module DocumentsHelper FORMATS = ["msword","","msexcel","rar","zip","mp3","plain","pdf"] #size can be any of the names that the document has size for def thumb_for(document, size) image_tag document.thumb(size, self) end def thumb_file_for(document, size) document.thumb(size, self) end def image_tag_for (document) image_tag download_document_path document, :id => dom_id(document) + "_img" end def link_for_wall(document) format = Mime::Type.lookup(document.file_content_type) polymorphic_path(document, :format => format, :style => 'thumb0') end def show_view_for(document) render :partial => document.class.to_s.pluralize.downcase + '/' + document.class.to_s.downcase + "_show", :locals => {document.class.to_s.downcase.to_sym => document} end end