module AlchemyHelper include FastGettext::Translation # An alias for truncate. # Left here for downwards compatibilty. def shorten(text, length) text.truncate(:length => length) end # This helper renders the link for an overlay window. # We use this for our fancy modal overlay windows in the Alchemy cockpit. def link_to_overlay_window(content, url, options={}, html_options={}) default_options = { :size => "100x100", :resizable => false, :modal => true, :overflow => false } options = default_options.merge(options) link_to_function( content, "Alchemy.openWindow( \'#{url}\', \'#{options[:title]}\', \'#{options[:size].split('x')[0].to_s}\', \'#{options[:size].split('x')[1].to_s}\', #{options[:resizable]}, #{options[:modal]}, #{options[:overflow]} )", html_options ) end # Used for rendering the folder link in Admin::Pages.index sitemap. def sitemapFolderLink(page) return '' if page.level == 1 if page.folded?( css_class = 'folded' title = _('Show childpages') else css_class = 'collapsed' title = _('Hide childpages') end link_to( '', fold_admin_page_path(page), :remote => true, :method => :post, :class => "page_folder #{css_class}", :title => title, :id => "fold_button_#{}" ) end # Returns @current_language set in the action (e.g. def current_language if @current_language.nil? warning('@current_language is not set') return nil else @current_language end end # Used for language selector in Alchemy cockpit sitemap. So the user can select the language branche of the page. def language_codes_for_select configuration(:languages).collect{ |language| language[:language_code] } end # Used for translations selector in Alchemy cockpit user settings. def translations_for_select configuration(:translations).collect{ |translation| [translation[:language], translation[:language_code]] } end # Used by Alchemy to display a javascript driven filter for lists in the Alchemy cockpit. def js_filter_field options = {} default_options = { :class => "thin_border js_filter_field", :onkeyup => "Alchemy.ListFilter('#contact_list li')", :id => "search_field" } options = default_options.merge(options) options[:onkeyup] << ";jQuery('#search_field').val().length >= 1 ? jQuery('.js_filter_field_clear').show() : jQuery('.js_filter_field_clear').hide();" filter_field = "
" filter_field << text_field_tag("filter", '', options) filter_field << content_tag('span', '', :class => 'icon search') filter_field << link_to_function( "", "jQuery('##{options[:id]}').val('');#{options[:onkeyup]}", :class => "js_filter_field_clear", :style => "display:none", :title => _("click_to_show_all") ) filter_field << "" filter_field << "
" filter_field.html_safe end def link_to_confirmation_window(link_string = "", message = "", url = "", html_options = {}) title = _("please_confirm") ok_lable = _("yes") cancel_lable = _("no") link_to_function( link_string, "Alchemy.confirmToDeleteWindow('#{url}', '#{title}', '#{message}', '#{ok_lable}', '#{cancel_lable}');", html_options ) end # Renders a form select tag for storing page urlnames # Options: # * element - element the Content find via content_name to store the pages urlname in. # * content_name - the name of the content from element to store the pages urlname in. # * options (Hash) # ** :only (Hash) - pass page_layout names to :page_layout => [""] so only pages with this page_layout will be displayed inside the select. # ** :except (Hash) - pass page_layout names to :page_layout => [""] so all pages except these with this page_layout will be displayed inside the select. # ** :page_attribute (Symbol) - The Page attribute which will be stored. # * select_options (Hash) - will be passed to the select_tag helper def page_selector(element, content_name, options = {}, select_options = {}) default_options = { :except => { :page_layout => [""] }, :only => { :page_layout => [""] }, :page_attribute => :urlname, :prompt => _('Choose page') } options = default_options.merge(options) content = element.content_by_name(content_name) if content.nil? return warning('Content', _('content_not_found')) elsif content.essence.nil? return warning('Content', _('content_essence_not_found')) end pages = Page.where({ :language_id => session[:language_id], :page_layout => options[:only][:page_layout], :public => true }) select_tag( "contents[content_#{}][body]", pages_for_select(pages, content.essence.body, options[:prompt], options[:page_attribute]), select_options ) end # Returns an Array build for passing it to the options_for_select helper inside an essence editor partial. # Usefull for the select_values options from the render_essence_editor helpers. # Options: # * :from_page (String, Page) - Return only elements from this page. You can either pass a Page instance, or a page_layout name # * :elements_with_name (Array, String) - Return only elements with this name(s). def elements_for_essence_editor_select(options={}) defaults = { :from_page => nil, :elements_with_name => nil, :prompt => _('Please choose') } options = defaults.merge(options) if options[:from_page] page = options[:from_page].is_a?(String) ? Page.find_by_page_layout(options[:from_page]) : options[:from_page] end if page elements = options[:elements_with_name].blank? ? page.elements.find_all_by_public(true) : page.elements.find_all_by_public_and_name(true, options[:elements_with_name]) else elements = options[:elements_with_name].blank? ? Element.find_all_by_public(true) : Element.find_all_by_public_and_name(true, options[:elements_with_name]) end select_options = [[options[:prompt], ""]] elements.each do |e| select_options << [e.display_name_with_preview_text,] end select_options end # Returns all Pages found in the database as an array for the rails select_tag helper. # You can pass a collection of pages to only returns these pages as array. # Pass an or as second parameter to pass as selected for the options_for_select helper. def pages_for_select(pages = nil, selected = nil, prompt = "", page_attribute = :id) result = [[prompt.blank? ? _('Choose page') : prompt, ""]] if pages.blank? pages = Page.find_all_by_language_id_and_public(session[:language_id], true) end pages.each do |p| result << [, p.send(page_attribute).to_s] end options_for_select(result, selected.to_s) end def render_essence_selection_editor(element, content, select_options) if content.class == String content = element.contents.find_by_name(content) else content = element.contents[content - 1] end if content.essence.nil? return warning('Element', _('content_essence_not_found')) end select_options = options_for_select(select_options, content.essence.content) select_tag( "contents[content_#{}]", select_options ) end # TOOD: include these via asset_packer yml file def stylesheets_from_plugins Dir.glob("vendor/plugins/*/assets/stylesheets/*.css").inject("") do |acc, s| filename = File.basename(s) plugin = s.split("/")[2] acc << stylesheet_link_tag("#{plugin}/#{filename}") end end # TOOD: include these via asset_packer yml file def javascripts_from_plugins Dir.glob("vendor/plugins/*/assets/javascripts/*.js").inject("") do |acc, s| filename = File.basename(s) plugin = s.split("/")[2] acc << javascript_include_tag("#{plugin}/#{filename}") end end def admin_main_navigation navigation_entries = alchemy_plugins.collect{ |p| p["navigation"] } render :partial => 'admin/partials/mainnavigation_entry', :collection => navigation_entries.flatten end # Renders the Subnavigation for the admin interface. def render_admin_subnavigation(entries) render :partial => "admin/partials/sub_navigation", :locals => {:entries => entries} end def admin_subnavigation plugin = alchemy_plugin(:controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action]) unless plugin.nil? entries = plugin["navigation"]['sub_navigation'] render_admin_subnavigation(entries) unless entries.nil? else "" end end def admin_mainnavi_active?(mainnav) subnavi = mainnav["sub_navigation"] nested = mainnav["nested"] if !subnavi.blank? (!subnavi.detect{ |subnav| subnav["controller"] == params[:controller] && subnav["action"] == params[:action] }.blank?) || (!nested.nil? && !nested.detect{ |n| n["controller"] == params[:controller] && n["action"] == params[:action] }.blank?) else mainnav["controller"] == params[:controller] && mainnav["action"] == params["action"] end end # Helper for including the nescessary javascripts and stylesheets for the different views. # Together with the rails caching we achieve a good load time. def alchemy_assets_set(setname = 'combined') asset_sets = YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'config/asset_packages.yml')) content_for(:javascript_includes) do js_set = asset_sets['javascripts'].detect { |js| js[setname.to_s] }[setname.to_s] javascript_include_tag(js_set, :cache => 'alchemy/' + setname.to_s) end css_set = asset_sets['stylesheets'].detect { |css| css[setname.to_s] }[setname.to_s] content_for(:stylesheets) do stylesheet_link_tag(css_set, :cache => 'alchemy/' + setname.to_s, :media => 'screen') end content_for(:stylesheets) do print_set = css_set.clone << 'alchemy/print' stylesheet_link_tag(print_set, :cache => 'alchemy/' + setname.to_s + '-print', :media => 'print') end end def parse_sitemap_name(page) if multi_language? pathname = "/#{session[:language_code]}/#{page.urlname}" else pathname = "/#{page.urlname}" end pathname end # Returns an icon def render_icon(icon_class) content_tag('span', '', :class => "icon #{icon_class}") end # Logs a message in the Rails logger (warn level) and optionally displays an error message to the user. def warning(message, text = nil) logger.warn %(\n ++++ WARNING: #{message}! from: #{caller.first}\n ) unless text.nil? warning = content_tag('p', :class => 'content_editor_error') do render_icon('warning') + text end return warning end end def alchemy_combined_assets alchemy_assets_set end def necessary_options_for_cropping_provided?(options) options[:crop].to_s == 'true' && !options[:image_size].blank? end # Renders translated Module Names for html title element. def render_alchemy_title key = 'module: ' + controller_name if content_for?(:title) title = content_for(:title) elsif FastGettext.key_exist?(key) title = _(key) else title = controller_name.humanize end "Alchemy CMS - #{title}" end # Returns max image count as integer or nil. Used for the picture editor in element editor views. def max_image_count return nil if !@options if @options[:maximum_amount_of_images].blank? image_count = @options[:max_images] else image_count = @options[:maximum_amount_of_images] end if image_count.blank? nil else image_count.to_i end end def clipboard_select_tag(items, html_options = {}) options = [[_('Please choose'), ""]] items.each do |item| options << [item.class.to_s == 'Element' ? item.display_name_with_preview_text :,] end select_tag( 'paste_from_clipboard', !@page.new_record? && @page.can_have_cells? ? grouped_elements_for_select(items, :id) : options_for_select(options), { :class => html_options[:class] || 'very_long', :style => html_options[:style] } ) end end