# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) describe "Alias" do start do site = setup_site template_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../fixtures/templates/aliases")) let(:template_root) { template_root } site.paths.add(:templates, template_root) renderer = S::Output::Template::Renderer.new(false) S::Output.renderer = renderer Content.delete Page.field :title Page.box :box1 Page.box :box2 class ::A < ::Piece field :a_field1 field :a_field2 field :image, :image style :a_style def alias_title a_field1.value end end class ::AA < ::A field :aa_field1 style :aa_style end class ::AAA < ::AA field :aaa_field1 end class ::B < ::Page field :b_field1 layout :b end class ::BB < ::B field :bb_field1 box :box1 end class ::AAlias < ::Piece alias_of :A field :a_alias_field1 style :a_alias_style end class ::AAAlias < ::Piece alias_of :AA end class ::AAAAlias < ::Piece alias_of :AAA end class ::BAlias < ::Page alias_of :B box :box1 end class ::BBAlias < ::Piece alias_of :BB end class ::MultipleAlias < ::Piece alias_of :AA, :B end class ::ProcAlias < ::Piece alias_of proc { Content.root.children } end root = ::Page.create aliases = ::Page.create(:slug => "aliases").reload root.box1 << aliases a = A.create(:a_field1 => "@a.a_field1").reload aa = AA.create.reload aaa1 = AAA.create(:aaa_field1 => "aaa1").reload aaa2 = AAA.create.reload b = B.new(:slug => "b") root.box1 << b bb = BB.new(:slug => "bb", :bb_field1 => "BB") root.box1 << bb root.save.reload let(:root) { root } let(:aliases) { aliases } let(:a) { a } let(:aa) { aa } let(:aaa1) { aaa1 } let(:aaa2) { aaa2 } let(:b) { b } let(:bb) { bb } end finish do [:A, :AA, :AAA, :B, :BB, :AAlias, :AAAlias, :AAAAlias, :BBAlias, :BAlias, :MultipleAlias, :ProcAlias].each do |c| Object.send(:remove_const, c) rescue nil end Content.delete teardown_site end def assert_same_content(c1, c2) assert_equal c2.length, c1.length c1 = c1.dup.sort { |a, b| a.id <=> b.id } c2 = c2.dup.sort { |a, b| a.id <=> b.id } c1.each_with_index do |a, i| b = c2[i] assert_equal b.id, a.id assert_equal b.class, a.class end end before do end after do end describe "All alias" do describe "class methods" do it "provide a list of available instances that includes all subclasses" do assert_same_content AAlias.targets, [a, aa, aaa1, aaa2] assert_same_content AAAlias.targets, [aa, aaa1, aaa2] assert_same_content AAAAlias.targets, [aaa1, aaa2] end it "use the first available string field as the alias title" do Piece.field :something target = Piece.new(:something => "something") target.alias_title.must_equal "something" end it "allow aliasing multiple classes" do assert_same_content MultipleAlias.targets, [aa, aaa1, aaa2, b, bb] end it "be creatable with a target" do instance = AAlias.create(:target => a).reload instance.target.must_equal a a.reload.aliases.must_equal [instance] end it "have a back link in the target" do instance1 = AAlias.create(:target => a).reload instance2 = AAlias.create(:target => a).reload assert_same_content a.reload.aliases, [instance1, instance2] end it "accept a proc that returns an array as a target list generator" do assert_same_content ProcAlias.targets, root.children end describe "with container options" do before do @page = ::Page.new(:uid => "thepage") 4.times { |n| @page.box1 << A.new @page.box1 << AA.new @page.box2 << A.new @page.box2 << AA.new } @page = @page.save.reload end after do Object.send(:remove_const, 'X') rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, 'XX') rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, 'XXX') rescue nil end it "allow for selecting only content from within one box" do class ::X < ::Piece alias_of :A, :container => Proc.new { S::Site['$thepage'].box1 } end class ::XX < ::Piece alias_of :AA, :container => Proc.new { S::Site['$thepage'].box1 } end targets = lambda { |a, target| [(a.targets), @page.box1.select { |p| target === p }].map { |a| Set.new(a) } } expected, actual = targets.call(X, A) actual.must_equal expected expected, actual = targets.call(XX, AA) actual.must_equal expected end it "allow for selecting only content from a range of boxes" do class ::X < ::Piece alias_of :A, :container => Proc.new { [S::Site['$thepage'].box1, S::Site['$thepage'].box2] } end class ::XX < ::Piece alias_of :AA, :container => Proc.new { [S::Site['$thepage'].box1, S::Site['$thepage'].box2] } end assert_same_content X.targets, @page.box1.select { |p| A === p } + @page.box2.select { |p| A === p } assert_same_content XX.targets, @page.box1.select { |p| AA === p } + @page.box2.select { |p| AA === p } end it "allow for selecting only content from within one page" do class ::X < ::Piece alias_of :A, :container => Proc.new { S::Site['$thepage'] } end class ::XX < ::Piece alias_of :AA, :container => Proc.new { S::Site['$thepage'] } end assert_same_content X.targets, @page.content.select { |p| A === p } assert_same_content XX.targets, @page.content.select { |p| AA === p } end it "allow for selecting only content from a range of pages & boxes" do page2 = ::Page.new(:uid => "thepage2") 4.times { |n| page2.box1 << A.new page2.box1 << AA.new page2.box2 << A.new page2.box2 << AA.new } page2.save.reload class ::X < ::Piece alias_of :A, :AA, :container => Proc.new { [S::Site['$thepage'].box1, S::Site['$thepage2']] } end class ::XX < ::Piece alias_of :AA, :container => Proc.new { [S::Site['$thepage'], S::Site['$thepage2'].box2] } end assert_same_content X.targets(@page, @page.box1), @page.box1.contents + page2.content assert_same_content XX.targets, @page.content.select { |p| AA === p } + page2.box2.select { |p| AA === p } end it "allow for selecting content only from the content of the owner of the box" do class ::X < ::Piece alias_of proc { |owner| owner.box1.contents } end class ::XX < ::Piece alias_of proc { |owner, box| box.contents } end class ::XXX < ::Piece alias_of :A, :container => proc { |owner, box| box } end assert_same_content X.targets(@page), @page.box1.contents assert_same_content XX.targets(@page, @page.box1), @page.box1.contents assert_same_content XX.targets(@page, @page.box2), @page.box2.contents assert_same_content XXX.targets(@page, @page.box1), @page.box1.contents.select { |p| A === p } end it "allow for filtering instances according to some arbitrary proc" do pieces = [@page.box1.entries.first, @page.box2.entries.first] _filter = lambda { |c| pieces.map(&:id).include?(c.id) } ::X = Class.new(::Piece) do alias_of :A, :filter => _filter end assert_same_content pieces, X.targets end it "allow for filtering instances according to current page content" do @page.box1 << AAA.create @page.box2 << AAA.create @page.save.reload allowable = AAA.all - @page.box1.contents ::X = Class.new(::Piece) do alias_of :AAA, :filter => proc { |choice, page, box| !box.include?(choice) } end assert_same_content allowable, X.targets(@page, @page.box1) end it "allow for ensuring the uniqueness of the entries" do aaa = AAA.all ::X = Class.new(::Piece) do alias_of :AAA, :unique => true end @page.box1 << aaa.first @page.save.reload assert_same_content [aaa.last], X.targets(@page, @page.box1) end it "allow for returning an arbitrary list of results generated by a proc" do results = [mock, mock, mock] ::X = Class.new(::Piece) do alias_of proc { results } end ::X.targets.must_equal results end end end describe "instances" do before do @a_alias = AAlias.create(:target => a).reload @aa_alias = AAAlias.create(:target => aa).reload @aaa_alias = AAAAlias.create(:target => aaa1).reload end it "have their own fields" do assert @a_alias.field?(:a_alias_field1) end it "provide access to their target" do @a_alias.target.must_equal a end # TODO it "reference the aliases fields before the targets" it "present their target's fields as their own" do assert @a_alias.field?(:a_field1) @a_alias.a_field1.value.must_equal a.a_field1.value end it "have access to their target's fields" do @a_alias.target.a_field1.value.must_equal a.a_field1.value end it "have their own styles" do assert_correct_template(@a_alias, template_root / 'a_alias/a_alias_style') end it "present their target's styles as their own" do @a_alias.style = :a_style assert_correct_template(@a_alias, template_root / 'a/a_style') end it "should use templates belonging to the alias class if they exist" do assert_correct_template(@aa_alias, template_root / 'aa_alias') end it "should fallback to the targets default style if no alias template is present" do assert_correct_template(@aaa_alias, aaa1.template) end # should "have an independent style setting" it "not delete their target when deleted" do @a_alias.destroy Content[a.id].must_equal a end it "be deleted when target deleted" do a.destroy Content[@a_alias.id].must_be_nil end it "include target values in serialisation" do @a_alias.export[:target].must_equal a.shallow_export(nil) end it "include alias title & icon in serialisation" do @a_alias.export[:alias_title].must_equal a.alias_title @a_alias.export[:alias_icon].must_equal a.alias_icon_field.export end end end describe "Aliases to custom models" do before do @target_id = target_id = 9999 @target = target = mock() @target.stubs(:id).returns(@target_id) @target.stubs(:title).returns("custom object") @custom_alias_class = Class.new(::Page) do alias_of proc { [target] }, :lookup => lambda { |id| return target if id == target_id nil }, :slug => lambda { |target| target.title.to_url } end end it "be creatable using a custom initializer" do a = @custom_alias_class.for_target(@target_id) a.target_id.must_equal @target_id a.target.must_equal @target end it "be able to provide a slug for pages" do a = @custom_alias_class.for_target(@target_id) a.target.must_equal @target a.slug.must_equal "custom-object" end it "ignore styles if object doesn't provide them" do a = @custom_alias_class.for_target(@target_id) a.style.template.call.must_equal Page.new.style.template.call end end describe "Piece aliases" do it "be allowed to target pages" do a = BBAlias.create(:target => bb) a.bb_field1.value.must_equal "BB" end it "not be loadable via their compound path when linked to a page" do a = BBAlias.create(:target => bb) aliases.box1 << a aliases.save Site["/aliases/bb"].must_be_nil end it "have their target's path attribute if they alias to a page type" do a = BBAlias.create(:target => bb) a.path.must_equal bb.path end end describe "Page aliases" do before do BAlias.instance_variable_set(:@layout_prototypes, nil) aliases.reload b.reload end it "be allowed to have piece classes as targets" do class ::CAlias < Page alias_of :AAA layout :c_alias end c = CAlias.new(:target => aaa1) c.render.must_equal "aaa1\n" end it "respond as a page" do a = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") assert a.page? end it "be discoverable via their compound path" do a = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << a aliases.save a.save a.reload a.path.must_equal "/aliases/b" Site["/aliases/balias"].must_be_nil Site["/aliases/b"].must_equal a end it "update their path if their target's slug changes" do al = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") bl = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << al al.box1 << bl aliases.save al.save al.reload al.path.must_equal "/aliases/b" bl.path.must_equal "/aliases/b/b" b.slug = "newb" b.save al.reload bl.reload al.path.must_equal "/aliases/newb" bl.path.must_equal "/aliases/newb/newb" end it "update their path if their parent's path changes" do al = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") bl = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << al al.box1 << bl aliases.save al.save al.reload al.path.must_equal "/aliases/b" bl.path.must_equal "/aliases/b/b" aliases.slug = "newaliases" aliases.save al.reload bl.reload al.path.must_equal "/newaliases/b" bl.path.must_equal "/newaliases/b/b" end it "show in the parent's list of children" do al = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << al aliases.save al.save al.reload aliases.reload aliases.children.must_equal [al] al.parent.must_equal aliases end it "render the using target's layout when accessed via the path and no local layouts defined" do al = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << al aliases.save al.reload al.render.must_equal b.render end it "render with locally defined style when available" do BAlias.layout :b_alias al = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << al aliases.save al.reload al.render.must_equal "alternate\n" end it "have access to their target's page styles" do BAlias.layout :b_alias a = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") aliases.box1 << a aliases.save a.reload a.layout = :b a.render.must_equal b.render end end describe "visibility" do it "be linked to the target's visibility" do a = BAlias.create(:target => b, :slug => "balias") b.hide! b.reload a.reload refute a.visible? end end end