  "title":"ECMAScript 5",
  "description":"Full support for the ECMAScript 5 specification. Features include `Function.prototype.bind`, Array methods like `indexOf`, `forEach`, `map` & `filter`, Object methods like `defineProperty`, `create` & `keys`, the `trim` method on Strings and many more.",
      "title":"Detailed compatibility tables & tests"
      "title":"Overview of objects & properties"
      "title":"ES5 polyfill"
    "JS API"
      "8":"n #4",
      "9":"a #2",
      "4":"a #1",
      "5":"a #1",
      "6":"a #1",
      "7":"a #1",
      "8":"a #1",
      "9":"a #1",
      "10":"a #1",
      "11":"a #1",
      "12":"a #1",
      "13":"a #1",
      "14":"a #1",
      "15":"a #1",
      "16":"a #1",
      "17":"a #1",
      "18":"a #1",
      "19":"a #1",
      "20":"a #1",
      "19":"a #1",
      "20":"a #1",
      "21":"a #1",
      "22":"a #1",
      "12.1":"a #1",
      "5.0-8.0":"a #1"
      "4":"a #1 #2 #3",
      "4.1":"a #1",
      "4.2-4.3":"a #1",
      "12.1":"a #1",
  "notes":"As the specification includes many JavaScript features, un-numbered partial support varies widely and is shown in detail on the [ECMAScript 5 compatibilty tables](http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/) by Kangax.",
    "1":"Does not support `parseInt()` ignoring leading zeros. ",
    "2":"Does not support Strict mode",
    "3":"Does not support zero-width chars in identifiers & Immutable `undefined`",
    "4":"IE8 has virtually no ES5 support, but does support `Object.defineProperty`, `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, JSON parsing & Property access on strings"