### Copyright 2022 Pixar

###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
###    compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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###    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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module Jamf

  ### Module Variables

  ### Module Methods

  ### Classes

  ### A User in the JSS.
  ### @see Jamf::APIObject
  class User < Jamf::APIObject

    ### Mix-Ins
    include Jamf::Creatable
    include Jamf::Updatable
    include Jamf::Extendable

    ### Class Methods

    ### Class Constants

    ### The base for REST resources of this class
    RSRC_BASE = "users"

    ### the hash key used for the JSON list output of all objects in the JSS
    RSRC_LIST_KEY = :users

    ### The hash key used for the JSON object output.
    ### It's also used in various error messages
    RSRC_OBJECT_KEY = :user

    ### This class lets us seach for users
    SEARCH_CLASS = Jamf::AdvancedUserSearch

    ### This is the class for relevant Extension Attributes
    EXT_ATTRIB_CLASS = Jamf::UserExtensionAttribute

    # the object type for this object in
    # the object history table.
    # See {APIObject#add_object_history_entry}

    ### Attributes

    ### @return [String] The user's full name
    attr_reader :full_name

    ### @return [String] The user's email address
    attr_reader :email

    ### @return [String] The user's phone number
    attr_reader :phone_number

    ### @return [String] The user's position / job title
    attr_reader :position

    ### @return [String] The name of the user's LDAP server
    attr_reader :ldap_server
    attr_reader :ldap_sever_id

    ### @return [Array<Hash>]
    ### Unlike every other Sitable object, Users
    ### can be in multiple sites, so we don't use
    ### the Sitable mixin module. Instead we'll
    ### we'll store them in this Array, as they come
    ### from the API.
    ### Each Hash has the :id and :name for one site
    attr_reader :sites

    ### @return [Array<Hash>]
    ### The computers associated with this user
    ### Each Hash has then :id and :name for one computer
    attr_reader :computers

    ### @return [Array<Hash>]
    ### The peripherals associated with this user
    ### Each Hash has then :id and :name for one peripheral
    attr_reader :peripherals

    ### @return [Array<Hash>]
    ### The mobile devices associated with this user
    ### Each Hash has then :id and :name for one device
    ### @note This data is currently broken - the JSON output of the API only
    ### returns one mobile device, and it isn't formatted in a standard way.
    attr_reader :mobile_devices

    ### @return [Array<Hash>]
    ### The user-based vpp assignments associated with this user
    ### Each Hash has then :id and :name for one assignment
    attr_reader :vpp_assignments

    ### @return [Integer] the total number of vpp codes assigned to this user
    attr_reader :total_vpp_code_count

    ### Constructor

    ### See Jamf::APIObject#initialize
    def initialize(**args)

      @full_name = @init_data[:full_name]
      @email = @init_data[:email]
      @phone_number = @init_data[:phone_number]
      @position = @init_data[:position]
      @ldap_server = Jamf::APIObject.get_name @init_data[:ldap_server]
      @ldap_server_id = @init_data[:ldap_server][:id] unless @init_data[:ldap_server].nil?
      @sites = @init_data[:sites] ? @init_data[:sites]  : []

      if @init_data[:links]
        @computers = @init_data[:links][:computers]
        @peripherals = @init_data[:links][:peripherals]
        @mobile_devices = @init_data[:links][:mobile_devices]
        @vpp_assignments = @init_data[:links][:vpp_assignments]
        @total_vpp_code_count = @init_data[:links][:total_vpp_code_count]


    ### Public Instance Methods

    ### Simple Setters

    def full_name= (new_val)
      @full_name = new_val
      @need_to_update = true

    def email= (new_val)
      @email = new_val
      @need_to_update = true

    def phone_number= (new_val)
      @phone_number = new_val
      @need_to_update = true

    def position= (new_val)
      @position = new_val
      @need_to_update = true

    def ldap_server= (new_val)
      raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "No LDAP server in the JSS named #{new_val}" unless Jamf::LdapServer.all_names(cnx: @cnx).include? new_val
      @ldap_server = new_val
      @ldap_server_id = Jamf::LdapServer.valid_id @ldap_server
      @need_to_update = true

    ### Add this user to a site
    ### @param site[String] the name of the site
    ### @return [void]
    def add_site (site)
      return nil if @sites.map{|s| s[:name]}.include? site
      raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "No site in the JSS named #{site}" unless Jamf::Site.all_names(cnx: @cnx).include? site
      @sites << {:name => site}
      @need_to_update = true

    ### Remove this user from a site
    ### @param site[String] the name of the site
    ### @return [void]
    def remove_site (site)
      return nil unless @sites.map{|s| s[:name]}.include? site
      @sites.reject!{|s| s[:name] == site}
      @need_to_update = true

    # Workaround for the recurring Jamf Classic API Bug where
    # JSON is missing data that should come in an array of hashes, but
    # only comes as a hash with a single hash inside, with data for only
    # the last item in the XML array.
    # When needed, we fetch and parse the XML, which has the desired data.
    # Use any truthy parameter to re-fetch the XML data, otherwise the
    # data last fetched is used.
    # In this case, the user group data is fetched as XML and returned as
    # an Array of Hashes, one per group the user is a member of. Each hash
    # containing three Symbol keys:
    #   id: Integer, the group id
    #   name: String, the group name
    #   is_smart: Boolean, is it a smart group or a static group?
    # @param refresh[Boolean] Re-fetch the group data from the API
    # @return [Array<Hash>] The groups the user is a member of.
    def user_groups(refresh = false)
      @grp_array = nil if refresh
      return @grp_array if @grp_array

      @grp_array = []
      raw_xml = @cnx.c_get "/users/id/#{@id}", :xml
      xmlroot = REXML::Document.new(raw_xml).root
      xml_grps = xmlroot.elements['user_groups']

      xml_grps.each do |xml_grp|
        next if xml_grp.name == 'size'

        gid = xml_grp.elements['id'].text.to_i
        gname = xml_grp.elements['name'].text
        smart = xml_grp.elements['is_smart'].text == 'true'
        @grp_array << { id: gid, name: gname, is_smart: smart }
      end # groups.each

    end # user_groups

    ### Private Instance Methods

    def rest_xml
      doc = REXML::Document.new Jamf::Connection::XML_HEADER
      user = doc.add_element self.class::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY.to_s

      user.add_element('name').text = @name
      user.add_element('full_name').text = @full_name
      user.add_element('email').text = @email
      user.add_element('phone_number').text = @phone_number
      user.add_element('position').text = @position

      ldap = user.add_element('ldap_server')
      ldap.add_element('id').text = @ldap_server_id

      user << Jamf::Site.xml_list(@sites)

      user << ext_attr_xml if unsaved_eas?

      return doc.to_s

  end # class user

end # module