######################################################################## # # The full HARVEST API documentation can be found at: # # http://getharvest.com/api # # everything is in utf8 $KCODE = 'u' require 'base64' require 'bigdecimal' require 'date' require 'jcode' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'time' class Harvest # define Harvest config file path CONFIG_PATH = File.join("~", ".harvestthingsrc") def initialize generate_config unless File.exists?(CONFIG_PATH) load CONFIG_PATH @company = HarvestConfig.attrs[:subdomain] @preferred_protocols = [HarvestConfig.attrs[:has_ssl], ! HarvestConfig.attrs[:has_ssl]] connect! end # generate a config file if one doesn't exist def generate_config # define email puts "enter the email you use to log into Harvest:" email = gets # define password puts "enter the password for this Harvest account:" password = gets # define subdomain puts "enter the subdomain for your Harvest account:" subdomain = gets str = < "#{email.chomp!}", :password => "#{password.chomp!}", :subdomain => "#{subdomain.chomp!}", :has_ssl => false, :user_agent => "Ruby/HarvestThings" }.merge(overwrite) end end EOS File.open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') {|f| f.write(str) } end # HTTP headers you need to send with every request. def headers { # Declare that you expect response in XML after a _successful_ # response. "Accept" => "application/xml", # Promise to send XML. "Content-Type" => "application/xml; charset=utf-8", # All requests will be authenticated using HTTP Basic Auth, as # described in rfc2617. Your library probably has support for # basic_auth built in, I've passed the Authorization header # explicitly here only to show what happens at HTTP level. "Authorization" => "Basic #{auth_string}", # Tell Harvest a bit about your application. "User-Agent" => HarvestConfig.attrs[:user_agent] } end def auth_string Base64.encode64("#{HarvestConfig.attrs[:email]}:#{HarvestConfig.attrs[:password]}").delete("\r\n") end def request path, method = :get, body = "" response = send_request( path, method, body) if response.class < Net::HTTPSuccess # response in the 2xx range on_completed_request return response elsif response.class == Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable # response status is 503, you have reached the API throttle # limit. Harvest will send the "Retry-After" header to indicate # the number of seconds your boot needs to be silent. raise "Got HTTP 503 three times in a row" if retry_counter > 3 sleep(response['Retry-After'].to_i + 5) request(path, method, body) elsif response.class == Net::HTTPFound # response was a redirect, most likely due to protocol # mismatch. Retry again with a different protocol. @preferred_protocols.shift raise "Failed connection using http or https" if @preferred_protocols.empty? connect! request(path, method, body) else dump_headers = response.to_hash.map { |h,v| [h.upcase,v].join(': ') }.join("\n") raise "#{response.message} (#{response.code})\n\n#{dump_headers}\n\n#{response.body}\n" end end private def connect! port = has_ssl ? 443 : 80 @connection = Net::HTTP.new("#{@company}.harvestapp.com", port) @connection.use_ssl = has_ssl @connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if has_ssl end def has_ssl @preferred_protocols.first end def send_request path, method = :get, body = '' case method when :get @connection.get(path, headers) when :post @connection.post(path, body, headers) when :put @connection.put(path, body, headers) when :delete @connection.delete(path, headers) end end def on_completed_request @retry_counter = 0 end def retry_counter @retry_counter ||= 0 @retry_counter += 1 end end