connection.views end it 'find SSTestCustomersView table name' do connection.views.must_include 'sst_customers_view' end it 'work with dynamic finders' do name = 'MetaSkills' customer = SSTestCustomersView.create! name: name assert_equal customer, SSTestCustomersView.find_by_name(name) end it 'not contain system views' do systables = ['sysconstraints','syssegments'] systables.each do |systable| assert !connection.views.include?(systable), "This systable #{systable} should not be in the views array." end end it 'allow the connection#view_information method to return meta data on the view' do view_info = connection.send(:view_information,'sst_customers_view') assert_equal('sst_customers_view', view_info['TABLE_NAME']) assert_match(/CREATE VIEW sst_customers_view/, view_info['VIEW_DEFINITION']) end it 'allow the connection#view_table_name method to return true table_name for the view' do assert_equal 'customers', connection.send(:view_table_name,'sst_customers_view') assert_equal 'topics', connection.send(:view_table_name,'topics'), 'No view here, the same table name should come back.' end # With same column names it 'have matching column objects' do columns = ['id','name','balance'] assert !SSTestCustomersView.columns.blank? assert_equal columns.size, SSTestCustomersView.columns.size columns.each do |colname| assert_instance_of ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerColumn, SSTestCustomersView.columns_hash[colname], "Column name #{colname.inspect} was not found in these columns #{}" end end it 'find identity column' do SSTestCustomersView.primary_key.must_equal 'id' connection.primary_key(SSTestCustomersView.table_name).must_equal 'id' SSTestCustomersView.columns_hash['id'].must_be :is_identity? end it 'find default values' do assert_equal 0, end it 'respond true to data_source_exists?' do assert SSTestCustomersView.connection.data_source_exists?(SSTestCustomersView.table_name) end # With aliased column names it 'have matching column objects' do columns = ['id','pretend_null'] assert !SSTestStringDefaultsView.columns.blank? assert_equal columns.size, SSTestStringDefaultsView.columns.size columns.each do |colname| assert_instance_of ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerColumn, SSTestStringDefaultsView.columns_hash[colname], "Column name #{colname.inspect} was not found in these columns #{}" end end it 'find identity column' do SSTestStringDefaultsView.primary_key.must_equal 'id' connection.primary_key(SSTestStringDefaultsView.table_name).must_equal 'id' SSTestStringDefaultsView.columns_hash['id'].must_be :is_identity? end it 'find default values' do assert_equal 'null',, SSTestStringDefaultsView.columns_hash['pretend_null'].inspect end it 'respond true to data_source_exists?' do assert SSTestStringDefaultsView.connection.data_source_exists?(SSTestStringDefaultsView.table_name) end # That have more than 4000 chars for their defintion it 'cope with null returned for the defintion' do assert_nothing_raised() { SSTestStringDefaultsBigView.columns } end it 'using alternate view defintion still be able to find real default' do assert_equal 'null',, SSTestStringDefaultsBigView.columns_hash['pretend_null'].inspect end end describe 'database_prefix_remote_server?' do after do connection_options.delete(:database_prefix) end it 'returns false if database_prefix is not configured' do assert_equal false, connection.database_prefix_remote_server? end it 'returns true if database_prefix has been set' do connection_options[:database_prefix] = "server.database.schema." assert_equal true, connection.database_prefix_remote_server? end it 'returns false if database_prefix has been set incorrectly' do connection_options[:database_prefix] = "server.database.schema" assert_equal false, connection.database_prefix_remote_server? end end it 'in_memory_oltp' do if ENV['IN_MEMORY_OLTP'] && connection.supports_in_memory_oltp? SSTMemory.primary_key.must_equal 'id' SSTMemory.columns_hash['id'].must_be :is_identity? else skip 'supports_in_memory_oltp? => false' end end end