require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper') class BaseClass include Biggs Biggs::Formatter::FIELDS.each do |field| define_method(field) do field == :country ? "us" : field.to_s.upcase end end end class FooBarEmpty < BaseClass;end class FooBar < BaseClass biggs :postal_address end class FooBarCustomFields < BaseClass biggs :postal_address, :country => :my_custom_country_method, :city => :my_custom_city_method def my_custom_country_method "de" end def my_custom_city_method "Hamburg" end end class FooBarCustomBlankDECountry < BaseClass biggs :postal_address, :blank_country_on => "de" def country "DE" end end class FooBarCustomMethod < BaseClass biggs :my_postal_address_method end class FooBarCustomProc < BaseClass biggs :postal_address, :country => {|it| it.method_accessed_from_proc + "XX"}, :state => {|it| it.state.downcase } def method_accessed_from_proc "DE" end end class FooBarCustomArray < BaseClass biggs :postal_address, :street => [:address_1, :address_empty, :address_nil, :address_2] def address_1 "Address line 1" end def address_2 "Address line 2" end def address_empty "" end def address_nil nil end end class FooBarMultiple < BaseClass biggs :postal_address_one biggs :postal_address_two, country: false, recipient: false end describe "Extended Class" do it "should include Biggs::Concern" do FooBar.included_modules.should be_include(Biggs::Concern) end it "should set class value biggs_config" do FooBar.class_eval("biggs_config").should be_is_a(Hash) end it "should respond to biggs" do FooBar.should be_respond_to(:biggs) end end describe "Extended Class Instance" do describe "Empty" do it "should not have postal_address method" do be_respond_to(:postal_address) end end describe "Standard" do it "should have postal_address method" do be_respond_to(:postal_address) end it "should return postal_address on postal_address" do eql("RECIPIENT\nSTREET\nCITY STATE ZIP\nUnited States of America") end end describe "Customized Fields" do it "should return address from custom fields on postal_address" do eql("RECIPIENT\nSTREET\nZIP Hamburg\nGermany") end end describe "Customized Blank DE Country" do it "should return address wo country on postal_address" do eql("RECIPIENT\nSTREET\nZIP CITY") end end describe "Customized Method name" do it "should have my_postal_address_method" do be_respond_to(:my_postal_address_method) end it "should return formatted address on my_postal_address_method" do eql("RECIPIENT\nSTREET\nCITY STATE ZIP\nUnited States of America") end end describe "Customized Proc as Param" do it "should return formatted address for unknown-country DEXX" do eql("RECIPIENT\nSTREET\nCITY state ZIP\ndexx") end end describe "Customized array of symbols" do it "should return formatted address with two lines for street" do eql("RECIPIENT\nAddress line 1\nAddress line 2\nCITY STATE ZIP\nUnited States of America") end end describe "Multiple" do it "should return postal_address on postal_address_one" do eql("RECIPIENT\nSTREET\nCITY STATE ZIP\nUnited States of America") end it "should return postal_address with alt country on postal_address_two" do eql("STREET\nCITY STATE ZIP") end end end