require 'helper' class TestCohortScope < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Citizen.minimum_cohort_size = 3 @date_range = (Date.parse('1980-01-01')..Date.parse('1990-01-01')) end def test_001_has_sane_associations assert Period.first.styles.first assert Period.first.houses.first assert Style.first.period assert Style.first.houses.first assert House.first.period assert House.first.styles.first assert House.all.any? { |h| h.resident } assert House.joins(:styles).where(:styles => { :name => [style] }).first.styles.include?(style) assert Style.joins(:houses).where(:houses => { :id => [house1] }).first end # confusing as hell because houses have styles according to periods, which is not accurate def test_002a_complicated_cohorts_with_joins assert_equal 3, Style.joins(:houses).big_cohort(:houses => { :id => [house1]}).length assert_equal 3, Style.joins(:houses).big_cohort(:houses => { :id => [house1]}, :name => 'foooooooo').length # these return 2, which is too small assert_equal 0, Style.joins(:houses).big_cohort(:houses => { :id => [house3]}).length assert_equal 0, Style.joins(:houses).big_cohort(:houses => { :id => [house3]}, :name => 'classical revival').length end # should this even work in theory? # def test_002b_simplified_joins # assert_equal 3, Style.big_cohort(:houses => [house1]).length # end def test_003_redefine_any_query_method cohort = Citizen.big_cohort(:birthdate => @date_range) assert cohort.all? { |c| true } assert cohort.any? { |c| true } assert !cohort.none? { |c| true } end def test_004_really_run_blocks assert_raises(RuntimeError, 'A') do Citizen.big_cohort(:birthdate => @date_range).all? { |c| raise 'A' } end assert_raises(RuntimeError, 'B') do Citizen.big_cohort(:birthdate => @date_range).any? { |c| raise 'B' } end assert_raises(RuntimeError, 'C') do Citizen.big_cohort(:birthdate => @date_range).none? { |c| raise 'C' } end end def test_005_short_to_json cohort = Citizen.big_cohort :birthdate => @date_range, :favorite_color => 'heliotrope' assert_equal({ :members => 9 }.to_json, cohort.to_json) end def test_006_doesnt_mess_with_active_record_json non_cohort = Citizen.all assert_equal non_cohort.to_a.as_json, non_cohort.as_json end def test_007_doesnt_mess_with_active_record_inspect non_cohort = Citizen.all assert_equal non_cohort.to_a.inspect, non_cohort.inspect end def test_008_short_inspect cohort = Citizen.big_cohort :birthdate => @date_range, :favorite_color => 'heliotrope' assert_equal "#", cohort.inspect end def test_009_not_reveal_itself_in_to_hash cohort = Citizen.big_cohort :birthdate => @date_range, :favorite_color => 'heliotrope' assert_equal '{"c":{"members":9}}', { :c => cohort }.to_hash.to_json end def test_010_work_as_delegator cohort = Citizen.big_cohort :birthdate => @date_range, :favorite_color => 'heliotrope' assert_kind_of Citizen, cohort.last assert_kind_of Citizen, cohort.where(:teeth => 31).first end def test_011_combine_scopes_with_or nobody = Citizen.big_cohort({:favorite_color => 'oaisdjaoisjd'}, :minimum_cohort_size => 1) assert_equal 0, nobody.count people_who_love_heliotrope_are_from_the_fifties = Citizen.big_cohort({:favorite_color => 'heliotrope'}, :minimum_cohort_size => 1) assert_equal 1, people_who_love_heliotrope_are_from_the_fifties.count assert people_who_love_heliotrope_are_from_the_fifties.none? { |c| @date_range.include? c.birthdate } their_children_are_born_in_the_eighties = Citizen.big_cohort({:birthdate => @date_range}, :minimum_cohort_size => 1) assert_equal 9, their_children_are_born_in_the_eighties.count everybody = (people_who_love_heliotrope_are_from_the_fifties + their_children_are_born_in_the_eighties + nobody) assert_kind_of CohortScope::Cohort, everybody assert_equal 10, everybody.count end def test_012_to_cohort relation = Citizen.big_cohort({:favorite_color => 'heliotrope'}, :minimum_cohort_size => 1).where(:birthdate => @date_range) assert_equal [], relation.as_json assert_equal({ :members => 0 }, relation.to_cohort.as_json) end private def style @style ||= Style.find 'classical revival' end def house1 @house1 ||= House.find 2 end def house3 @house3 ||= House.find 3 end end