module LesliBell class NotificationService < Lesli::ApplicationLesliService def index only_own_notifications=true notifications = [] # work with all notifications notifications = current_user.account.bell .notifications .order(created_at: :DESC) # work only with notifications that belongs to the user if only_own_notifications notifications = notifications.where(:user => current_user, :status => ["created", "sent", nil]) end # add pagination notifications = notifications .page(query[:pagination][:page]) .per(query[:pagination][:perPage]) .order(:updated_at) return notifications LC::Response.pagination( notifications.current_page, notifications.total_pages, notifications.total_count, notifications.length, do |notification| { id: notification[:id], url: notification[:url], body: notification[:body], subject: notification[:subject], category: notification[:category], created_at: LC::Date.distance_to_words(notification[:created_at]), status: notification[:status], } end ) end def create( subject, url:nil, body:nil, media:nil, payload:nil, channel:nil, category:nil, user_receiver_id:nil, notification_type:nil, role_receiver_names:nil, user_receiver_emails:nil ) # validate that the notifications has a valid category category = 'info' if not ['info', 'danger', 'warning', 'success'].include?(category) # set push (web and mobile) notifications as default channel channel = 'push' unless channel # base notification data notification_params = { url: url, body: body, media: media, payload: payload, channel: channel, subject: subject, category: category, notification_type: notification_type, status: 'created', user: current_user } # "bulk insert" all the notifications notifications = current_user.account.bell.notifications.create([notification_params]) return { id: } end end end