# # Ruby exception objects are subclasses of Exception. However, operating # systems typically report errors using plain integers. Module Errno is created # dynamically to map these operating system errors to Ruby classes, with each # error number generating its own subclass of SystemCallError. As the subclass # is created in module Errno, its name will start `Errno::`. # # The names of the `Errno::` classes depend on the environment in which Ruby # runs. On a typical Unix or Windows platform, there are Errno classes such as # Errno::EACCES, Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EINTR, and so on. # # The integer operating system error number corresponding to a particular error # is available as the class constant `Errno::`*error*`::Errno`. # # Errno::EACCES::Errno #=> 13 # Errno::EAGAIN::Errno #=> 11 # Errno::EINTR::Errno #=> 4 # # The full list of operating system errors on your particular platform are # available as the constants of Errno. # # Errno.constants #=> :E2BIG, :EACCES, :EADDRINUSE, :EADDRNOTAVAIL, ... # module Errno class NOERROR < SystemCallError Errno: 0 end class E2BIG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EACCES < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EADDRINUSE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EADDRNOTAVAIL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EADV < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EAFNOSUPPORT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EAGAIN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EALREADY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EAUTH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADARCH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADEXEC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADF < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADFD < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADMACHO < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADMSG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADRPC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADRQC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBADSLT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBFONT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EBUSY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECANCELED < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECAPMODE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECHILD < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECHRNG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECOMM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECONNABORTED < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECONNREFUSED < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ECONNRESET < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDEADLK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDEADLOCK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDESTADDRREQ < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDEVERR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDOM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDOOFUS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDOTDOT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EDQUOT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EEXIST < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EFAULT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EFBIG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EFTYPE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EHOSTDOWN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EHOSTUNREACH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EHWPOISON < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EIDRM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EILSEQ < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EINPROGRESS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EINTR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EINVAL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EIO < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EIPSEC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EISCONN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EISDIR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EISNAM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EKEYEXPIRED < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EKEYREJECTED < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EKEYREVOKED < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EL2HLT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EL2NSYNC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EL3HLT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EL3RST < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELAST < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELIBACC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELIBBAD < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELIBEXEC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELIBMAX < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELIBSCN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELNRNG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ELOOP < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EMEDIUMTYPE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EMFILE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EMLINK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EMSGSIZE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EMULTIHOP < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENAMETOOLONG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENAVAIL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENEEDAUTH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENETDOWN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENETRESET < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENETUNREACH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENFILE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOANO < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOATTR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOBUFS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOCSI < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENODATA < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENODEV < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOENT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOEXEC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOKEY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOLCK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOLINK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOMEDIUM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOMEM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOMSG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENONET < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOPKG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOPOLICY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOPROTOOPT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOSPC < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOSR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOSTR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOSYS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTBLK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTCAPABLE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTCONN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTDIR < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTEMPTY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTNAM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTRECOVERABLE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTSOCK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTSUP < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTTY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENOTUNIQ < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ENXIO < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EOPNOTSUPP < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EOVERFLOW < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EOWNERDEAD < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPERM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPFNOSUPPORT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPIPE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROCLIM < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROCUNAVAIL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROGMISMATCH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROGUNAVAIL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROTO < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROTONOSUPPORT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPROTOTYPE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EPWROFF < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EQFULL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ERANGE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EREMCHG < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EREMOTE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EREMOTEIO < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ERESTART < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ERFKILL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EROFS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ERPCMISMATCH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESHLIBVERS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESHUTDOWN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESOCKTNOSUPPORT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESPIPE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESRCH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESRMNT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESTALE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ESTRPIPE < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ETIME < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ETIMEDOUT < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ETOOMANYREFS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class ETXTBSY < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EUCLEAN < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EUNATCH < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EUSERS < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EWOULDBLOCK < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EXDEV < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end class EXFULL < SystemCallError Errno: Integer end end