# lang_ca.rb # Catalan translation file. # Translation by Andrés Cirugeda andres.cirugeda(at)gmail.com module LocalizationSimplified About = { :lang => "ca", :updated => "2007-02-01" } class ActiveRecord # ErrorMessages to override default messages in # +ActiveRecord::Errors::@@default_error_messages+ # This plugin also replaces hardcoded 3 text messages # :error_translation is inflected using the Rails # inflector. # # Remember to modify the Inflector with your localized translation # of "error" and "errors" in the bottom of this file # ErrorMessages = { :inclusion => "no està inclós a la llista", :exclusion => "està reservat", :invalid => "no és vàlid", :confirmation => "no coincideix amb la confirmació", :accepted => "ha de ser acceptat", :empty => "no pot ser buit", :blank => "no pot estar en blanc",# alternate formulation: "is required" :too_long => "és massa llarg (el màxim és %d caracters)", :too_short => "és massa curt (el mínim és %d caracters)", :wrong_length => "no té la llàrgaria correcta (hauria de ser de %d caracters)", :taken => "ja està ocupat", :not_a_number => "no és un nombre", #Jespers additions: :error_translation => "error", :error_header => "%s no permet guardar %s", :error_subheader => "Hi ha hagut problemes amb els següents camp:" } end # Texts to override +distance_of_time_in_words()+ class DateHelper Texts = { :less_than_x_seconds => "menys de %d segons", :half_a_minute => "mig minut", :less_than_a_minute => "menys d'un minut", :one_minute => "1 minut", :x_minutes => "%d minuts", :one_hour => "al voltant d'una hora", :x_hours => "al voltant de %d hores", :one_day => "un dia", :x_days => "%d dies", :one_month => "1 mes", :x_months => "%d mesos", :one_year => "1 any", :x_years => "%d anys" } # Rails uses Month names in Date and time select boxes # (+date_select+ and +datetime_select+ ) # Currently (as of version 1.1.6), Rails doesn't use daynames Monthnames = [nil] + %w{gener febrer març abril maig juny juliol agost setembre octubre novembre desembre} AbbrMonthnames = [nil] + %w{gen feb mar abr mai jun jul ago set oct nov des} Daynames = %w{diumenge dilluns dimarts dimecres dijous divendres dissabte} AbbrDaynames = %w{dmg dll dmt dmc djs dvn dsb} # Date and time format syntax explained in http://www.rubycentral.com/ref/ref_c_time.html#strftime # These are sent to strftime that Ruby's date and time handlers use internally # Same options as php (that has a better list: http://www.php.net/strftime ) DateFormats = { :default => "%Y-%m-%d", :short => "%b %e", :long => "%B %e, %Y" } TimeFormats = { :default => "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", :short => "%d %b %H:%M", :long => "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" } # Set the order of +date_select+ and +datetime_select+ boxes # Note that at present, the current Rails version only supports ordering of date_select boxes DateSelectOrder = { :order => [:day, :month, :year] #default Rails is US ordered: :order => [:year, :month, :day] } end class NumberHelper # CurrencyOptions are used as default for +Number#to_currency()+ # http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/NumberHelper.html#M000449 CurrencyOptions = { :unit => "€", :separator => ",", #unit separator (between integer part and fraction part) :delimiter => ".", #delimiter between each group of thousands. Example: 1.234.567 :order => [:unit, :number] #order is at present unsupported in Rails } end class ArrayHelper # Modifies +Array#to_sentence()+ # http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/CoreExtensions/Array/Conversions.html#M000274 ToSentenceTexts = { :connector => 'i', :skip_last_comma => true } end end # Use the inflector below to pluralize "error" from # @@default_error_messages[:error_translation] above (if necessary) # Inflector.inflections do |inflect| # inflect.plural /^(error)$/i, '\1s' # end