module Foobara class DetachedEntity < Model module Concerns module Associations include Concern module ClassMethods def associations @associations ||= construct_associations end def deep_associations @deep_associations ||= begin deep = {} associations.each_pair do |data_path, type| deep[data_path] = type entity_class = type.target_class entity_class.deep_associations.each_pair do |sub_data_path, sub_type| deep["#{data_path}.#{sub_data_path}"] = sub_type end end deep end end # TODO: stamp this metadata out somewhere, preferably on deep_associations hash somehow def association(name, *association_identifiers) target_association_key = association_for(association_identifiers) is_many = target_association_key.include?("#") define_method name do # TODO: memoize but with some smart cache busting values = Foobara::DataPath.values_at(target_association_key, self) if is_many values else if values.size > 1 # :nocov: raise "Multiple records found for #{name} association but only expected 0 or 1." # :nocov: end unless values.empty? values.first end end end end def association_for(association_filters) if association_filters.size == 1 data_path = association_filters.first.to_s if deep_associations.key?(data_path) return data_path end end result = association_filters.inject(deep_associations.keys) do |filtered, filter| filtered_associations(filter, filtered) end if result.empty? # :nocov: raise "Could not find association matching #{association_filters}" # :nocov: elsif result.size > 1 # :nocov: raise "Multiple associations matched by #{association_filters}" # :nocov: else result.first end end def filtered_associations(filter, association_keys = deep_associations.keys) if filter.is_a?(::Symbol) filter = filter.to_s end if filter.is_a?(::String) if filter =~ /[A-Z]/ do |key| type = deep_associations[key] entity_class = type.target_class entity_class.full_entity_name.include?(filter) end else do |key| key.include?(filter) end end elsif filter.is_a?(::Class) && filter < DetachedEntity do |key| type = deep_associations[key] entity_class = type.target_class entity_class == filter || entity_class < filter end else # :nocov: raise "Not sure how to apply filter #{filter}" # :nocov: end end def construct_associations( type = attributes_type, path =, result = {} ) if type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:entity]) result[path.to_s] = type elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:tuple]) element_types = type.element_types element_types&.each&.with_index do |element_type, index| construct_associations(element_type, path.append(index), result) end elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:array]) # TODO: what to do about an associative array type?? Unclear how to make a key from that... # TODO: raise if associative array contains a non-persisted record to handle this edge case for now. element_type = type.element_type if element_type construct_associations(element_type, path.append(:"#"), result) end elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:attributes]) type.element_types.each_pair do |attribute_name, element_type| construct_associations(element_type, path.append(attribute_name), result) end elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:model]) construct_associations(type.target_class.attributes_type, path, result) elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:associative_array]) # not going to bother testing this for now # :nocov: if contains_associations?(type) raise "Associative array types with associations in them are not currently supported. " \ "Use attributes type if you can or set the key_type and/or value_type to duck type" end # :nocov: end result end def contains_associations?(type = entity_type, initial = true) if type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:detached_entity]) if initial contains_associations?(type.element_types, false) else true end elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:array]) # TODO: what to do about an associative array type?? Unclear how to make a key from that... # TODO: raise if associative array contains a non-persisted record to handle this edge case for now. element_type = type.element_type if element_type contains_associations?(element_type, false) end elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:attributes]) type.element_types.values.any? do |element_type| contains_associations?(element_type, false) end elsif type.extends?(BuiltinTypes[:associative_array]) element_types = type.element_types if element_types key_type, value_type = element_types contains_associations?(key_type, false) || contains_associations?(value_type, false) end end end end end end end end