# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # If you need to add anything in here, don't. # Add it to one of the files in spec/support # Configure this first so it doesn't trigger annoying warning when we use it. # Main rspec configuration comes later RSpec.configure do |config| config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true end # Abuse ruby's constant lookup to avoid undefined constant errors module Shell JUST_TESTING_MOVE_ALONG = true unless defined? JUST_TESTING_MOVE_ALONG IRB = nil unless defined? IRB end # Ruby 1.9 Compat $:.unshift File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__) require 'rubygems' require 'rspec/mocks' $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")) $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)) $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) if ENV["COVERAGE"] require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_filter "/spec/" add_group "Remote File", "remote_file" add_group "Resources", "/resource/" add_group "Providers", "/provider/" add_group "Knife", "knife" end end require 'chef' require 'chef/knife' Dir['lib/chef/knife/**/*.rb']. map {|f| f.gsub('lib/', '') }. map {|f| f.gsub(%r[\.rb$], '') }. each {|f| require f } require 'chef/mixins' require 'chef/dsl' require 'chef/application' require 'chef/applications' require 'chef/shell' require 'chef/util/file_edit' require 'chef/config' # If you want to load anything into the testing environment # without versioning it, add it to spec/support/local_gems.rb require 'spec/support/local_gems.rb' if File.exists?(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'support', 'local_gems.rb')) # Explicitly require spec helpers that need to load first require 'spec/support/platform_helpers' # Autoloads support files # Excludes support/platforms by default # Do not change the gsub. Dir["spec/support/**/*.rb"]. reject { |f| f =~ %r{^spec/support/platforms} }. map { |f| f.gsub(%r{.rb$}, '') }. map { |f| f.gsub(%r[spec/], '')}. each { |f| require f } OHAI_SYSTEM = Ohai::System.new OHAI_SYSTEM.all_plugins("platform") TEST_PLATFORM = OHAI_SYSTEM["platform"].dup.freeze TEST_PLATFORM_VERSION = OHAI_SYSTEM["platform_version"].dup.freeze RSpec.configure do |config| config.include(Matchers) config.filter_run :focus => true config.filter_run_excluding :external => true # Tests that randomly fail, but may have value. config.filter_run_excluding :volatile => true # Add jruby filters here config.filter_run_excluding :windows_only => true unless windows? config.filter_run_excluding :not_supported_on_mac_osx_106 => true if mac_osx_106? config.filter_run_excluding :not_supported_on_win2k3 => true if windows_win2k3? config.filter_run_excluding :not_supported_on_solaris => true if solaris? config.filter_run_excluding :win2k3_only => true unless windows_win2k3? config.filter_run_excluding :windows64_only => true unless windows64? config.filter_run_excluding :windows32_only => true unless windows32? config.filter_run_excluding :windows_domain_joined_only => true unless windows_domain_joined? config.filter_run_excluding :solaris_only => true unless solaris? config.filter_run_excluding :system_windows_service_gem_only => true unless system_windows_service_gem? config.filter_run_excluding :unix_only => true unless unix? config.filter_run_excluding :supports_cloexec => true unless supports_cloexec? config.filter_run_excluding :selinux_only => true unless selinux_enabled? config.filter_run_excluding :ruby_18_only => true unless ruby_18? config.filter_run_excluding :ruby_19_only => true unless ruby_19? config.filter_run_excluding :ruby_gte_19_only => true unless ruby_gte_19? config.filter_run_excluding :ruby_20_only => true unless ruby_20? config.filter_run_excluding :ruby_gte_20_only => true unless ruby_gte_20? config.filter_run_excluding :requires_root => true unless root? config.filter_run_excluding :requires_root_or_running_windows => true unless (root? || windows?) config.filter_run_excluding :requires_unprivileged_user => true if root? config.filter_run_excluding :uses_diff => true unless has_diff? running_platform_arch = `uname -m`.strip config.filter_run_excluding :arch => lambda {|target_arch| running_platform_arch != target_arch } # Functional Resource tests that are provider-specific: # context "on platforms that use useradd", :provider => {:user => Chef::Provider::User::Useradd}} do #... config.filter_run_excluding :provider => lambda {|criteria| type, target_provider = criteria.first platform = TEST_PLATFORM.dup platform_version = TEST_PLATFORM_VERSION.dup begin provider_for_running_platform = Chef::Platform.find_provider(platform, platform_version, type) provider_for_running_platform != target_provider rescue ArgumentError # no provider for platform true end } config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true config.before(:each) do Chef::Config.reset end end require 'webrick/utils' # Webrick uses a centralized/synchronized timeout manager. It works by # starting a thread to check for timeouts on an interval. The timeout # checker thread cannot be stopped or canceled in any easy way, and it # makes calls to Time.new, which fail when rspec is in the process of # creating a method stub for that method. Since our tests don't rely on # any timeout behavior enforced by webrick, disable the timeout manager # via a monkey patch. # # Hopefully this fails loudly if the webrick code should change. As of this # writing, the relevant code is in webrick/utils, which can be located on # your system with: # # $ gem which webrick/utils module WEBrick module Utils class TimeoutHandler def initialize @timeout_info = Hash.new end end end end