module VirtualBox # Represents a single NIC (Network Interface Card) of a virtual machine. # # **Currently, new NICs can't be created, so the only way to get this # object is through a {VM}'s `nics` relationship.** # # # Editing a NIC # # Nics can be modified directly in their relationship to other # virtual machines. When {VM#save} is called, it will also save any # changes to its relationships. # # vm = VirtualBox::VM.find("foo") # vm.nics[0].macaddress = @new_mac_address # # # # Attributes # # Properties of the model are exposed using standard ruby instance # methods which are generated on the fly. Because of this, they are not listed # below as available instance methods. # # These attributes can be accessed and modified via standard ruby-style # `instance.attribute` and `instance.attribute=` methods. The attributes are # listed below. If you aren't sure what this means or you can't understand # why the below is listed, please read {Attributable}. # # attribute :parent, :readonly => :readonly # attribute :nic # attribute :nictype # attribute :macaddress # attribute :cableconnected # attribute :bridgeadapter # class Nic < AbstractModel attribute :parent, :readonly => :readonly attribute :nic attribute :nictype attribute :macaddress attribute :cableconnected attribute :bridgeadapter class < obj[1] }) end end # Parses nic data out of a single line of the human readable output # of vm info. # # **This method typically won't be used except internally.** # # @return [Array] First element is nic name, second is data. def parse_nic(raw) return unless raw =~ /^NIC\s(\d):\s+(.+?)$/ return if $2.to_s.strip == "disabled" data = {} nicname = "nic#{$1}" $2.to_s.split(/,\s+/).each do |raw_property| next unless raw_property =~ /^(.+?):\s+(.+?)$/ data[$1.downcase.to_sym] = $2.to_s end return nicname.to_sym, data end # Populates the nic relationship for anything which is related to it. # # **This method typically won't be used except internally.** # # @return [Array] def populate_relationship(caller, data) nic_data = nic_data( relation = [] counter = 1 loop do break unless data["nic#{counter}".to_sym] nictype = nic_data["nic#{counter}".to_sym][:type] rescue nil nic = new(counter, caller, data.merge({ "nictype#{counter}".to_sym => nictype })) relation.push(nic) counter += 1 end relation end # Saves the relationship. This simply calls {#save} on every # member of the relationship. # # **This method typically won't be used except internally.** def save_relationship(caller, data) # Just call save on each nic with the VM data.each do |nic| end end end # Since there is currently no way to create a _new_ nic, this is # only used internally. Developers should NOT try to initialize their # own nic objects. def initialize(index, caller, data) super() @index = index # Setup the index specific attributes populate_data = {} self.class.attributes.each do |name, options| value = data["#{name}#{index}".to_sym] populate_data[name] = value end populate_attributes(populate_data.merge({ :parent => caller })) end # Saves a single attribute of the nic. This method is automatically # called on {#save}. # # **This method typically won't be used except internally.** def save_attribute(key, value, vmname) Command.vboxmanage("modifyvm #{vmname} --#{key}#{@index} #{Command.shell_escape(value)}") super end end end