module EventSourcery module Postgres module Reactor UndeclaredEventEmissionError = def self.included(base) base.include(EventProcessing::EventStreamProcessor) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.prepend(TableOwner) base.include(InstanceMethods) end module ClassMethods # Assign the types of events this reactor can emit. # # @param event_types the types of events this reactor can emit def emits_events(*event_types) @emits_event_types = event_types end # @return [Array] an array of the types of events this reactor can emit def emit_events @emits_event_types ||= [] end # This will tell you if this reactor emits any type of event. # # @return [true, false] true if this emits events, false if not def emits_events? !emit_events.empty? end # Will check if this reactor emits the given type of event. # # @param event_type the event type to check # @return [true, false] true if it does emit the given event false if not def emits_event?(event_type) emit_events.include?(event_type) end end module InstanceMethods def initialize(tracker: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_tracker, db_connection: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.projections_database, event_source: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_source, event_sink: EventSourcery::Postgres.config.event_sink) @tracker = tracker @event_source = event_source @event_sink = event_sink @db_connection = db_connection if self.class.emits_events? if event_sink.nil? || event_source.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'An event sink and source is required for processors that emit events' end end end end private attr_reader :event_sink, :event_source def emit_event(event_or_hash, &block) event = if Event === event_or_hash event_or_hash else end raise UndeclaredEventEmissionError unless self.class.emits_event?(event.class) event = event.with(causation_id: _event.uuid, correlation_id: _event.correlation_id) invoke_action_and_emit_event(event, block) EventSourcery.logger.debug { "[#{self.processor_name}] Emitted event: #{event.inspect}" } end def invoke_action_and_emit_event(event, action) if action event_sink.sink(event) end end end end