# encoding: UTF-8 require 'bundler' ; Bundler.require :development, :test require 'tiny_tds' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'toxiproxy' TINYTDS_SCHEMAS = ['sqlserver_2000', 'sqlserver_2005', 'sqlserver_2008', 'sqlserver_2014', 'sqlserver_azure', 'sybase_ase'].freeze module TinyTds class TestCase < MiniTest::Spec class << self def current_schema ENV['TINYTDS_SCHEMA'] || 'sqlserver_2014' end TINYTDS_SCHEMAS.each do |schema| define_method "#{schema}?" do schema == self.current_schema end end def sqlserver? current_schema =~ /sqlserver/ end end after { close_client } protected TINYTDS_SCHEMAS.each do |schema| define_method "#{schema}?" do schema == self.class.current_schema end end def current_schema self.class.current_schema end def sqlserver? self.class.sqlserver? end def close_client(client=@client) client.close if defined?(client) && client.is_a?(TinyTds::Client) end def new_connection(options={}) client = TinyTds::Client.new(connection_options(options)) if sybase_ase? client.execute("SET ANSINULL ON").do return client elsif sqlserver_azure? client.execute('SET ANSI_NULLS ON').do client.execute('SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF').do client.execute('SET ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON ON').do client.execute('SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF').do client.execute('SET ANSI_PADDING ON').do client.execute('SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON').do client.execute('SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON').do else client.execute('SET ANSI_DEFAULTS ON').do client.execute('SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF').do client.execute('SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF').do end client.execute('SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647').do client.execute('SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON').do client end def connection_options(options={}) username = (sqlserver_azure? ? ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_AZURE_USER'] : ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_USER']) || 'tinytds' password = (sqlserver_azure? ? ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_AZURE_PASS'] : ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_PASS']) || '' { :dataserver => sqlserver_azure? ? nil : ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_DATASERVER'], :host => ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST'] || 'localhost', :port => ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_PORT'] || '1433', :tds_version => ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_VERSION'], :username => username, :password => password, :database => ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_DATABASE'] || 'tinytdstest', :appname => 'TinyTds Dev', :login_timeout => 5, :timeout => connection_timeout, :azure => sqlserver_azure? }.merge(options) end def connection_timeout sqlserver_azure? ? 20 : 8 end def assert_client_works(client) _(client.execute("SELECT 'client_works' as [client_works]").each).must_equal [{'client_works' => 'client_works'}] end def assert_new_connections_work client = new_connection client.execute("SELECT 'new_connections_work' as [new_connections_work]").each client.close end def assert_raise_tinytds_error(action) result = nil error_raised = false begin result = action.call rescue TinyTds::Error => e error_raised = true end assert error_raised, 'expected a TinyTds::Error but none happened' yield e ensure close_client(result) end def inspect_tinytds_exception begin yield rescue TinyTds::Error => e props = { :source => e.source, :message => e.message, :severity => e.severity, :db_error_number => e.db_error_number, :os_error_number => e.os_error_number } raise "TinyTds::Error - #{props.inspect}" end end def assert_binary_encoding(value) assert_equal Encoding.find('BINARY'), value.encoding end def assert_utf8_encoding(value) assert_equal Encoding.find('UTF-8'), value.encoding end def rubyRbx? RUBY_DESCRIPTION =~ /rubinius/i end def ruby_windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /ming/ end def ruby_darwin? RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ end def load_current_schema loader = new_connection schema_file = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'schema', "#{current_schema}.sql") schema_sql = File.open(schema_file,"rb:UTF-8") { |f|f.read } loader.execute(drop_sql).do loader.execute(schema_sql).do loader.execute(sp_sql).do loader.execute(sp_error_sql).do loader.execute(sp_several_prints_sql).do loader.close true end def drop_sql sybase_ase? ? drop_sql_sybase : drop_sql_microsoft end def drop_sql_sybase %|IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = 'datatypes' ) DROP TABLE datatypes IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'tinytds_TestReturnCodes' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestReturnCodes IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'tinytds_TestPrintWithError' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestPrintWithError IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'tinytds_TestPrintWithError' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestPrintWithError IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'tinytds_TestSeveralPrints' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestSeveralPrints| end def drop_sql_microsoft %|IF EXISTS ( SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = 'tinytdstest' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME = 'datatypes' ) DROP TABLE [datatypes] IF EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'tinytds_TestReturnCodes' AND type = 'P' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestReturnCodes IF EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'tinytds_TestPrintWithError' AND type = 'P' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestPrintWithError IF EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'tinytds_TestSeveralPrints' AND type = 'P' ) DROP PROCEDURE tinytds_TestSeveralPrints| end def sp_sql %|CREATE PROCEDURE tinytds_TestReturnCodes AS SELECT 1 as [one] RETURN(420) | end def sp_error_sql %|CREATE PROCEDURE tinytds_TestPrintWithError AS PRINT 'hello' RAISERROR('Error following print', 16, 1)| end def sp_several_prints_sql %|CREATE PROCEDURE tinytds_TestSeveralPrints AS PRINT 'hello 1' PRINT 'hello 2' PRINT 'hello 3'| end def find_value(id, column, query_options={}) query_options[:timezone] ||= :utc sql = "SELECT [#{column}] FROM [datatypes] WHERE [id] = #{id}" @client.execute(sql).each(query_options).first[column.to_s] end def local_offset TinyTds::Client.local_offset end def utc_offset ::Time.local(2010).utc_offset end def rollback_transaction(client) client.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION").do yield ensure client.execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION").do end def init_toxiproxy # In order for toxiproxy to work for local docker instances of mssql, the containers must be on the same network # and the host used below must match the mssql container name so toxiproxy knows where to proxy to. # localhost from the perspective of toxiproxy's container is its own container an *not* the mssql container it needs to proxy to. # docker-compose.yml handles this automatically for us. In instances where someone is using their own local mssql container they'll # need to set up the networks manually and set TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST to their mssql container name # For anything other than localhost just use the environment config toxi_host = ENV['TOXIPROXY_HOST'] || 'localhost' toxi_api_port = 8474 toxi_test_port = 1234 Toxiproxy.host = "http://#{toxi_host}:#{toxi_api_port}" toxi_upstream_host = ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST_TEST'] || ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_HOST'] || 'localhost' toxi_upstream_port = ENV['TINYTDS_UNIT_PORT'] || 1433 puts "\n-------------------------" puts "Toxiproxy api listener: #{toxi_host}:#{toxi_api_port}" puts "Toxiproxy unit test listener: #{toxi_host}:#{toxi_test_port}" puts "Toxiproxy upstream sqlserver: #{toxi_upstream_host}:#{toxi_upstream_port}" puts '-------------------------' Toxiproxy.populate([ { name: "sqlserver_test", listen: "#{toxi_host}:#{toxi_test_port}", upstream: "#{toxi_upstream_host}:#{toxi_upstream_port}" } ]) end end end