#-- # Cloud Foundry 2012.02.03 Beta # Copyright (c) [2009-2012] VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'securerandom' require 'uaa/http' module CF::UAA # The TokenInfo class is returned by various TokenIssuer methods. It holds access # and refresh tokens as well as token meta-data such as token type and # expiration time. See {TokenInfo#info} for contents. class TokenInfo # Information about the current token. The info hash MUST include # access_token, token_type and scope (if granted scope differs from requested # scope). It should include expires_in. It may include refresh_token, scope, # and other values from the auth server. # @return [Hash] attr_reader :info # Normally instantiated by {TokenIssuer}. def initialize(info) @info = info end # Constructs a string for use in an authorization header from the contents of # the TokenInfo. # @return [String] Typically a string such as "bearer xxxx.xxxx.xxxx". def auth_header "#{@info[:token_type] || @info['token_type']} #{@info[:access_token] || @info['access_token']}" end end # Client Apps that want to get access to resource servers on behalf of their # users need to get tokens via authcode and implicit flows, # request scopes, etc., but they don't need to process tokens. This # class is for these use cases. # # In general most of this class is an implementation of the client pieces of # the OAuth2 protocol. See {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749} class TokenIssuer include Http private def random_state; SecureRandom.hex end def parse_implicit_params(encoded_params, state) params = Util.decode_form(encoded_params) raise BadResponse, "mismatched state" unless state && params.delete('state') == state raise TargetError.new(params), "error response from #{@target}" if params['error'] raise BadResponse, "no type and token" unless params['token_type'] && params['access_token'] exp = params['expires_in'].to_i params['expires_in'] = exp if exp.to_s == params['expires_in'] TokenInfo.new(Util.hash_keys!(params, @key_style)) rescue URI::InvalidURIError, ArgumentError raise BadResponse, "received invalid response from target #{@target}" end # returns a CF::UAA::TokenInfo object which includes the access token and metadata. def request_token(params) if scope = Util.arglist(params.delete(:scope)) params[:scope] = Util.strlist(scope) end headers = {'content-type' => FORM_UTF8, 'accept' => JSON_UTF8, 'authorization' => Http.basic_auth(@client_id, @client_secret) } reply = json_parse_reply(@key_style, *request(@token_target, :post, '/oauth/token', Util.encode_form(params), headers)) raise BadResponse unless reply[jkey :token_type] && reply[jkey :access_token] TokenInfo.new(reply) end def authorize_path_args(response_type, redirect_uri, scope, state = random_state, args = {}) params = args.merge(:client_id => @client_id, :response_type => response_type, :redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :state => state) params[:scope] = scope = Util.strlist(scope) if scope = Util.arglist(scope) params[:nonce], params[:response_type] = state, "#{response_type} id_token" if scope && scope.include?('openid') "/oauth/authorize?#{Util.encode_form(params)}" end def jkey(k) @key_style ? k : k.to_s end public # @param [String] target The base URL of a UAA's oauth authorize endpoint. # For example the target would be {https://login.cloudfoundry.com} if the # endpoint is {https://login.cloudfoundry.com/oauth/authorize}. # The target would be {http://localhost:8080/uaa} if the endpoint # is {http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize}. # @param [String] client_id The oauth2 client id, see # {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-2.2} # @param [String] client_secret Needed to authenticate the client for all # grant types except implicit. # @param [Hash] options can be # * +:token_target+, the base URL of the oauth token endpoint -- if # not specified, +target+ is used. # * +:symbolize_keys+, if true, returned hash keys are symbols. def initialize(target, client_id, client_secret = nil, options = {}) @target, @client_id, @client_secret = target, client_id, client_secret @token_target = options[:token_target] || target @key_style = options[:symbolize_keys] ? :sym : nil self.http_proxy = options[:http_proxy] self.https_proxy = options[:https_proxy] end # Allows an app to discover what credentials are required for # {#implicit_grant_with_creds}. # @return [Hash] of credential names with type and suggested prompt value, # e.g. !{"username":["text","Email"],"password":["password","Password"]} def prompts reply = json_get(@target, '/login') return reply[jkey :prompts] if reply && reply[jkey :prompts] raise BadResponse, "No prompts in response from target #{@target}" end # Gets an access token in a single call to the UAA with the user # credentials used for authentication. # @param credentials should be an object such as a hash that can be converted # to a json representation of the credential name/value pairs corresponding to # the keys retrieved by {#prompts}. # @return [TokenInfo] def implicit_grant_with_creds(credentials, scope = nil) # this manufactured redirect_uri is a convention here, not part of OAuth2 redir_uri = "https://uaa.cloudfoundry.com/redirect/#{@client_id}" uri = authorize_path_args("token", redir_uri, scope, state = random_state) # the accept header is only here so the uaa will issue error replies in json to aid debugging headers = {'content-type' => FORM_UTF8, 'accept' => JSON_UTF8 } body = Util.encode_form(credentials.merge(:source => 'credentials')) status, body, headers = request(@target, :post, uri, body, headers) raise BadResponse, "status #{status}" unless status == 302 req_uri, reply_uri = URI.parse(redir_uri), URI.parse(headers['location']) fragment, reply_uri.fragment = reply_uri.fragment, nil raise BadResponse, "bad location header" unless req_uri == reply_uri parse_implicit_params(fragment, state) rescue URI::Error => e raise BadResponse, "bad location header in reply: #{e.message}" end # Constructs a uri that the client is to return to the browser to direct # the user to the authorization server to get an authcode. # @param [String] redirect_uri (see #authcode_uri) # @return [String] def implicit_uri(redirect_uri, scope = nil) @target + authorize_path_args("token", redirect_uri, scope) end # Gets a token via an implicit grant. # @param [String] implicit_uri must be from a previous call to # {#implicit_uri}, contains state used to validate the contents of the # reply from the server. # @param [String] callback_fragment must be the fragment portion of the URL # received by the user's browser after the server redirects back to the # +redirect_uri+ that was given to {#implicit_uri}. How the application # gets the contents of the fragment is application specific -- usually # some javascript in the page at the +redirect_uri+. # @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2 # @return [TokenInfo] def implicit_grant(implicit_uri, callback_fragment) in_params = Util.decode_form(URI.parse(implicit_uri).query) unless in_params['state'] && in_params['redirect_uri'] raise ArgumentError, "redirect must happen before implicit grant" end parse_implicit_params(callback_fragment, in_params['state']) end # A UAA extension to OAuth2 that allows a client to pre-authenticate a # user at the start of an authorization code flow. By passing in the # user's credentials the server can establish a session with the user's # browser without reprompting for authentication. This is useful for # user account management apps so that they can create a user account, # or reset a password for the user, without requiring the user to type # in their credentials again. # @param [String] credentials (see #implicit_grant_with_creds) # @param [String] redirect_uri (see #authcode_uri) # @return (see #authcode_uri) def autologin_uri(redirect_uri, credentials, scope = nil) headers = {'content-type' => FORM_UTF8, 'accept' => JSON_UTF8, 'authorization' => Http.basic_auth(@client_id, @client_secret) } body = Util.encode_form(credentials) reply = json_parse_reply(nil, *request(@target, :post, "/autologin", body, headers)) raise BadResponse, "no autologin code in reply" unless reply['code'] @target + authorize_path_args('code', redirect_uri, scope, random_state, :code => reply['code']) end # Constructs a uri that the client is to return to the browser to direct # the user to the authorization server to get an authcode. # @param [String] redirect_uri is embedded in the returned uri so the server # can redirect the user back to the caller's endpoint. # @return [String] uri which def authcode_uri(redirect_uri, scope = nil) @target + authorize_path_args('code', redirect_uri, scope) end # Uses the instance client credentials in addition to +callback_query+ # to get a token via the authorization code grant. # @param [String] authcode_uri must be from a previous call to {#authcode_uri} # and contains state used to validate the contents of the reply from the # server. # @param [String] callback_query must be the query portion of the URL # received by the client after the user's browser is redirected back from # the server. It contains the authorization code. # @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1 # @return [TokenInfo] def authcode_grant(authcode_uri, callback_query) ac_params = Util.decode_form(URI.parse(authcode_uri).query) unless ac_params['state'] && ac_params['redirect_uri'] raise ArgumentError, "authcode redirect must happen before authcode grant" end begin params = Util.decode_form(callback_query) authcode = params['code'] raise BadResponse unless params['state'] == ac_params['state'] && authcode rescue URI::InvalidURIError, ArgumentError, BadResponse raise BadResponse, "received invalid response from target #{@target}" end request_token(:grant_type => 'authorization_code', :code => authcode, :redirect_uri => ac_params['redirect_uri']) end # Uses the instance client credentials in addition to the +username+ # and +password+ to get a token via the owner password grant. # See {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3}. # @return [TokenInfo] def owner_password_grant(username, password, scope = nil) request_token(:grant_type => 'password', :username => username, :password => password, :scope => scope) end # Uses the instance client credentials to get a token with a client # credentials grant. See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.4 # @return [TokenInfo] def client_credentials_grant(scope = nil) request_token(:grant_type => 'client_credentials', :scope => scope) end # Uses the instance client credentials and the given +refresh_token+ to get # a new access token. See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-6 # @return [TokenInfo] which may include a new refresh token as well as an access token. def refresh_token_grant(refresh_token, scope = nil) request_token(:grant_type => 'refresh_token', :refresh_token => refresh_token, :scope => scope) end end end