require_relative "railsbricks/version" require_relative "railsbricks/string_helpers" require_relative "railsbricks/errors" require_relative "railsbricks/menu" require_relative "railsbricks/app_generator" require_relative "railsbricks/config_helpers" class Railsbricks def self.main(args) # new app if args[0] == '-n' || args[0] == '--new' new_app elsif args[0] == '-r' || args[0] == '--recreate-db' recreate_db elsif args[0] == '-a' || args[0] == '--annotate' annotate elsif args[0] == '--robocop' prime_directives elsif args[0] == '-v' || args[0] == '--version' display_version elsif args[0] == '--config' display_config else display_help end end def self.new_app menu = @options = menu.new_app_menu generator = generator.generate_app end def self.recreate_db options = ConfigHelpers.load_config puts StringHelpers.wputs "----> Recreating the database ...", :info system "#{options["rake_command"]} db:drop" system "#{options["rake_command"]} db:create:all" system "#{options["rake_command"]} db:migrate" system "#{options["rake_command"]} db:seed" puts StringHelpers.wputs "----> Database recreated.", :info puts end def self.annotate puts StringHelpers.wputs "----> Annotating models and routes ...", :info puts system "bundle exec annotate" system "bundle exec annotate --routes" puts StringHelpers.wputs "----> Models and routes annotated.", :info puts end def self.prime_directives Errors.display_error "1. Serve the public trust" Errors.display_error "2. Protect the innocent" Errors.display_error "3. Uphold the law" Errors.display_error "4. Classified" end def self.display_version puts StringHelpers.wputs "RailsBricks #{Version.current} (#{Version.current_date})", :info StringHelpers.wputs "source:", :help StringHelpers.wputs "by Nico Schuele (", :help puts end def self.display_config puts StringHelpers.wputs "----> Retrieving your app's RailsBricks config values ...", :info options = ConfigHelpers.load_config puts if options.count > 1 options.each do |k,v| StringHelpers.wputs "#{k}: #{v}" end else Errors.display_error "Config values couldn't be found. In most cases, this is because '#{ConfigHelpers::CONFIG_PATH}/config' is not within your app.", true end puts StringHelpers.wputs "----> App config values retrieved.", :info rescue Errors.display_error "Config values couldn't be found. In most cases, this is because '#{ConfigHelpers::CONFIG_PATH}/config' is not within your app.", true end def self.display_help puts StringHelpers.wputs "RailsBricks usage:", :info StringHelpers.wputs "------------------", :info puts puts "rbricks --new (or -n) :" puts " --> create a new RailsBricks app." puts puts "rbricks --recreate-db (or -r) :" puts " --> drop, create, migrate & seed the DB" puts puts "rbricks --config" puts " --> display your app config" puts puts "rbricks --version (or -v) :" puts " --> display the RailsBricks version" puts end end