@runnables Feature: Adding parameters to commands As a user I want to add parameters to commands So I don't need to make many similar ones Background: When I will choose "plugins/runnables/features/fixtures" from the "open_directory" dialog And I open a directory Scenario: Running a command containing parameters Given I would type "runnable_app.rb" in an input box When I open the runnables tree And I expand the tree row "fixture_runnables" And I activate the "A params app" node in the tree Then my active tab should be "A params app" And the HTML tab should say "hello world" Scenario: Running a command containing parameters Given I would type "hello" in an input box And I would type "world" in an input box When I open the runnables tree And I expand the tree row "fixture_runnables" And I activate the "A multi-params app" node in the tree Then my active tab should be "A multi-params app" And the HTML tab should say "hello world" Scenario: Appending parameters before running a command Given I would type "world" in an input box When I open the runnables tree And I expand the tree row "fixture_runnables" And I append parameters to the "An appendable app" node in the tree Then my active tab should be "An appendable app" And the HTML tab should say "hello world" Scenario: Appending parameters to a command which ends in parameters is disallowed Given I would type "runnable_app.rb" in an input box And I would type "there" in an input box When I open the runnables tree And I expand the tree row "fixture_runnables" And I append parameters to the "A params app" node in the tree Then my active tab should be "A params app" And the HTML tab should say "hello world"