require 'celluloid/autostart' require 'acpc_poker_types/acpc_dealer_data/action_messages' require 'acpc_poker_types/acpc_dealer_data/hand_data' require 'acpc_poker_types/acpc_dealer_data/hand_results' require 'acpc_poker_types/acpc_dealer_data/match_definition' require 'contextual_exceptions' using ContextualExceptions::ClassRefinement module AcpcPokerTypes module AcpcDealerData class PokerMatchData exceptions :match_definitions_do_not_match, :final_scores_do_not_match, :data_inconsistent, :names_do_not_match Player =, :seat, :balance) attr_accessor( # @returns [Array] Chip distribution at the end of the match :chip_distribution, # @returns [MatchDefinition] Game definition and match parameters :match_def, # @returns [Integer] Zero-index turn number within the hand :hand_number, # @returns [AcpcDealerData::HandData] Data from each hand :data, # @returns [Array] :players, # @returns [Integer] Seat of the active player :seat ) # @returns [AcpcDealerData::PokerMatchData] def self.parse_files( action_messages_file, result_messages_file, player_names, dealer_directory, num_hands=nil ) parsed_action_messages = do AcpcDealerData::ActionMessages.parse_file( action_messages_file, player_names, dealer_directory, num_hands ) end parsed_hand_results = do AcpcDealerData::HandResults.parse_file( result_messages_file, player_names, dealer_directory, num_hands ) end new( parsed_action_messages.value, parsed_hand_results.value, player_names, dealer_directory ) end # @returns [AcpcDealerData::PokerMatchData] def self.parse( action_messages, result_messages, player_names, dealer_directory, num_hands=nil ) parsed_action_messages = do AcpcDealerData::ActionMessages.parse( action_messages, player_names, dealer_directory, num_hands ) end parsed_hand_results = do AcpcDealerData::HandResults.parse( result_messages, player_names, dealer_directory, num_hands ) end new( parsed_action_messages.value, parsed_hand_results.value, player_names, dealer_directory ) end def initialize( parsed_action_messages, parsed_hand_results, player_names, dealer_directory ) if ( parsed_action_messages.match_def.nil? || parsed_hand_results.match_def.nil? || parsed_action_messages.match_def != parsed_hand_results.match_def ) raise MatchDefinitionsDoNotMatch end if parsed_action_messages.final_score != parsed_hand_results.final_score raise FinalScoresDoNotMatch end @match_def = parsed_hand_results.match_def if parsed_hand_results.final_score set_chip_distribution! parsed_hand_results.final_score end set_data! parsed_action_messages, parsed_hand_results # Zero-indexed seat @seat = 0 initialize_players! end def for_every_seat! match_def.game_def.number_of_players.times do |seat| @seat = seat initialize_players! yield seat end self end def player(seat=@seat) @players[seat] end def next_hand! init_or_increment_hand_num! current_hand.start_hand! @seat self end def end_hand! @players.each do |plyr| plyr.balance += hand_player(plyr).balance end current_hand.end_hand! self end def end_match! player_balances = { |plyr| plyr.balance } if @chip_distribution && @chip_distribution != player_balances raise DataInconsistent, "chip distribution: #{@chip_distribution}, player balances: #{player_balances}" end @hand_number = nil self end def hand_player_balances return [0] * match_def.game_def.number_of_players unless current_hand && current_hand.current_match_state { |p| hand_player(p).balance } end def hand_player(plyr = player) return nil unless current_hand && current_hand.current_match_state current_hand.current_match_state.players(match_def.game_def)[position_relative_to_dealer(plyr)] end def for_every_hand! while @hand_number.nil? || (@hand_number < @data.length - 1) do next_hand! yield @hand_number end_hand! end end_match! end def next_turn! current_hand.next_turn! @players.each_with_index do |player, seat| last_match_state = current_hand.last_match_state(seat) match_state = current_hand.current_match_state(seat) end self end def for_every_turn! while current_hand.turn_number.nil? || (current_hand.turn_number < - 1) do next_turn! yield current_hand.turn_number end self end def match_has_another_round?(current_round, turn_index, turns_taken) new_round?(current_round, turn_index) || players_all_in?(current_round, turn_index, turns_taken) end def hand_started? @hand_number && current_hand.turn_number && current_hand.turn_number > 0 end def player_acting_sequence sequence = [[]] return sequence unless hand_started? turns_taken =[0..current_hand.turn_number-1] turns_taken.each_with_index do |turn, turn_index| next unless turn.action_message sequence[turn.action_message.state.round] << if match_has_another_round?(sequence.length - 1, turn_index, turns_taken) sequence << [] end end sequence end def current_hand if @hand_number then @data[@hand_number] else nil end end def final_hand? if @hand_number then @hand_number >= @data.length - 1 else nil end end # return [Array] Each player's current chip balance. def balances { |player| player.balance } end def opponents_cards_visible? return false unless current_hand current_hand.current_match_state.opponents_cards_visible? end def player_with_dealer_button return nil unless current_hand @players.find do |plr| position_relative_to_dealer(plr) == @players.length - 1 end end def position_relative_to_dealer(plyr = player) return nil unless current_hand && current_hand.current_match_state( current_hand.current_match_state( end # @todo Untested # @return [String] player acting sequence as a string. def player_acting_sequence_string ( { |per_round| per_round.join('') }).join('/') end def users_turn_to_act? return false unless current_hand && current_hand.next_action == @seat end def betting_sequence sequence = [[]] if ( @hand_number.nil? || current_hand.turn_number.nil? || current_hand.turn_number < 1 ) return sequence end turns_taken =[0..current_hand.turn_number-1] turns_taken.each_with_index do |turn, turn_index| next unless turn.action_message sequence[turn.action_message.state.round] << turn.action_message.action if ( new_round?(sequence.length - 1 , turn_index) || players_all_in?(sequence.length - 1, turn_index, turns_taken) ) sequence << [] end end sequence end def betting_sequence_string ( do |per_round| ({|action| action.to_acpc}).join('') end).join('/') end protected def initialize_players! @players = do |seat| @match_def.player_names[seat],, @match_def.player_names.length), 0 ) end self end def set_chip_distribution!(final_score) @chip_distribution = [] final_score.each do |player_name, amount| begin @chip_distribution[@match_def.player_names.index(player_name.to_s)] = amount rescue TypeError => e raise NamesDoNotMatch.with_context( "Player name \"#{player_name.to_s}\" in match definition is not listed in final chip distribution", e ) end end self end def set_data!(parsed_action_messages, parsed_hand_results) @data = [] do |action_messages_by_hand, hand_result| @data << @match_def, action_messages_by_hand, hand_result ) end self end private def players_all_in?(current_round, turn_index, turns_taken) == turn_index + 2 && current_round < (@match_def.game_def.number_of_rounds - 1) && (turns_taken[0..turn_index].count do |t| t.action_message.action.to_acpc_character == PokerAction::FOLD end) != @players.length - 1 end def new_round?(current_round, turn_index) > turn_index + 1 &&[turn_index + 1].action_message &&[turn_index + 1].action_message.state.round > current_round end def init_or_increment_hand_num! if @hand_number @hand_number += 1 else @hand_number = 0 end self end end end end