describe Appsignal::Hooks::RedisHook do before do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config end if DependencyHelper.redis_present? context "with redis" do context "with instrumentation enabled" do describe "#dependencies_present?" do subject { } it { be_truthy } end describe "integration" do before do Appsignal.config.config_hash[:instrument_redis] = true end context "install" do before do Appsignal::Hooks.load_hooks end it "does something" do # Test if the last included module (prepended module) was our # integration. That's not certain with the assertions below # because we have to overwrite the `process` method for the test. expect(Redis::Client.included_modules.first) .to eql(Appsignal::Integrations::RedisIntegration) end end context "instrumentation" do before do # Stub Redis::Client class so that it doesn't perform an actual # Redis query. This class will be included (prepended) with the # AppSignal Redis integration. stub_const("Redis::Client", do def id :stub_id end def process(_commands) :stub_process end end) # Load the integration again for the stubbed Redis::Client class. # Call it directly because {Appsignal::Hooks.load_hooks} keeps # track if it was installed already or not. end it "instrument a redis call" do Appsignal::Transaction.create("uuid", Appsignal::Transaction::HTTP_REQUEST, "test") expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current).to receive(:start_event) .at_least(:once) expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current).to receive(:finish_event) .at_least(:once) .with("query.redis", :stub_id, "get ?", 0) client = expect(client.process([[:get, "key"]])).to eql(:stub_process) end end end end context "with instrumentation disabled" do before do Appsignal.config.config_hash[:instrument_redis] = false end describe "#dependencies_present?" do subject { } it { be_falsy } end end end else context "without redis" do describe "#dependencies_present?" do subject { } it { be_falsy } end end end end