  require 'tclink'
rescue LoadError
  # Falls back to an SSL post to TrustCommerce

module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
  module Billing #:nodoc:
    # TO USE:
    # First, make sure you have everything setup correctly and all of your dependencies in place with:
    #   require 'rubygems'
    #   require 'active_merchant'
    # ActiveMerchant expects amounts to be Integer values in cents
    #   tendollar = 1000
    # Next, create a credit card object using a TC approved test card.
    #   creditcard =
    #     :number => '4111111111111111',
    #     :month => 8,
    #     :year => 2006,
    #     :first_name => 'Longbob',
    #     :last_name => 'Longsen'
    #   )
    # To finish setting up, create the active_merchant object you will be using, with the TrustCommerce gateway. If you have a
    # functional TrustCommerce account, replace login and password with your account info. Otherwise the defaults will work for
    # testing.
    #   gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.gateway(:trust_commerce).new(:login => "TestMerchant", :password => "password")
    # Now we are ready to process our transaction
    #   response = gateway.purchase(tendollar, creditcard)
    # Sending a transaction to TrustCommerce with active_merchant returns a Response object, which consistently allows you to:
    # 1) Check whether the transaction was successful
    #   response.success?
    # 2) Retrieve any message returned by TrustCommerce, either a "transaction was successful" note or an explanation of why the
    # transaction was rejected.
    #   response.message
    # 3) Retrieve and store the unique transaction ID returned by Trust Commerece, for use in referencing the transaction in the future.
    #   response.params["transid"]
    # For higher performance and failover with the TrustCommerceGateway you can install the TCLink library from
    # Follow the instructions available there to get it working on your system. ActiveMerchant will automatically use tclink if available.
    # The TCLink library has the following added benefits:
    #  * Good transaction times. Transaction duration under 1.2 seconds are common.
    #  * Fail-over to geographically distributed servers for extreme reliability
    # Once it is installed, you should be able to make sure
    # that it is visible to your ruby install by opening irb and typing "require 'tclink'", which should return "true".
    # This should be enough to get you started with Trust Commerce and active_merchant. For further information, review the methods
    # below and the rest of active_merchant's documentation, as well as Trust Commerce's user and developer documentation.

    class TrustCommerceGateway < Gateway
      self.live_url = self.test_url = ''

      SUCCESS_TYPES = %w[approved accepted]

        'decline'       => 'The credit card was declined',
        'avs'           => 'AVS failed; the address entered does not match the billing address on file at the bank',
        'cvv'           => 'CVV failed; the number provided is not the correct verification number for the card',
        'call'          => 'The card must be authorized manually over the phone',
        'expiredcard'   => 'Issuer was not certified for card verification',
        'carderror'     => 'Card number is invalid',
        'authexpired'   => 'Attempt to postauth an expired (more than 14 days old) preauth',
        'fraud'         => 'CrediGuard fraud score was below requested threshold',
        'blacklist'     => 'CrediGuard blacklist value was triggered',
        'velocity'      => 'CrediGuard velocity control value was triggered',
        'dailylimit'    => 'Daily limit in transaction count or amount as been reached',
        'weeklylimit'   => 'Weekly limit in transaction count or amount as been reached',
        'monthlylimit'  => 'Monthly limit in transaction count or amount as been reached'

        'missingfields'       => 'One or more parameters required for this transaction type were not sent',
        'extrafields'         => 'Parameters not allowed for this transaction type were sent',
        'badformat'           => 'A field was improperly formatted, such as non-digit characters in a number field',
        'badlength'           => 'A field was longer or shorter than the server allows',
        'merchantcantaccept'  => "The merchant can't accept data passed in this field",
        'mismatch'            => 'Data in one of the offending fields did not cross-check with the other offending field'

      ERROR_CODES = {
        'cantconnect'   => "Couldn't connect to the TrustCommerce gateway",
        'dnsfailure'    => 'The TCLink software was unable to resolve DNS hostnames',
        'linkfailure'   => 'The connection was established, but was severed before the transaction could complete',
        'failtoprocess' => 'The bank servers are offline and unable to authorize transactions'

      TEST_LOGIN = 'TestMerchant'
      TEST_PASSWORD = 'password'

      VOIDABLE_ACTIONS = %w(preauth sale postauth credit)

      self.money_format = :cents
      self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master discover american_express diners_club jcb]
      self.supported_countries = ['US']
      self.homepage_url = ''
      self.display_name = 'TrustCommerce'

      def self.tclink?

      # Creates a new TrustCommerceGateway
      # The gateway requires that a valid login and password be passed
      # in the +options+ hash.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:login</tt> -- The TrustCommerce account login.
      # * <tt>:password</tt> -- The TrustCommerce account password.
      # * <tt>:test => +true+ or +false+</tt> -- Perform test transactions
      # ==== Test Account Credentials
      # * <tt>:login</tt> -- TestMerchant
      # * <tt>:password</tt> -- password
      def initialize(options = {})
        requires!(options, :login, :password)


      def tclink?

      def test?
        ((@options[:login] == TEST_LOGIN && @options[:password] == TEST_PASSWORD) || super)

      # authorize() is the first half of the preauth(authorize)/postauth(capture) model. The TC API docs call this
      # preauth, we preserve active_merchant's nomenclature of authorize() for consistency with the rest of the library. This
      # method simply checks to make sure funds are available for a transaction, and returns a transid that can be used later to
      # postauthorize (capture) the funds.

      def authorize(money, creditcard_or_billing_id, options = {})
        parameters = {
          amount: amount(money)

        add_order_id(parameters, options)
        add_aggregator(parameters, options)
        add_customer_data(parameters, options)
        add_payment_source(parameters, creditcard_or_billing_id)
        add_addresses(parameters, options)
        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit('preauth', parameters)

      # purchase() is a simple sale. This is one of the most common types of transactions, and is extremely simple. All that you need
      # to process a purchase are an amount in cents or a money object and a creditcard object or billingid string.
      def purchase(money, creditcard_or_billing_id, options = {})
        parameters = {
          amount: amount(money)

        add_order_id(parameters, options)
        add_aggregator(parameters, options)
        add_customer_data(parameters, options)
        add_payment_source(parameters, creditcard_or_billing_id)
        add_addresses(parameters, options)
        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit('sale', parameters)

      # capture() is the second half of the preauth(authorize)/postauth(capture) model. The TC API docs call this
      # postauth, we preserve active_merchant's nomenclature of capture() for consistency with the rest of the library. To process
      # a postauthorization with TC, you need an amount in cents or a money object, and a TC transid.
      def capture(money, authorization, options = {})
        transaction_id, = split_authorization(authorization)
        parameters = {
          amount: amount(money),
          transid: transaction_id
        add_aggregator(parameters, options)
        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit('postauth', parameters)

      # refund() allows you to return money to a card that was previously billed. You need to supply the amount, in cents or a money object,
      # that you want to refund, and a TC transid for the transaction that you are refunding.
      def refund(money, identification, options = {})
        transaction_id, = split_authorization(identification)

        parameters = {
          amount: amount(money),
          transid: transaction_id

        add_aggregator(parameters, options)
        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit('credit', parameters)

      def credit(money, identification, options = {})
        ActiveMerchant.deprecated CREDIT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE
        refund(money, identification, options)

      # void() clears an existing authorization and releases the reserved fund
      # s back to the cardholder. The TC API refers to this transaction as a
      # reversal. After voiding, you will no longer be able to capture funds
      # from this authorization. TrustCommerce seems to always return a status
      # of "accepted" even if the transid you are trying to deauthorize has
      # already been captured. Note: Your account needs to be configured by
      # TrustCommerce to allow for reversal transactions before you can use this
      # method.
      # void() is also used to to cancel a capture (postauth), purchase (sale),
      # or refund (credit) or a before it is sent for settlement.
      # NOTE: AMEX preauth's cannot be reversed. If you want to clear it more
      # quickly than the automatic expiration (7-10 days), you will have to
      # capture it and then immediately issue a credit for the same amount
      # which should clear the customers credit card with 48 hours according to
      # TC.
      def void(authorization, options = {})
        transaction_id, original_action = split_authorization(authorization)
        action = (VOIDABLE_ACTIONS - ['preauth']).include?(original_action) ? 'void' : 'reversal'

        parameters = {
          transid: transaction_id

        add_aggregator(parameters, options)
        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit(action, parameters)

      # recurring() a TrustCommerce account that is activated for Citadel, TrustCommerce's
      # hosted customer billing info database.
      # Recurring billing uses the same TC action as a plain-vanilla 'store', but we have a separate method for clarity. It can be called
      # like store, with the addition of a required 'periodicity' parameter:
      # The parameter :periodicity should be specified as either :bimonthly, :monthly, :biweekly, :weekly, :yearly or :daily
      #   gateway.recurring(tendollar, creditcard, :periodicity => :weekly)
      # You can optionally specify how long you want payments to continue using 'payments'
      def recurring(money, creditcard, options = {})
        ActiveMerchant.deprecated RECURRING_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE

        requires!(options, %i[periodicity bimonthly monthly biweekly weekly yearly daily])

        cycle =
          case options[:periodicity]
          when :monthly
          when :bimonthly
          when :weekly
          when :biweekly
          when :yearly
          when :daily

        parameters = {
          amount: amount(money),
          cycle: cycle,
          verify: options[:verify] || 'y',
          billingid: options[:billingid] || nil,
          payments: options[:payments] || nil

        add_creditcard(parameters, creditcard)

        commit('store', parameters)

      # store() requires a TrustCommerce account that is activated for Citadel. You can call it with a credit card and a billing ID
      # you would like to use to reference the stored credit card info for future captures. Use 'verify' to specify whether you want
      # to simply store the card in the DB, or you want TC to verify the data first.

      def store(creditcard, options = {})
        parameters = {
          verify: options[:verify] || 'y',
          billingid: options[:billingid] || options[:billing_id] || nil

        add_creditcard(parameters, creditcard)
        add_addresses(parameters, options)
        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit('store', parameters)

      # To unstore a creditcard stored in Citadel using store() or recurring(), all that is required is the billing id. When you run
      # unstore() the information will be removed and a Response object will be returned indicating the success of the action.
      def unstore(identification, options = {})
        parameters = {
          billingid: identification

        add_custom_fields(parameters, options)

        commit('unstore', parameters)

      def supports_scrubbing

      def scrub(transcript)
          gsub(%r((Authorization: Basic )\w+), '\1[FILTERED]').
          gsub(%r((&?cc=)\d*(&?)), '\1[FILTERED]\2').
          gsub(%r((&?password=)[^&]+(&?)), '\1[FILTERED]\2').
          gsub(%r((&?cvv=)\d*(&?)), '\1[FILTERED]\2')


      def add_custom_fields(params, options)
        options[:custom_fields]&.each do |key, value|
          params[key.to_sym] = value

      def add_aggregator(params, options)
        if @options[:aggregator_id] || application_id != Gateway.application_id
          params[:aggregators] = 1
          params[:aggregator1] = @options[:aggregator_id] || application_id

      def add_payment_source(params, source)
        if source.is_a?(String)
          add_billing_id(params, source)
        elsif card_brand(source) == 'check'
          add_check(params, source)
          add_creditcard(params, source)

      def add_check(params, check)
        params[:media] = 'ach'
        params[:routing] = check.routing_number
        params[:account] = check.account_number
        params[:savings] = 'y' if check.account_type == 'savings'
        params[:name] =

      def add_creditcard(params, creditcard)
        params[:media]     = 'cc'
        params[:name]      =
        params[:cc]        = creditcard.number
        params[:exp]       = expdate(creditcard)
        params[:cvv]       = creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value?

      def add_order_id(params, options)
        params[:ticket] = options[:order_id] unless options[:order_id].blank?

      def add_billing_id(params, billingid)
        params[:billingid] = billingid

      def add_customer_data(params, options)
        params[:email] = options[:email] unless options[:email].blank?
        params[:ip] = options[:ip] unless options[:ip].blank?

      def add_addresses(params, options)
        address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address]

        if address
          params[:address1]  = address[:address1] unless address[:address1].blank?
          params[:address2]  = address[:address2] unless address[:address2].blank?
          params[:city]      = address[:city]     unless address[:city].blank?
          params[:state]     = address[:state]    unless address[:state].blank?
          params[:zip]       = address[:zip]      unless address[:zip].blank?
          params[:country]   = address[:country]  unless address[:country].blank?
          params[:avs]       = 'n'

        if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address]
          params[:shipto_name]     = shipping_address[:name]     unless shipping_address[:name].blank?
          params[:shipto_address1] = shipping_address[:address1] unless shipping_address[:address1].blank?
          params[:shipto_address2] = shipping_address[:address2] unless shipping_address[:address2].blank?
          params[:shipto_city]     = shipping_address[:city]     unless shipping_address[:city].blank?
          params[:shipto_state]    = shipping_address[:state]    unless shipping_address[:state].blank?
          params[:shipto_zip]      = shipping_address[:zip]      unless shipping_address[:zip].blank?
          params[:shipto_country]  = shipping_address[:country]  unless shipping_address[:country].blank?

      def clean_and_stringify_params(parameters)
        # TCLink wants us to send a hash with string keys, and activemerchant pushes everything around with
        # symbol keys. Before sending our input to TCLink, we convert all our keys to strings and dump the symbol keys.
        # We also remove any pairs with nil values, as these confuse TCLink.
        parameters.keys.reverse_each do |key|
          parameters[key.to_s] = parameters[key] if parameters[key]

      def post_data(parameters)
        parameters.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join('&')

      def commit(action, parameters)
        parameters[:custid]      = @options[:login]
        parameters[:password]    = @options[:password]
        parameters[:demo]        = test? ? 'y' : 'n'
        parameters[:action]      = action


        data = if tclink?
                 parse(ssl_post(self.live_url, post_data(parameters)))

        # to be considered successful, transaction status must be either "approved" or "accepted"
        success = SUCCESS_TYPES.include?(data['status'])
        message = message_from(data), message, data,
          test: test?,
          authorization: authorization_from(action, data),
          cvv_result: data['cvv'],
          avs_result: { code: data['avs'] })

      def parse(body)
        results = {}

        body.split(/\n/).each do |pair|
          key, val = pair.split(/=/)
          results[key] = val


      def message_from(data)
        case data['status']
        when 'decline'
          return DECLINE_CODES[data['declinetype']]
        when 'baddata'
          return BADDATA_CODES[data['error']]
        when 'error'
          return ERROR_CODES[data['errortype']]
          return 'The transaction was successful'

      def authorization_from(action, data)
        authorization = data['transid']
        authorization = "#{authorization}|#{action}" if authorization && VOIDABLE_ACTIONS.include?(action)

      def split_authorization(authorization)