require "redis-stat/version" require "redis-stat/option" require 'insensitive_hash' require 'redis' require 'tabularize' require 'ansi' require 'csv' require 'parallelize' class RedisStat DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH = 180 DEFAULT_TERM_HEIGHT = 25 def initialize options = {} @options = RedisStat::Option::DEFAULT.merge options @hosts = @options[:hosts] @redises = { |e| host, port = e.split(':')[ {:host => host, :port => port}.select { |k, v| v } ]) } @max_count = @options[:count] @count = 0 @colors = @options[:colors] || COLORS end def start output_stream @os = output_stream trap('INT') { Thread.main.raise Interrupt } csv =[:csv], 'w') if @options[:csv] update_term_size! begin # Warm-up @redises.each { |r| } @started_at = prev_info = nil loop do info = {}.insensitive class << info def sumf label (self[label] || []).map(&:to_f).inject(:+) end end info[:at] = @redises.pmap(@redises.length) { |redis| }.each do |rinfo| rinfo.each do |k, v| info[k] ||= [] info[k] << v end end output info, prev_info, csv prev_info = info @count += 1 break if @max_count && @count >= @max_count sleep @options[:interval] end @os.puts rescue Interrupt @os.puts @os.puts ansi(:yellow, :bold) { "Interrupted." } rescue Exception => e @os.puts ansi(:red, :bold) { e.to_s } exit 1 ensure csv.close if csv end @os.puts ansi(:blue, :bold) { "Elapsed: #{"%.2f" % ( - @started_at)} sec." } end private def update_term_size! if RUBY_PLATFORM.match(/java/) require 'java' begin @term ||= Java::jline.Terminal.getTerminal @term_width = (@term.getTerminalWidth rescue DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH) @term_height = (@term.getTerminalHeight rescue DEFAULT_TERM_HEIGHT) - 4 return rescue Exception # Fallback to tput (which yields incorrect values as of now) end end @term_width = (`tput cols` rescue DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH).to_i @term_height = (`tput lines` rescue DEFAULT_TERM_HEIGHT).to_i - 4 end def move! lines return if lines == 0 @os.print( if defined?(Win32::Console) if lines < 0 "\e[#{- lines}F" else "\e[#{lines}E" end else if lines < 0 "\e[#{- lines}A\e[0G" else "\e[#{lines}B\e[0G" end end) end def output info, prev_info, file info_output = process info, prev_info init_table info_output unless @table movement = nil if @count == 0 output_static_info info movement = 0 if file file.puts CSV.generate_line( { |pair| LABELS[pair.first] || pair.first }) end elsif @count % @term_height == 0 movement = -1 update_term_size! init_table info_output end # Build output table @table << { |pair| ansi(*@colors[pair.first]) { [*pair.last].first } } lines = width = lines.first.length height = lines.length # Calculate the number of lines to go upward if movement.nil? if @prev_width && @prev_width == width lines = lines[-2..-1] movement = -1 else movement = -(height - 1) end end @prev_width = width move! movement begin @os.print $/ + lines.join($/) if file file.puts CSV.generate_line( { |pair| [*pair.last].last }) end rescue Interrupt move! -movement raise end end def output_static_info info tab = :unicode => false, :align => :right, :hborder => ansi(:black, :bold) { '-' }, :vborder => ansi(:black, :bold) { '|' }, :iborder => ansi(:black, :bold) { '+' } ) tab << [nil] + { |h| ansi(:bold, :green) { h } } tab.separator! [ :redis_version, :process_id, :uptime_in_seconds, :uptime_in_days, :gcc_version, :role, :connected_slaves, :aof_enabled, :vm_enabled ].each do |key| tab << [ansi(:bold) { key }] + info[key] end @os.puts tab end def init_table info_output @table = :unicode => false, :align => :right, :hborder => ansi(:black, :bold) { '-' }, :iborder => ansi(:black, :bold) { '+' }, :vborder => ' ', :ellipsis => ansi(:bold) { '>' }, :pad_left => 0, :pad_right => 0, :screen_width => @term_width @table << { |pair| ansi(*((@colors[pair.first] || []) + [:underline])) { LABELS[pair.first] || pair.first } } @table.separator! end def process info, prev_info MEASURES[@options[:verbose] ? :verbose : :default].map { |key| [ key, process_how(info, prev_info, key) ] }.select { |pair| pair.last } end def process_how info, prev_info, key dur = prev_info && (info[:at] - prev_info[:at]) get_diff = lambda do |label| if dur && dur > 0 (info.sumf(label) - prev_info.sumf(label)) / dur else nil end end case key when :at'%H:%M:%S') when :used_cpu_user, :used_cpu_sys val = [humanize_number(val), val] when :keys val = Hash[ { |k, v| k =~ /^db[0-9]+$/ } ].values.inject(0) { |sum, vs| sum + { |v| Hash[ v.split(',').map { |e| e.split '=' } ]['keys'].to_i }.inject(:+) } [humanize_number(val), val] when :evicted_keys_per_second, :expired_keys_per_second, :keyspace_hits_per_second, :keyspace_misses_per_second, :total_commands_processed_per_second val =$/, '').to_sym) [humanize_number(val), val] when :total_commands_processed, :evicted_keys, :expired_keys, :keyspace_hits, :keyspace_misses val = info.sumf(key) [humanize_number(val.to_i), val] when :used_memory, :used_memory_rss, :aof_current_size, :aof_base_size val = info.sumf(key) [humanize_number(val.to_i, 1024, 'B'), val] else format_number info.sumf(key) end end def format_number num if num.to_i == num num.to_i elsif num < 10 "%.2f" % num elsif num < 100 "%.1f" % num else num.to_i end.to_s end def humanize_number num, k = 1000, suffix = '' return '-' if num.nil? sign = num >= 0 ? '' : '-' num = num.abs mult = k.to_f ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'].each do |mp| return sign + format_number(num * k / mult) + mp + suffix if num < mult || mp == 'E' mult *= k end return nil end def ansi *args, &block if args.empty? else ANSI::Code.ansi *args, &block end end MEASURES = { :default => [ :at, :used_cpu_user, :used_cpu_sys, :connected_clients, :blocked_clients, :used_memory, :used_memory_rss, :keys, :total_commands_processed_per_second, :expired_keys_per_second, :evicted_keys_per_second, :keyspace_hits_per_second, :keyspace_misses_per_second, :aof_current_size, :pubsub_channels, ], :verbose => [ :at, :used_cpu_user, :used_cpu_sys, :connected_clients, :blocked_clients, :used_memory, :used_memory_rss, :mem_fragmentation_ratio, :keys, :total_commands_processed_per_second, :total_commands_processed, :expired_keys_per_second, :expired_keys, :evicted_keys_per_second, :evicted_keys, :keyspace_hits_per_second, :keyspace_hits, :keyspace_misses_per_second, :keyspace_misses, :aof_current_size, :aof_base_size, :pubsub_channels, :pubsub_patterns, ] } COLORS = { :at => [:bold], :used_cpu_user => [:yellow, :bold], :used_cpu_sys => [:yellow], :connected_clients => [:cyan, :bold], :blocked_clients => [:cyan, :bold], :used_memory => [:green], :used_memory_rss => [:green], :mem_fragmentation_ratio => [:green], :keys => [:bold], :total_commands_processed => [:blue, :bold], :total_commands_processed_per_second => [:blue, :bold], :expired_keys => [:red], :expired_keys_per_second => [:red], :evicted_keys => [:red, :bold], :evicted_keys_per_second => [:red, :bold], :keyspace_hits => [:magenta, :bold], :keyspace_hits_per_second => [:magenta, :bold], :keyspace_misses => [:magenta], :keyspace_misses_per_second => [:magenta], :aof_current_size => [:cyan], :aof_base_size => [:cyan], :pubsub_channels => [:cyan, :bold], :pubsub_patterns => [:cyan, :bold], } LABELS = { :at => 'time', :used_cpu_user => 'us', :used_cpu_sys => 'sy', :connected_clients => 'cl', :blocked_clients => 'bcl', :used_memory => 'mem', :used_memory_rss => 'rss', :mem_fragmentation_ratio => 'frag', :total_commands_processed => 'cmd', :total_commands_processed_per_second => 'cmd/s', :expired_keys => 'exp', :expired_keys_per_second => 'exp/s', :evicted_keys => 'evt', :evicted_keys_per_second => 'evt/s', :keyspace_hits => 'hit', :keyspace_hits_per_second => 'hit/s', :keyspace_misses => 'mis', :keyspace_misses_per_second => 'mis/s', :aof_current_size => 'aofcs', :aof_base_size => 'aofbs', :pubsub_channels => 'psch', :pubsub_patterns => 'psp', } end