module Tokenizers class Base # Stopwords. # def self.stopwords regexp define_method :remove_stopwords do |text| text.gsub! regexp, '' end # Use this method if you don't want to remove # stopwords if it is just one word. # @@non_single_stopword_regexp = /^\b[\w:]+?\b[\.\*\~]?\s?$/ define_method :remove_non_single_stopwords do |text| return text if text.match @@non_single_stopword_regexp remove_stopwords text end end def remove_stopwords text; end # Contraction. # def self.contract_expressions what, to_what define_method :contract do |text| text.gsub! what, to_what end end def contract text; end # Illegals. # # TODO Should there be a legal? # def self.illegal_characters regexp define_method :remove_illegals do |text| text.gsub! regexp, '' end end def remove_illegals text; end # Splitting. # def self.split_text_on regexp define_method :split do |text| text.split regexp end end def split text; end # Normalizing. # def self.normalize_words regexp_replaces define_method :normalize_with_patterns do |text| regexp_replaces.each do |regex, replace| # This should be sufficient # text.gsub!(regex, replace) and break end remove_after_normalizing_illegals text text end end def normalize_with_patterns text; end # Illegal after normalizing. # def self.illegal_characters_after_splitting regexp define_method :remove_after_normalizing_illegals do |text| text.gsub! regexp, '' end end def remove_after_normalizing_illegals text; end # Returns a number of tokens, generated from the given text. # # Note: # * preprocess, pretokenize are hooks # def tokenize text text = preprocess text # processing the text return empty_tokens if text.blank? words = pretokenize text # splitting and preparations for tokenizing return empty_tokens if words.empty? tokens = tokens_for words # creating tokens / strings process tokens # processing tokens / strings end # Hooks. # # Preprocessing. # def preprocess text; end # Pretokenizing. # def pretokenize text; end # Postprocessing. # def process tokens reject tokens # Reject any tokens that don't meet criteria tokens end # Rejects blank tokens. # def reject tokens tokens.reject! &:blank? end # Converts words into real tokens. # def tokens_for words words.collect! { |word| token_for word } end # Turns non-blank text into symbols. # def symbolize text text.blank? ? nil : text.to_sym end # Returns a tokens object. # def empty_tokens end end end