def load_current_resource new_resource._lxc, :base_dir => node[:lxc][:container_directory], :dnsmasq_lease_file => node[:lxc][:dnsmasq_lease_file] ) # TODO: Use some actual logic here, sheesh if(new_resource.static_ip && new_resource.static_gateway.nil?) new_resource.static_gateway new_resource.static_ip.sub(/\d+$/, '1') end new_resource.default_bridge node[:lxc][:bridge] unless new_resource.default_bridge new_resource.new_container !new_resource._lxc.exists? end action :create do #### Add custom key for host based interactions lxc_dir = directory '/opt/hw-lxc-config' do action :nothing end lxc_dir.run_action(:create) lxc_key = execute "lxc host_ssh_key" do command "ssh-keygen -P '' -f /opt/hw-lxc-config/id_rsa" creates "/opt/hw-lxc-config/id_rsa" action :nothing end lxc_key.run_action(:run) #### Create container execute "lxc create[#{}]" do command "lxc-create -n #{} -t #{new_resource.template} -- #{new_resource.template_opts.to_a.flatten.join(' ')}" environment new_resource.create_environment only_if do !new_resource._lxc.exists? && new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end #### Create container configuration bits if(new_resource.default_config) lxc_config do action :create default_bridge new_resource.default_bridge static_ip new_resource.static_ip end end if(new_resource.default_fstab) lxc_fstab "proc[#{}]" do container file_system 'proc' mount_point 'proc' type 'proc' options %w(nodev noexec nosuid) end lxc_fstab "sysfs[#{}]" do container file_system 'sysfs' mount_point 'sys' type 'sysfs' options 'default' end end if(new_resource.static_ip) lxc_interface "eth0[#{}]" do container device 'eth0' address new_resource.static_ip netmask new_resource.static_netmask gateway new_resource.static_gateway end ruby_block "force container gateway[#{}]" do block do file = ::File.join( new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'rc.local' ) ) file.search_file_delete_line(%r{route add default gw}) file.search_file_replace( %r{exit 0$}, "route add default gw #{new_resource.static_gateway}\nexit 0" ) file.write_file end not_if "grep \"route add default gw #{new_resource.static_gateway}\" #{::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'rc.local')}" end end #### Ensure host has ssh access into container directory ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'root', '.ssh') file ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'root', '.ssh', 'authorized_keys') do content "# Chef generated key file\n#{'/opt/hw-lxc-config/')}\n" end if(new_resource.chef_enabled || !new_resource.container_commands.empty? || !new_resource.initialize_commands.empty?) if(new_resource.chef_enabled && new_resource.new_container) #### Use cached chef package from host if available if(%w(debian ubuntu).include?(new_resource.template) && system('ls /opt/chef*.deb 2>1 > /dev/null')) file_name ='/opt').detect do |item| item.start_with?('chef') && item.end_with?('.deb') end if(file_name) execute "lxc copy_chef_full[#{}]" do command "cp /opt/#{file_name} #{::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'opt')}" not_if do ::File.exists?( ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'opt', file_name) ) end end execute "lxc install_chef_full[#{}]" do action :nothing command "chroot #{new_resource._lxc.rootfs} dpkg -i #{::File.join('/opt', file_name)}" subscribes :run, resources(:execute => "lxc copy_chef_full[#{}]"), :immediately end @chef_installed = true end end # TODO: Add resources for RPM install #### Setup chef related bits within container directory ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef') do action :create mode 0755 end template "lxc chef-config[#{}]" do source 'client.rb.erb' cookbook 'lxc' path ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'client.rb') variables( :validation_client => new_resource.validation_client, :node_name => new_resource.node_name || "#{}-#{}", :server_uri => new_resource.server_uri, :chef_environment => new_resource.chef_environment || '_default' ) mode 0644 end file "lxc chef-validator[#{}]" do path ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'validator.pem') content new_resource.validator_pem || node[:lxc][:validator_pem] mode 0600 end file "lxc chef-runlist[#{}]" do path ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'first_run.json') content({:run_list => new_resource.run_list}.to_json) not_if do ::File.exists?( ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'client.pem') ) end mode 0644 end #### Provide data bag secret file if required if(new_resource.copy_data_bag_secret_file) if ::File.readable?(new_resource.data_bag_secret_file) file "lxc chef-data-bag-secret[#{}]" do path ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'encrypted_data_bag_secret') content, "rb").read mode 0600 end else Chef::Log.warn "Could not read #{new_resource.data_bag_secret_file}" end end end ruby_block "lxc start[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.start end only_if do ::File.exists?( ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'first_run.json') ) || (new_resource.new_container && new_resource.initialize_commands) end end if(new_resource.chef_enabled && new_resource.new_container) # Make sure we have chef in the container unless(@chef_installed) # Use remote file to remove curl dep remote_file "lxc chef_install_script[#{}]" do source "" path ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'opt', '') action :create_if_missing end ruby_block "lxc install_chef[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.container_command( "bash /opt/" ) end not_if do ::File.exists?( ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'usr', 'bin', 'chef-client') ) end end end #### Let chef configure the container ruby_block "lxc run_chef[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.container_command( "chef-client -K /etc/chef/validator.pem -c /etc/chef/client.rb -j /etc/chef/first_run.json", new_resource.chef_retries ) end not_if do ::File.exists?( ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'client.pem') ) end end end #### Have initialize commands for the container? Run them now if(new_resource.new_container && !new_resource.initialize_commands.empty?) ruby_block "lxc initialize_commands[#{}]" do block do new_resource.initialize_commands.each do |cmd| new_resource._lxc.container_command(cmd, 2) end end end end #### Have commands for the container? Run them now unless(new_resource.container_commands.empty?) ruby_block "lxc container_commands[#{}]" do block do new_resource.container_commands.each do |cmd| new_resource._lxc.container_command(cmd, 2) end end end end #### NOTE: Creation always leaves the container in a stopped state ruby_block "lxc shutdown[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.shutdown end only_if do new_resource.new_container end end #### Clean up after chef if it's enabled if(new_resource.chef_enabled) file ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'first_run.json') do action :delete end file ::File.join(new_resource._lxc.rootfs, 'etc', 'chef', 'validator.pem') do action :delete end end end end action :delete do ruby_block "lxc stop[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.stop end only_if do new_resource._lxc.running? end end execute "lxc delete[#{}]" do command "lxc-destroy -n #{}" only_if do new_resource._lxc.exists? && new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end end action :clone do execute "lxc clone[#{new_resource.base_container} -> #{}]" do command "lxc-clone -o #{new_resource.base_container} -n #{}" only_if do !new_resource._lxc.exists? && new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end end lxc_service "lxc config_restart[#{}]" do service_name action :nothing only_if do new_resource._lxc.running? end end lxc_config do config new_resource.config action :create notifies :restart, resources(:lxc_service => "lxc config_restart[#{}]"), :immediately end if(new_resource.chef_enabled) ruby_block "lxc start[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.start end action :nothing subscribes :create, resources(:execute => "lxc clone[#{new_resource.base_container} -> #{}]"), :immediately end ruby_block "lxc run_chef[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.container_command( "chef-client -K /etc/chef/validator.pem -c /etc/chef/client.rb -j /etc/chef/first_run.json", 3 ) end action :nothing subscribes :create, resources(:execute => "lxc clone[#{new_resource.base_container} -> #{}]"), :immediately end ruby_block "lxc shutdown[#{}]" do block do new_resource._lxc.shutdown end action :nothing subscribes :create, resources(:execute => "lxc clone[#{new_resource.base_container} -> #{}]"), :immediately end end end