module Zuora class ZObject < SimpleDelegator def initialize(attributes={}) super( do |zobject| attributes.each do |attr, value| zobject.send("#{attr}=", self.class.convert_date(value)) end end end def self.new_from_zobject(zobject) do |active_zobject| active_zobject.__setobj__(zobject) end end def to_zobject __getobj__ end def id end def type __getobj__.type end def ==(another) id == && another.respond_to?(:zobject_class) && zobject_class == another.zobject_class end def attributes do |hash| self.class.attribute_names.each do |attr| hash[attr] = __getobj__.send(attr) end end end # Any attributes that are Dates should be created as a # DateTime in the PST timezone. # Zuora doesn't actually use the time portion of any Datetime field. # All that matters is the date. def self.convert_date(value) if value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(DateTime) || value.is_a?(Time), value.month,, 0, 0, 0, "-0800") else value end end def destroy self.class.destroy(id) end def self.destroy(ids) self.client.delete(self.klass_name, [ids].flatten) end def self.create(attributes={}) self.client.create([]) end def self.update_attributes(attributes={}) self.client.update([]) end def self.zobject_class return @zobject_class if @zobject_class if ZUORA.const_defined?(self.klass_name) @zobject_class = ZUORA.const_get(self.klass_name) else @zobject_class = self.superclass.respond_to?(:zobject_class) ? self.superclass.zobject_class : ZUORA.const_missing(self.klass_name) end end def zobject_class self.class.zobject_class end def self.klass_name @klass_name ||= name.split("::").last end #TODO: This sucks attributes need to be clearly defined def self.attribute_names @attribute_names ||= zobject_class.instance_variable_get("@attributes") end def self.query_attribute_names(options={}) excluded_attributes = [] excluded_attributes.concat excluded_query_attributes unless options[:include_excluded] excluded_attributes.concat extra_attributes unless options[:include_extras] attribute_names - excluded_attributes end def self.exclude_query_attributes(*attributes) excluded_query_attributes.concat attributes end def self.excluded_query_attributes @excluded_query_attributes ||= [:fieldsToNull] end def self.extra_attributes(attributes=[]) attributes end def self.where(conditions={}, options={}) # You can give a hash or a string for the conditions conditions = build_filter_statments(conditions) if conditions.is_a? Hash query = "select #{self.query_attribute_names(options).join(", ")} from #{,"")} where #{conditions}" puts query if $DEBUG zobjects = self.client.query(query){|zobject| self.new_from_zobject zobject } end def self.build_filter_statments(filter_statments){|key, value| value = "'#{value}'" if value.kind_of?(String) value = "null" if value.nil? "#{key} = #{value}" }.join(" and ") end def self.find(id) nil unless valid_id(id) query = "select #{query_attribute_names(:include_extras => true).join(", ")} from #{,"")} where Id = '#{id}'" puts query if $DEBUG zobject = client.query(query).first new_from_zobject zobject if zobject end def self.valid_id(id) id.to_s.size == 32 && id.hex.to_s(16) == id end def self.all(options={}) zobjects = client.query("select #{query_attribute_names(options).join(", ")} from #{,"")}"){|zobject| self.new_from_zobject zobject } end def self.client return @client if @client && self.valid_session? @session_start_time = @client = end def self.valid_session? #session is valid if it has been running for less than 8 hours @session_start_time + 28800 > end end end