/** * @fileoverview Require or disallow spaces before keywords * @author Marko Raatikka * @copyright 2015 Marko Raatikka. All rights reserved. * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ "use strict"; var astUtils = require("../ast-utils"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var ERROR_MSG_SPACE_EXPECTED = "Missing space before keyword \"{{keyword}}\"."; var ERROR_MSG_NO_SPACE_EXPECTED = "Unexpected space before keyword \"{{keyword}}\"."; module.exports = function(context) { var sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); var SPACE_REQUIRED = context.options[0] !== "never"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Report the error message * @param {ASTNode} node node to report * @param {string} message Error message to be displayed * @param {object} data Data object for the rule message * @returns {void} */ function report(node, message, data) { context.report({ node: node, message: message, data: data, fix: function(fixer) { if (SPACE_REQUIRED) { return fixer.insertTextBefore(node, " "); } else { var tokenBefore = context.getTokenBefore(node); return fixer.removeRange([tokenBefore.range[1], node.range[0]]); } } }); } /** * Check if a token meets the criteria * * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check * @param {Object} left The left-hand side token of the node * @param {Object} right The right-hand side token of the node * @param {Object} options See check() * @returns {void} */ function checkTokens(node, left, right, options) { if (!left) { return; } if (left.type === "Keyword") { return; } if (!SPACE_REQUIRED && typeof options.requireSpace === "undefined") { return; } options = options || {}; options.allowedPrecedingChars = options.allowedPrecedingChars || [ "{" ]; options.requireSpace = typeof options.requireSpace === "undefined" ? SPACE_REQUIRED : options.requireSpace; var hasSpace = sourceCode.isSpaceBetweenTokens(left, right); var spaceOk = hasSpace === options.requireSpace; if (spaceOk) { return; } if (!astUtils.isTokenOnSameLine(left, right)) { if (!options.requireSpace) { report(node, ERROR_MSG_NO_SPACE_EXPECTED, { keyword: right.value }); } return; } if (!options.requireSpace) { report(node, ERROR_MSG_NO_SPACE_EXPECTED, { keyword: right.value }); return; } if (options.allowedPrecedingChars.indexOf(left.value) !== -1) { return; } report(node, ERROR_MSG_SPACE_EXPECTED, { keyword: right.value }); } /** * Get right and left tokens of a node and check to see if they meet the given criteria * * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check * @param {Object} options Options to validate the node against * @param {Array} options.allowedPrecedingChars Characters that can precede the right token * @param {Boolean} options.requireSpace Whether or not the right token needs to be * preceded by a space * @returns {void} */ function check(node, options) { options = options || {}; var left = context.getTokenBefore(node); var right = context.getFirstToken(node); checkTokens(node, left, right, options); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { "IfStatement": function(node) { // if check(node); // else if (node.alternate) { check(context.getTokenBefore(node.alternate), { requireSpace: SPACE_REQUIRED }); } }, "ForStatement": check, "ForInStatement": check, "WhileStatement": check, "DoWhileStatement": function(node) { var whileNode = context.getTokenAfter(node.body); // do check(node); // while check(whileNode, { requireSpace: SPACE_REQUIRED }); }, "SwitchStatement": function(node) { // switch check(node); // case/default node.cases.forEach(function(caseNode) { check(caseNode); }); }, "ThrowStatement": check, "TryStatement": function(node) { // try check(node); // finally if (node.finalizer) { check(context.getTokenBefore(node.finalizer), { requireSpace: SPACE_REQUIRED }); } }, "CatchClause": function(node) { check(node, { requireSpace: SPACE_REQUIRED }); }, "WithStatement": check, "VariableDeclaration": function(node) { check(node, { allowedPrecedingChars: [ "(", "{" ] }); }, "ReturnStatement": check, "BreakStatement": check, "LabeledStatement": check, "ContinueStatement": check, "FunctionDeclaration": check, "FunctionExpression": function(node) { var left = context.getTokenBefore(node); var right = context.getFirstToken(node); // If it's a method, a getter, or a setter, the first token is not the `function` keyword. if (right.type !== "Keyword") { return; } checkTokens(node, left, right, { allowedPrecedingChars: [ "(", "{" ] }); }, "YieldExpression": function(node) { check(node, { allowedPrecedingChars: [ "(", "{" ] }); }, "ForOfStatement": check, "ClassBody": function(node) { // Find the 'class' token while (node.value !== "class") { node = context.getTokenBefore(node); } check(node); } }; }; module.exports.schema = [ { "enum": ["always", "never"] } ];