The TaskJuggler User Manual

Project Management beyond Gantt Chart drawing
Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Chris Schlaeger <>
Generated on 2012-04-30

This manual covers TaskJuggler version 3.2.0.

1 Introduction
1.1 About TaskJuggler
1.2 License and Copyright
1.3 Features and Highlights
1.3.1 Basic Properties
1.3.2 Advanced Scheduling
1.3.3 Accounting
1.3.4 Reporting
1.3.5 Scaling and Enterprise Features
1.3.6 Web Publishing and Groupware Functions
1.4 TaskJuggler on the Web
1.5 TaskJuggler 2.x Migration
1.6 Using TaskJuggler 2.x and TaskJuggler 3.x in parallel
1.7 Reporting Bugs and Feature Requests
2 Installation
2.1 Requirements
2.1.1 Supported Operating Systems
2.1.2 Other required Software
2.2 Installation Steps for Users
2.2.1 The easy way System Wide Installation Installation into a local Directory
2.2.2 The manual way
2.3 Update from older TaskJuggler 3.x versions
2.4 Installing TaskJuggler from the Git Repository
2.5 Quickly switching between various TaskJuggler 3.x versions
2.6 Installing a newer Ruby version
2.7 Installing the Vim Support
2.8 How to Contribute
2.8.1 Why contribute?
2.8.2 Preparing a contribution
2.8.3 Creating a Patch
2.8.4 Contributing to the User Manual
2.8.5 Contributing to the Test Suite
2.8.6 Contributing to the Ruby code
2.8.7 Some final words to Contributors
3 Getting Started
3.1 Basics
3.2 Structure of a TJP File
4 The Tutorial: Your first Project
4.1 Starting the project
4.2 Global Attributes
4.3 Macros
4.4 Declaring Flags
4.5 Declaring Accounts
4.6 Declaring Resources
4.7 Specifying the Tasks
4.8 Specifying Milestones
4.9 Visualizing the Project
5 The TaskJuggler Syntax
5.1 Understanding the Syntax Reference
5.1.2 ID
5.1.4 STRING
5.2 Predefined Macros
5.3 Environment Variable Expansions
5.4 Rich Text Attributes
5.4.1 Block Markups
5.4.2 In-Line Markups
5.4.3 Block and Inline Generators
6 The TaskJuggler Software
6.1 tj3
6.2 tj3man
6.3 tj3d
6.4 tj3client
6.5 tj3webd
7 Day To Day Juggling
7.1 Working with multiple scenarios
7.2 Important and fall-back Tasks
7.3 Tracking the Project
7.4 Recording Progress
7.4.1 Using completion values
7.4.2 Using bookings
7.5 Tracking status and actuals
7.5.1 The reporting and tracking cycle
7.6 Implementing the status tracking system
7.6.1 Prerequesites
7.6.2 The Time Sheet Template Sender
7.6.3 The Time Sheet Receiver
7.6.4 Time Sheet Template Requests
7.6.5 Time Sheet Summaries
7.6.6 Updating the Project Plan
7.7 Recording actual Resource Usage
7.7.1 Status Sheets
7.7.2 The Status Sheet Template Sender
7.7.3 Requesting Status Sheet Templates
7.7.4 The Status Sheet Receiver
8 TaskJuggler Internals
8.1 How the Scheduler works
9 GNU Free Documentation License
A Syntax Reference
A.1 account
A.2 account (task)
A.3 accountprefix
A.4 accountreport
A.5 accountroot
A.6 active
A.7 adopt (task)
A.8 aggregate
A.9 alert
A.10 alertlevels
A.11 allocate
A.12 alternative
A.13 author
A.14 balance
A.15 booking (resource)
A.16 booking (task)
A.17 caption
A.18 cellcolor (column)
A.19 celltext (column)
A.20 center
A.21 charge
A.22 chargeset
A.23 columnid
A.24 columns
A.25 complete
A.26 copyright
A.27 credits
A.28 currency
A.29 currencyformat
A.30 dailymax
A.31 dailymin
A.32 dailyworkinghours
A.33 date
A.34 date (extend)
A.35 definitions
A.36 depends
A.37 details
A.38 disabled
A.39 duration
A.40 efficiency
A.41 effort
A.42 email
A.43 enabled
A.44 end
A.45 end (column)
A.46 end (limit)
A.47 end (report)
A.48 end (timesheet)
A.49 endcredit
A.50 epilog
A.51 export
A.52 extend
A.53 fail
A.54 flags
A.55 flags (account)
A.56 flags (journalentry)
A.57 flags (report)
A.58 flags (resource)
A.59 flags (statussheet)
A.60 flags (task)
A.61 flags (timesheet)
A.62 fontcolor (column)
A.63 footer
A.64 formats
A.65 functions
A.66 gapduration
A.67 gaplength
A.68 halign (center)
A.69 halign (column)
A.70 halign (left)
A.71 halign (right)
A.72 hasalert
A.73 header
A.74 headline
A.75 height
A.76 hideaccount
A.77 hidejournalentry
A.78 hidereport
A.79 hideresource
A.80 hidetask
A.81 icalreport
A.82 include (macro)
A.83 include (project)
A.84 include (properties)
A.85 inherit (extend)
A.86 interval1
A.87 interval2
A.88 interval3
A.89 interval4
A.90 isactive
A.91 ischildof
A.92 isdependencyof
A.93 isdutyof
A.94 isfeatureof
A.95 isleaf
A.96 ismilestone
A.97 isongoing
A.98 isresource
A.99 isresponsibilityof
A.100 istask
A.101 journalattributes
A.102 journalentry
A.103 journalmode
A.104 leaveallowance
A.105 leaves
A.106 left
A.107 length
A.108 limits
A.109 limits (allocate)
A.110 limits (resource)
A.111 limits (task)
A.112 listitem (column)
A.113 listtype (column)
A.114 loadunit
A.115 logicalexpression
A.116 logicalflagexpression
A.117 macro
A.118 managers
A.119 mandatory
A.120 maxend
A.121 maximum
A.122 maxstart
A.123 milestone
A.124 minend
A.125 minimum
A.126 minstart
A.127 monthlymax
A.128 monthlymin
A.129 navigator
A.130 newtask
A.131 nikureport
A.132 note (task)
A.133 now
A.134 numberformat
A.135 onend
A.136 onstart
A.137 opennodes
A.138 overtime (booking)
A.139 period (column)
A.140 period (limit)
A.141 period (report)
A.142 period (task)
A.143 persistent
A.144 precedes
A.145 priority
A.146 priority (timesheet)
A.147 project
A.148 projectid
A.149 projectid (task)
A.150 projectids
A.151 projection
A.152 prolog
A.153 properties
A.154 purge
A.155 rate
A.156 rate (resource)
A.157 reference (extend)
A.158 remaining
A.159 replace
A.160 reportprefix
A.161 resource
A.162 resourceattributes
A.163 resourceprefix
A.164 resourcereport
A.165 resourceroot
A.166 resources (limit)
A.167 responsible
A.168 richtext (extend)
A.169 right
A.170 rollupaccount
A.171 rollupresource
A.172 rolluptask
A.173 scale (column)
A.174 scenario
A.175 scenario (ical)
A.176 scenarios
A.177 scenarios (export)
A.178 scenariospecific (extend)
A.179 scheduled
A.180 scheduling
A.181 select
A.182 selfcontained
A.183 shift
A.184 shift (allocate)
A.185 shift (resource)
A.186 shift (task)
A.187 shift (timesheet)
A.188 shifts (allocate)
A.189 shifts (resource)
A.190 shifts (task)
A.191 shorttimeformat
A.192 sloppy (booking)
A.193 sloppy (projection)
A.194 sortaccounts
A.195 sortjournalentries
A.196 sortresources
A.197 sorttasks
A.198 start
A.199 start (column)
A.200 start (limit)
A.201 start (report)
A.202 startcredit
A.203 status (statussheet)
A.204 status (timesheet)
A.205 statussheet
A.206 statussheetreport
A.207 strict (projection)
A.208 summary
A.209 supplement
A.210 supplement (resource)
A.211 supplement (task)
A.212 tagfile
A.213 task
A.214 task (statussheet)
A.215 task (timesheet)
A.216 taskattributes
A.217 taskprefix
A.218 taskreport
A.219 taskroot
A.220 text (extend)
A.221 textreport
A.222 timeformat
A.223 timeoff (nikureport)
A.224 timesheet
A.225 timesheetreport
A.226 timezone
A.227 timezone (export)
A.228 timezone (report)
A.229 timezone (shift)
A.230 timingresolution
A.231 title
A.232 title (column)
A.233 tooltip (column)
A.234 tracereport
A.235 trackingscenario
A.236 treelevel
A.237 vacation
A.238 vacation (resource)
A.239 vacation (shift)
A.240 warn
A.241 weeklymax
A.242 weeklymin
A.243 weekstartsmonday
A.244 weekstartssunday
A.245 width
A.246 width (column)
A.247 work
A.248 workinghours (project)
A.249 workinghours (resource)
A.250 workinghours (shift)
A.251 yearlyworkingdays

Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Chris Schlaeger <>.TaskJuggler is a trademark of Chris Schlaeger.