# # Ruby implementation of the Double Metaphone algorithm by Lawrence Philips, # originally published in the June 2000 issue of C/C++ Users Journal. # # Based on Stephen Woodbridge's PHP version - http://swoodbridge.com/DoubleMetaPhone/ # # Author: Tim Fletcher (twoggle@gmail.com) # module Text # :nodoc: module Metaphone # Returns the primary and secondary double metaphone tokens # (the secondary will be nil if equal to the primary). def double_metaphone(str) primary, secondary, current = [], [], 0 original, length, last = "#{str} ".upcase, str.length, str.length - 1 if /^GN|KN|PN|WR|PS$/ =~ original[0, 2] current += 1 end if 'X' == original[0, 1] primary << :S secondary << :S current += 1 end while primary.length < 4 || secondary.length < 4 break if current > str.length a, b, c = double_metaphone_lookup(original, current, length, last) primary << a if a secondary << b if b current += c if c end primary, secondary = primary.to_s[0, 4], secondary.to_s[0, 4] return primary, (primary == secondary ? nil : secondary) end private def slavo_germanic?(str) /W|K|CZ|WITZ/ =~ str end def vowel?(str) /^A|E|I|O|U|Y$/ =~ str end def double_metaphone_lookup(str, pos, length, last) case str[pos, 1] when /^A|E|I|O|U|Y$/ if 0 == pos return :A, :A, 1 else return nil, nil, 1 end when 'B' return :P, :P, ('B' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) when 'Ç' return :S, :S, 1 when 'C' if pos > 1 && !vowel?(str[pos - 2, 1]) && 'ACH' == str[pos - 1, 3] && str[pos + 2, 1] != 'I' && ( str[pos + 2, 1] != 'E' || str[pos - 2, 6] =~ /^(B|M)ACHER$/ ) then return :K, :K, 2 elsif 0 == pos && 'CAESAR' == str[pos, 6] return :S, :S, 2 elsif 'CHIA' == str[pos, 4] return :K, :K, 2 elsif 'CH' == str[pos, 2] if pos > 0 && 'CHAE' == str[pos, 4] return :K, :X, 2 elsif 0 == pos && ( ['HARAC', 'HARIS'].include?(str[pos + 1, 5]) || ['HOR', 'HYM', 'HIA', 'HEM'].include?(str[pos + 1, 3]) ) && str[0, 5] != 'CHORE' then return :K, :K, 2 elsif ['VAN ','VON '].include?(str[0, 4]) || 'SCH' == str[0, 3] || ['ORCHES','ARCHIT','ORCHID'].include?(str[pos - 2, 6]) || ['T','S'].include?(str[pos + 2, 1]) || ( ((0 == pos) || ['A','O','U','E'].include?(str[pos - 1, 1])) && ['L','R','N','M','B','H','F','V','W',' '].include?(str[pos + 2, 1]) ) then return :K, :K, 2 elsif pos > 0 return ('MC' == str[0, 2] ? 'K' : 'X'), 'K', 2 else return :X, :X, 2 end elsif 'CZ' == str[pos, 2] && 'WICZ' != str[pos - 2, 4] return :S, :X, 2 elsif 'CIA' == str[pos + 1, 3] return :X, :X, 3 elsif 'CC' == str[pos, 2] && !(1 == pos && 'M' == str[0, 1]) if /^I|E|H$/ =~ str[pos + 2, 1] && 'HU' != str[pos + 2, 2] if (1 == pos && 'A' == str[pos - 1, 1]) || /^UCCE(E|S)$/ =~ str[pos - 1, 5] then return :KS, :KS, 3 else return :X, :X, 3 end else return :K, :K, 2 end elsif /^C(K|G|Q)$/ =~ str[pos, 2] return :K, :K, 2 elsif /^C(I|E|Y)$/ =~ str[pos, 2] return :S, (/^CI(O|E|A)$/ =~ str[pos, 3] ? :X : :S), 2 else if /^ (C|Q|G)$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 2] return :K, :K, 3 else return :K, :K, (/^C|K|Q$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] && !(['CE','CI'].include?(str[pos + 1, 2])) ? 2 : 1) end end when 'D' if 'DG' == str[pos, 2] if /^I|E|Y$/ =~ str[pos + 2, 1] return :J, :J, 3 else return :TK, :TK, 2 end else return :T, :T, (/^D(T|D)$/ =~ str[pos, 2] ? 2 : 1) end when 'F' return :F, :F, ('F' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) when 'G' if 'H' == str[pos + 1, 1] if pos > 0 && !vowel?(str[pos - 1, 1]) return :K, :K, 2 elsif 0 == pos if 'I' == str[pos + 2, 1] return :J, :J, 2 else return :K, :K, 2 end elsif (pos > 1 && /^B|H|D$/ =~ str[pos - 2, 1]) || (pos > 2 && /^B|H|D$/ =~ str[pos - 3, 1]) || (pos > 3 && /^B|H$/ =~ str[pos - 4, 1]) return nil, nil, 2 else if (pos > 2 && 'U' == str[pos - 1, 1] && /^C|G|L|R|T$/ =~ str[pos - 3, 1]) return :F, :F, 2 elsif pos > 0 && 'I' != str[pos - 1, 1] return :K, :K, 2 else return nil, nil, 2 end end elsif 'N' == str[pos + 1, 1] if 1 == pos && vowel?(str[0, 1]) && !slavo_germanic?(str) return :KN, :N, 2 else if 'EY' != str[pos + 2, 2] && 'Y' != str[pos + 1, 1] && !slavo_germanic?(str) return :N, :KN, 2 else return :KN, :KN, 2 end end elsif 'LI' == str[pos + 1, 2] && !slavo_germanic?(str) return :KL, :L, 2 elsif 0 == pos && ('Y' == str[pos + 1, 1] || /^(E(S|P|B|L|Y|I|R)|I(B|L|N|E))$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 2]) return :K, :J, 2 elsif (('ER' == str[pos + 1, 2] || 'Y' == str[pos + 1, 1]) && /^(D|R|M)ANGER$/ !~ str[0, 6] && /^E|I$/ !~ str[pos - 1, 1] && /^(R|O)GY$/ !~ str[pos - 1, 3]) return :K, :J, 2 elsif /^E|I|Y$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] || /^(A|O)GGI$/ =~ str[pos - 1, 4] if (/^V(A|O)N $/ =~ str[0, 4] || 'SCH' == str[0, 3]) || 'ET' == str[pos + 1, 2] return :K, :K, 2 else if 'IER ' == str[pos + 1, 4] return :J, :J, 2 else return :J, :K, 2 end end elsif 'G' == str[pos + 1, 1] return :K, :K, 2 else return :K, :K, 1 end when 'H' if (0 == pos || vowel?(str[pos - 1, 1])) && vowel?(str[pos + 1, 1]) return :H, :H, 2 else return nil, nil, 1 end when 'J' if 'JOSE' == str[pos, 4] || 'SAN ' == str[0, 4] if (0 == pos && ' ' == str[pos + 4, 1]) || 'SAN ' == str[0, 4] return :H, :H, 1 else return :J, :H, 1 end else current = ('J' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) if 0 == pos && 'JOSE' != str[pos, 4] return :J, :A, current else if vowel?(str[pos - 1, 1]) && !slavo_germanic?(str) && /^A|O$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] return :J, :H, current else if last == pos return :J, nil, current else if /^L|T|K|S|N|M|B|Z$/ !~ str[pos + 1, 1] && /^S|K|L$/ !~ str[pos - 1, 1] return :J, :J, current else return nil, nil, current end end end end end when 'K' return :K, :K, ('K' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) when 'L' if 'L' == str[pos + 1, 1] if (((length - 3) == pos && /^(ILL(O|A)|ALLE)$/ =~ str[pos - 1, 4]) || ((/^(A|O)S$/ =~ str[last - 1, 2] || /^A|O$/ =~ str[last, 1]) && 'ALLE' == str[pos - 1, 4])) return :L, nil, 2 else return :L, :L, 2 end else return :L, :L, 1 end when 'M' if ('UMB' == str[pos - 1, 3] && ((last - 1) == pos || 'ER' == str[pos + 2, 2])) || 'M' == str[pos + 1, 1] return :M, :M, 2 else return :M, :M, 1 end when 'N' return :N, :N, ('N' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) when 'Ñ' return :N, :N, 1 when 'P' if 'H' == str[pos + 1, 1] return :F, :F, 2 else return :P, :P, (/^P|B$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) end when 'Q' return :K, :K, ('Q' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) when 'R' current = ('R' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) if last == pos && !slavo_germanic?(str) && 'IE' == str[pos - 2, 2] && /^M(E|A)$/ !~ str[pos - 4, 2] return nil, :R, current else return :R, :R, current end when 'S' if /^(I|Y)SL$/ =~ str[pos - 1, 3] return nil, nil, 1 elsif 0 == pos && 'SUGAR' == str[pos, 5] return :X, :S, 1 elsif 'SH' == str[pos, 2] if /^H(EIM|OEK|OLM|OLZ)$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 4] return :S, :S, 2 else return :X, :X, 2 end elsif /^SI(O|A)$/ =~ str[pos, 3] || 'SIAN' == str[pos, 4] return :S, (slavo_germanic?(str) ? :S : :X), 3 elsif (0 == pos && /^M|N|L|W$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1]) || 'Z' == str[pos + 1, 1] return :S, :X, ('Z' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) elsif 'SC' == str[pos, 2] if 'H' == str[pos + 2, 1] if /^OO|ER|EN|UY|ED|EM$/ =~ str[pos + 3, 2] return (/^E(R|N)$/ =~ str[pos + 3, 2] ? :X : :SK), :SK, 3 else return :X, ((0 == pos && !vowel?(str[3, 1]) && ('W' != str[pos + 3, 1])) ? :S : :X), 3 end elsif /^I|E|Y$/ =~ str[pos + 2, 1] return :S, :S, 3 else return :SK, :SK, 3 end else return (last == pos && /^(A|O)I$/ =~ str[pos - 2, 2] ? nil : 'S'), 'S', (/^S|Z$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) end when 'T' if 'TION' == str[pos, 4] return :X, :X, 3 elsif /^T(IA|CH)$/ =~ str[pos, 3] return :X, :X, 3 elsif 'TH' == str[pos, 2] || 'TTH' == str[pos, 3] if /^(O|A)M$/ =~ str[pos + 2, 2] || /^V(A|O)N $/ =~ str[0, 4] || 'SCH' == str[0, 3] return :T, :T, 2 else return 0, :T, 2 end else return :T, :T, (/^T|D$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) end when 'V' return :F, :F, ('V' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) when 'W' if 'WR' == str[pos, 2] return :R, :R, 2 end pri, sec = nil, nil if 0 == pos && (vowel?(str[pos + 1, 1]) || 'WH' == str[pos, 2]) pri = :A sec = vowel?(str[pos + 1, 1]) ? :F : :A end if (last == pos && vowel?(str[pos - 1, 1])) || 'SCH' == str[0, 3] || /^EWSKI|EWSKY|OWSKI|OWSKY$/ =~ str[pos - 1, 5] return pri, "#{sec}F".intern, 1 elsif /^WI(C|T)Z$/ =~ str[pos, 4] return "#{pri}TS".intern, "#{sec}FX".intern, 4 else return pri, sec, 1 end when 'X' current = (/^C|X$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) if !(last == pos && (/^(I|E)AU$/ =~ str[pos - 3, 3] || /^(A|O)U$/ =~ str[pos - 2, 2])) return :KS, :KS, current else return nil, nil, current end when 'Z' if 'H' == str[pos + 1, 1] return :J, :J, 2 else current = ('Z' == str[pos + 1, 1] ? 2 : 1) if /^Z(O|I|A)$/ =~ str[pos + 1, 2] || (slavo_germanic?(str) && (pos > 0 && 'T' != str[pos - 1, 1])) return :S, :TS, current else return :S, :S, current end end else return nil, nil, 1 end end # def double_metaphone_lookup extend self end # module Metaphone end # module Text