### Copyright 2017 Pixar

###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
###    compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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###    language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

module JSS

 ### This module provides two methods for building very simple Casper-happy .pkg and .dmg packages for deployment.
 ### Unlike Composer.app from JAMF, this module currently doesn't offer a way to do a before/after disk scan
 ### and use the differences to build the root folder from which the package is built. Nor does the module support
 ### editing the pre/post install scripts in .pkgs.
 ### The 'root folder', a folder representing the root filesystem of the target machine where the package will be installed,
 ### must already exist and be fully populated and with correct permissions.
 module Composer

  ### Constants

  ### the apple pkgutil tool
  PKG_UTIL = Pathname.new "/usr/sbin/pkgutil"

  ### The location of the cli tool for making .pkgs
  PKGBUILD = Pathname.new "/usr/bin/pkgbuild"

  ### the default bundle identifier prefix for pkgs
  PKG_BUNDLE_ID_PFX = 'jss_gem_composer'

  ### Apple's hdiutil for making dmgs
  HDI_UTIL= '/usr/bin/hdiutil'

  ### Where to save the output ?
  DEFAULT_OUT_DIR = Pathname.new "/Users/Shared"

  ### Make a casper-happy .pkg out of a root folder, permissions are assumed to be correct.
  ### @param name[String] the name of the .pkg. The .pkg suffix will be added if not present
  ### @param version[String] the version of the .pkg, needed for building the .pkg
  ### @param root[String, Pathname] the path to the "root folder" representing
  ###   the root file system of the target install drive
  ### @param opts[Hash] the options for building the .pkg
  ### @options opts :pkg_id[String] the full package if for the new pkg.
  ###   e.g. 'com.mycompany.myapp'
  ### @option opts :bundle_id_prefix[String] the pkg bundle identifier prefix.
  ###   If no :pkg_id is provided, one is made using this prefix and
  ###   the name provided. e.g. 'com.mycompany'
  ###   Defaults to '{PKG_BUNDLE_ID_PFX}'. See 'man pkgbuild' for more info
  ### @option opts :out_dir[String,Pathname] he folder in which the .pkg will be
  ###   created. Defaults to {DEFAULT_OUT_DIR}
  ### @option opts :preserve_ownership[Boolean] If true, the owner/group of the
  ###   rootpath are preserved.
  ###   Default is false: they become the pkgbuild/installer "recommended"
  ###   (root/wheel or root/admin)
  ### @option opts :signing_identity[String] the name of the signing identity to
  ###   use for signing the pkg. See `man pkgbuild` for details
  ### @option opts :keychain[String,Pathname] the path to the keychain
  ###   containing the  the signing identity. See `man pkgbuild` for details
  ### @option opts :certs[String,Array<String>] the Common Name(s) of additional
  ###   certificates to include when signing the pkg. See `man pkgbuild` for
  ###   details
  ### @option opts :include_timestamp[Boolean] should a trusted timestamp be
  ###   included when signing the pkg. See `man pkgbuild` for details.
  ###   Default depends on the situation, but true is the same as using
  ###   --timestamp with pkgbuild, and false is --timestamp=none
  ### @return [Pathname] the local path to the new .pkg
  def self.mk_pkg(name, version, root, opts = {})
    raise NoSuchItemError, "Missing pkgbuild tool. Please make sure you're running 10.8 or later." unless PKGBUILD.executable?

    opts[:out_dir] ||= DEFAULT_OUT_DIR
    opts[:bundle_id_prefix] ||= PKG_BUNDLE_ID_PFX

    pkg_filename = name.end_with?(".pkg") ? name : name+".pkg"
    pkg_id = opts[:pkg_id]
    pkg_id ||= opts[:bundle_id_prefix] + "." + name
    pkg_out = "#{opts[:out_dir]}/#{pkg_filename}"
    pkg_ownership = opts[:preserve_ownership] ? "preserve" : "recommended"

    if opts[:signing_identity]
      signing = "--sign #{Shellwords.escape opts[:signing_identity]}"
      signing << " --keychain #{Shellwords.escape opts[:keychain].to_s}" if opts[:keychain]
      signing << ' --timestamp' if opts[:include_timestamp]
      signing << ' --timestamp=none' if opts[:include_timestamp] == false
      case opts[:certs]
      when Array
        opts[:certs].each { |c| signing << " --cert #{Shellwords.escape c}" }
      when String
        signing << " --cert #{Shellwords.escape opts[:certs]}"
      end # case
      signing = ''
    end # if opts[:signing_identity]

    ### first, run 'analyze' to get a 'component plist' in which we can change some settings
    ### for any bundles in the root (bundles like .apps, frameworks, plugins, etc..)
    ### we edit the settings thus:
    ### BundleOverwriteAction = upgrade, totally replace any version current on disk
    ### BundleIsVersionChecked = false, allow us to install regardless of what version is currently installed
    ### BundleIsRelocatable = false,  if there's a version of this in some other location, Do Not move this one there after installation
    ### BundleHasStrictIdentifier = false, don't care if there's something at the install path with a different bundle id.
    ### In other words, just install the thing!
    ### (see 'man pkgbuild' for more info)
    comp_plist_out = Pathname.new "/tmp/#{PKG_BUNDLE_ID_PFX}-#{pkg_filename}.plist"
    system "#{PKGBUILD} --analyze --root '#{root}' '#{comp_plist_out}'"
    comp_plist = Plist.parse_xml comp_plist_out.read

    ### if the plist is empty, there are no bundles in the pkg
    if comp_plist[0].nil?
      comp_plist_arg = ''
      ### otherwise, edit the bundle dictionaries
      comp_plist.each do |bndl|
        bndl.delete "ChildBundles" if bndl["ChildBundles"]
        bndl["BundleOverwriteAction"] = "upgrade"
        bndl["BundleIsVersionChecked"] = false
        bndl["BundleIsRelocatable"] = false
        bndl["BundleHasStrictIdentifier"] = false
      ### write out the edits
      comp_plist_out.open('w'){|f| f.write comp_plist.to_plist}
      comp_plist_arg = "--component-plist '#{comp_plist_out}'"

    ### now build the pkg
      it_built = system "#{PKGBUILD} --identifier '#{pkg_id}' --version '#{version}' --ownership #{pkg_ownership} --install-location / --root '#{root}' #{signing} #{comp_plist_arg} '#{pkg_out}' "

      raise RuntimeError, "There was an error building the .pkg" unless it_built
      comp_plist_out.delete if comp_plist_out.exist?

    return Pathname.new pkg_out
  end # mk_dot_pkg

  ### Make a casper-happy .dmg out of a root folder, permissions are assumed to be correct.
  ### @param name[String] The name of the .dmg, the suffix will be added if needed
  ### @param root[String, Pathname]  the path to the "root folder" representing the root file system of the target install drive
  ### @param out_dir[String, Pathname] the folder in which the .pkg will be created. Defaults to {DEFAULT_OUT_DIR}
  ### @return [Pathname] the local path to the new .dmg
  def self.mk_dmg(name, root, out_dir = DEFAULT_OUT_DIR)

    dmg_filename = "#{name}.dmg"
    dmg_vol = name
    dmg_out = Pathname.new "#{out_dir}/#{dmg_filename}"
    if dmg_out.exist?
      mv_to = dmg_out.dirname + "#{dmg_out.basename}.#{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}"
      dmg_out.rename mv_to
    end # if dmg out exist

    ### TODO - this may need to be sudo'd to handle proper internal permissions.
    system "#{HDI_UTIL} create -volname '#{dmg_vol}' -scrub -srcfolder '#{root}' '#{dmg_out}'"

    raise RuntimeError, "There was an error building the .dmg" unless $?.exitstatus == 0
    return Pathname.new dmg_out

  end # mk_dmg

 end # module Composer
end # module JSS