require 'thor' module Terminalwire module Thor class Shell < ::Thor::Shell::Basic extend Forwardable # Encapsulates all of the IO resources for a Terminalwire adapter. attr_reader :context, :session def_delegators :context, :stdin, :stdout, :stderr def initialize(context, *, **, &) @context = context @session = super(*,**,&) end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods # I have to do this in a block to deal with some of Thor's DSL base.class_eval do extend Forwardable protected no_commands do def_delegators :shell, :context, :session def_delegators :context, :stdout, :stdin, :stderr, :browser def_delegators :stdout, :puts, :print def_delegators :stdin, :gets, :getpass # Prints text to the standard error stream. def warn(...) stderr.puts(...) end # Prints text to the standard error stream and exits the program. def fail(...) stderr.puts(...) context.exit 1 ensure super end # Feels more naturual to call `client.files` etc. from # the serve since it's more apparent that it's a client. alias :client :context end end end module ClassMethods def start(given_args = ARGV, config = {}) context = config.delete(:context) config[:shell] = if context super(given_args, config) end end end end