require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' require File.join("katello_app/config/environment.rb") require 'test/unit' require 'katello-foreman-engine' require 'rails/test_help' require 'mocha/setup' Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! # returns the subactions being planned from the plan method of # +action_class+. It prevents calling plan methods on the subactions, # letting to test only the action_class in isolation. def planned_actions(action_class, input, *args) planned_actions = [] action = action.stubs(:plan_action).with do |*args| planned_actions << args end action.plan(*args) return planned_actions end # returns the run steps planned for given action, given # input from parent action and *args for plan method def run_steps(action_class, input, *args) action = action.plan(*args) return action.execution_plan.run_steps end def expect_foreman_search(*args) args = args + [true] stub_foreman_search(*args) end def stub_foreman_search(resource, search, response, expect = false) response = case response when nil [] when Array response else [response] end stub_foreman_call(resource, :index, {'search' => search}, response, expect) end def expect_foreman_call(*args) args = args + [true] stub_foreman_call(*args) end def stub_foreman_call(resource, action, request = nil, response = nil, expect = false) setup_user resource_key = resource.to_s # difference between class name and resource key in the API resource_key.gsub!('_','') if resource_key == 'operating_system' if request && [:create, :update].include?(action) && !request.has_key?(resource_key) request = {resource_key => request} end resource_class ="ForemanApi::Resources::#{resource.to_s.camelize}".constantize stub = resource_class.any_instance.stubs(action) if request stub.with(request) end if response stub.returns([response, response.to_json]) end end def setup_user User.current ||= => 'admin') end