require 'catarse_stripe/processors' require 'json' require 'stripe' module CatarseStripe::Payment class StripeController < ApplicationController skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, :only => [:notifications] skip_before_filter :detect_locale, :only => [:notifications, :connect] skip_before_filter :set_locale, :only => [:notifications, :connect] skip_before_filter :force_http SCOPE = "projects.backers.checkout" SCOPE = "users.projects" layout :false #TODO add auth code - replace omniauth def connect @user = current_user respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end #TODO add auth code - replace omniauth #def auth #if @user.stripe_key.present? #render :text => "You have already connected a Stripe account. Your Stripe Key is #{@user.stripe_key}." #end #end def review end def ipn backer = Backer.where(:payment_id => if backer notification ={ extra_data: JSON.parse(params.to_json.force_encoding(params['charset']).encode('utf-8')) })! backer.update_attribute :payment_service_fee => details.fee end return render status: 200, nothing: true rescue Stripe::CardError => e ::Airbrake.notify({ :error_class => "Stripe Notification Error", :error_message => "Stripe Notification Error: #{e.inspect}", :parameters => params}) rescue nil return render status: 200, nothing: true end def notifications backer = Backer.find params[:id] details = Stripe::Charge.retrieve( id: backer.payment_id ) if details.paid = true build_notification(backer, details) render status: 200, nothing: true else render status: 404, nothing: true end rescue Stripe::CardError => e ::Airbrake.notify({ :error_class => "Stripe Notification Error", :error_message => "Stripe Notification Error: #{e.inspect}", :parameters => params}) rescue nil render status: 404, nothing: true end def charge @backer = current_user.backs.find params[:id] access_token = @backer.project.stripe_access_token #Project Owner SECRET KEY respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end def pay @backer = current_user.backs.find params[:id] access_token = @backer.project.stripe_access_token #Project Owner SECRET KEY begin customer = Stripe::Customer.create( { email: @backer.payer_email, card: params[:stripeToken] }, access_token ) @backer.update_attributes(:payment_token => flash[:notice] = "Stripe Customer ID Saved!" response = Stripe::Charge.create( { #card: token, customer: @backer.payment_token, amount: @backer.price_in_cents, currency: 'usd', description: t('stripe_description', scope: SCOPE, :project_name =>, :value => @backer.display_value), application_fee: @backer.platform_fee.to_i }, access_token #ACCESS_TOKEN (Stripe Secret Key of Connected Project Owner NOT platform) ) @backer.update_attributes({ :payment_method => 'Stripe', :payment_token => response.customer, #Stripe Backer Customer_id :payment_id =>, #Stripe Backer Payment Id :confirmed => response.paid #Paid = True, Confirmed = true }) build_notification(@backer, response) redirect_to payment_success_stripe_url(id: rescue Stripe::CardError => e ::Airbrake.notify({ :error_class => "Stripe #Pay Error", :error_message => "Stripe #Pay Error: #{e.inspect}", :parameters => params}) rescue nil "-----> #{e.inspect}" flash[:error] = e.message return redirect_to main_app.new_project_backer_path(@backer.project) end end def success backer = current_user.backs.find params[:id] access_token = backer.project.stripe_access_token #Project Owner SECRET KEY begin details = Stripe::Charge.retrieve( { id: backer.payment_id }, access_token ) build_notification(backer, details) if backer.update_attribute :payment_id, end stripe_flash_success redirect_to main_app.thank_you_project_backer_path(project_id:, id: rescue Stripe::CardError => e ::Airbrake.notify({ :error_class => "Stripe Error", :error_message => "Stripe Error: #{e.message}", :parameters => params}) rescue nil "-----> #{e.inspect}" flash[:error] = e.message return redirect_to main_app.new_project_backer_path(backer.project) end end def cancel backer = current_user.backs.find params[:id] flash[:failure] = t('stripe_cancel', scope: SCOPE) redirect_to main_app.new_project_backer_path(backer.project) end private def build_notification(backer, data) processor = processor.process!(backer, data) end def stripe_flash_error flash[:failure] = t('stripe_error', scope: SCOPE) end def stripe_flash_success flash[:success] = t('success', scope: SCOPE) end def setup_gateway if ::Configuration[:stripe_api_key]# and ::Configuration[:stripe_secret_key] @@gateway ||={ :login => ::Configuration[:stripe_api_key] #:login => ::Configuration[:stripe_secret_key] }) else puts "[Stripe] API key is required to make requests to Stripe" end end end end