module Bullet module Detector class Association < Base class < [:comments] } # the object_associations keep all associations that may be or may no be # unpreload associations or unused preload associations. def object_associations Thread.current[:bullet_object_associations] end # call_object_associations keep the object relationships # that object.associations is called. # e.g. { "Post:1" => [:comments] } # they are used to detect unused preload associations. def call_object_associations Thread.current[:bullet_call_object_associations] end # possible_objects keep the class to object relationships # that the objects may cause N+1 query. # e.g. { Post => ["Post:1", "Post:2"] } def possible_objects Thread.current[:bullet_possible_objects] end # impossible_objects keep the class to objects relationships # that the objects may not cause N+1 query. # e.g. { Post => ["Post:1", "Post:2"] } # Notice: impossible_objects are not accurate, # if find collection returns only one object, then the object is impossible object, # impossible_objects are used to avoid treating 1+1 query to N+1 query. def impossible_objects Thread.current[:bullet_impossible_objects] end # eager_loadings keep the object relationships # that the associations are preloaded by find :include. # e.g. { ["Post:1", "Post:2"] => [:comments, :user] } def eager_loadings Thread.current[:bullet_eager_loadings] end end end end end