{ "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "bb", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n        Cathy Jones, female. Birth weight 3.25 kg at 44.3 cm. \n        Injection of Vitamin K given on 1972-11-30 (first dose) and 1972-12-11 (second dose)\n        Note: Was able to speak Chinese at birth.\n      
" }, "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Patient/1" }, "authored": "2013-02-19T14:15:00+10:00", "author": { "reference": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Practitioner/example" }, "item": [ { "linkId": "birthDetails", "text": "Birth details - To be completed by health professional", "item": [ { "linkId": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "nameOfChild", "text": "Name of child", "answer": [ { "valueString": "Cathy Jones" } ] }, { "linkId": "sex", "text": "Sex", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "f" } } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "neonatalInformation", "text": "Neonatal Information", "item": [ { "linkId": "birthWeight", "text": "Birth weight (kg)", "answer": [ { "valueDecimal": 3.25 } ] }, { "linkId": "birthLength", "text": "Birth length (cm)", "answer": [ { "valueDecimal": 44.3 } ] }, { "linkId": "vitaminKgiven", "text": "Vitamin K given", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "INJECTION" }, "item": [ { "linkId": "vitaminKgivenDoses", "item": [ { "linkId": "vitaminKDose1", "text": "1st dose", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "1972-11-30" } ] }, { "linkId": "vitaminKDose2", "text": "2nd dose", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "1972-12-11" } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "hepBgiven", "text": "Hep B given y / n", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "hepBgivenDate", "text": "Date given", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "1972-12-04" } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "abnormalitiesAtBirth", "text": "Abnormalities noted at birth", "answer": [ { "valueString": "Already able to speak Chinese" } ] } ] } ] } ] }