unless defined? JRUBY_VERSION Process.maxgroups = 1024 end module RDoc def self.caller(skip=nil) in_gem_wrapper = false Kernel.caller.reject { |call| in_gem_wrapper ||= call =~ /#{Regexp.escape $0}:\d+:in `load'/ } end end require "yaml" require "puppet/util/zaml.rb" class Symbol def <=> (other) self.to_s <=> other.to_s end unless method_defined? '<=>' def intern self end unless method_defined? 'intern' end [Object, Exception, Integer, Struct, Date, Time, Range, Regexp, Hash, Array, Float, String, FalseClass, TrueClass, Symbol, NilClass, Class].each { |cls| cls.class_eval do def to_yaml(ignored=nil) ZAML.dump(self) end end } def YAML.dump(*args) ZAML.dump(*args) end # # Workaround for bug in MRI 1.8.7, see # http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/2708 # for details # if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.7' class NilClass def closed? true end end end class Object # ActiveSupport 2.3.x mixes in a dangerous method # that can cause rspec to fork bomb # and other strange things like that. def daemonize raise NotImplementedError, "Kernel.daemonize is too dangerous, please don't try to use it." end # The following code allows callers to make assertions that are only # checked when the environment variable PUPPET_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS is # set to a non-empty string. For example: # # assert_that { condition } # assert_that(message) { condition } if ENV["PUPPET_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS"].to_s != '' def assert_that(message = nil) unless yield raise Exception.new("Assertion failure: #{message}") end end else def assert_that(message = nil) end end end # Workaround for yaml_initialize, which isn't supported before Ruby # 1.8.3. if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.1' || RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.2' YAML.add_ruby_type( /^object/ ) { |tag, val| type, obj_class = YAML.read_type_class( tag, Object ) r = YAML.object_maker( obj_class, val ) if r.respond_to? :yaml_initialize r.instance_eval { instance_variables.each { |name| remove_instance_variable name } } r.yaml_initialize(tag, val) end r } end class Fixnum # Returns the int itself. This method is intended for compatibility to # character constant in Ruby 1.9. 1.8.5 is missing it; add it. def ord self end unless method_defined? 'ord' end class Array # Ruby < 1.8.7 doesn't have this method but we use it in tests def combination(num) return [] if num < 0 || num > size return [[]] if num == 0 return map{|e| [e] } if num == 1 tmp = self.dup self[0, size - (num - 1)].inject([]) do |ret, e| tmp.shift ret += tmp.combination(num - 1).map{|a| a.unshift(e) } end end unless method_defined? :combination alias :count :length unless method_defined? :count end class Symbol # So, it turns out that one of the biggest memory allocation hot-spots in # our code was using symbol-to-proc - because it allocated a new instance # every time it was called, rather than caching. # # Changing this means we can see XX memory reduction... if method_defined? :to_proc alias __original_to_proc to_proc def to_proc @my_proc ||= __original_to_proc end else def to_proc @my_proc ||= Proc.new {|*args| args.shift.__send__(self, *args) } end end # Defined in 1.9, absent in 1.8, and used for compatibility in various # places, typically in third party gems. def intern return self end unless method_defined? :intern end class String def lines(separator = $/) lines = split(separator) block_given? and lines.each {|line| yield line } lines end end class IO def lines(separator = $/) lines = split(separator) block_given? and lines.each {|line| yield line } lines end def self.binread(name, length = nil, offset = 0) File.open(name, 'rb') do |f| f.seek(offset) if offset > 0 f.read(length) end end unless singleton_methods.include?(:binread) def self.binwrite(name, string, offset = 0) File.open(name, 'wb') do |f| f.write(offset > 0 ? string[offset..-1] : string) end end unless singleton_methods.include?(:binwrite) end class Range def intersection(other) raise ArgumentError, 'value must be a Range' unless other.kind_of?(Range) return unless other === self.first || self === other.first start = [self.first, other.first].max if self.exclude_end? && self.last <= other.last start ... self.last elsif other.exclude_end? && self.last >= other.last start ... other.last else start .. [ self.last, other.last ].min end end unless method_defined? :intersection alias_method :&, :intersection unless method_defined? :& end # Ruby 1.8.5 doesn't have tap module Kernel def tap yield(self) self end unless method_defined?(:tap) end # The mv method in Ruby 1.8.5 can't mv directories across devices # File.rename causes "Invalid cross-device link", which is rescued, but in Ruby # 1.8.5 it tries to recover with a copy and unlink, but the unlink causes the # error "Is a directory". In newer Rubies remove_entry is used # The implementation below is what's used in Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9 if RUBY_VERSION == '1.8.5' require 'fileutils' module FileUtils def mv(src, dest, options = {}) fu_check_options options, OPT_TABLE['mv'] fu_output_message "mv#{options[:force] ? ' -f' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if options[:verbose] return if options[:noop] fu_each_src_dest(src, dest) do |s, d| destent = Entry_.new(d, nil, true) begin if destent.exist? if destent.directory? raise Errno::EEXIST, dest else destent.remove_file if rename_cannot_overwrite_file? end end begin File.rename s, d rescue Errno::EXDEV copy_entry s, d, true if options[:secure] remove_entry_secure s, options[:force] else remove_entry s, options[:force] end end rescue SystemCallError raise unless options[:force] end end end module_function :mv alias move mv module_function :move end end # (#19151) Reject all SSLv2 ciphers and handshakes require 'openssl' class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext if match = /^1\.8\.(\d+)/.match(RUBY_VERSION) older_than_187 = match[1].to_i < 7 else older_than_187 = false end alias __original_initialize initialize private :__original_initialize if older_than_187 def initialize(*args) __original_initialize(*args) if bitmask = self.options self.options = bitmask | OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 else self.options = OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 end # These are the default ciphers in recent MRI versions. See # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/v1_9_3_392/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl-internal.rb#L26 self.ciphers = "ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT:!SSLv2:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW" end else if DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options] DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options] |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 else DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options] = OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 end DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers] << ':!SSLv2' def initialize(*args) __original_initialize(*args) params = { :options => DEFAULT_PARAMS[:options], :ciphers => DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers], } set_params(params) end end end