require 'win/gui' # Module contains Win32 API gui-related functions as both module and instance methods. # See documentation of Win::Gui module of *win* gem for a full scope of available functions. # In addition, module defines several higher-level convenience methods that can be useful # when dealing with GUI-related tasks on Windows platform (such as testing automation). # module WinGui include Win::Gui extend Win::Gui # Delay between key commands/events (in sec) KEY_DELAY = 0.00001 # Delay when sleeping (in sec) SLEEP_DELAY = 0.001 # Timeout waiting for Window to be closed (in sec) CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 1 # Default timeout for dialog operations (in sec) LOOKUP_TIMEOUT = 3 # Windows class identifying standard modal dialog window DIALOG_WINDOW_CLASS = '#32770' # Module defines convenience methods on top of straightforward Win32 API functions: # Finds top-level dialog window by title and yields found dialog window to attached block. # We work with dialog window in a block, and then we wait for it to close before proceeding. # That is, unless your block returns nil, in which case dialog is ignored (and method immediately returns nil?). # If no block is given, method just returns found dialog window (or nil if dialog is not found). # Options: # :title:: dialog title # :class:: dialog class - default DIALOG_WINDOW_CLASS # :timeout:: timeout (seconds) - default LOOKUP_TIMEOUT (3) # :raise:: raise this exception instead of returning nil if nothing found # def dialog(opts={}) # :yields: dialog_window dialog = Window.top_level( {class: DIALOG_WINDOW_CLASS, timeout: LOOKUP_TIMEOUT}.merge opts ) dialog.set_foreground_window if dialog wait = block_given? ? yield(dialog) : false dialog.wait_for_close if dialog && wait dialog end # Emulates combinations of (any amount of) keys pressed one after another (Ctrl+Alt+P) and then released. # *keys should be a sequence of a virtual-key codes (value in the range 1 to 254). # For a complete list, see msdn:Virtual Key Codes. # If alphanumerical char is given instead of virtual key code, only lowercase letters result (no VK_SHIFT!). # def keystroke(*keys) return if keys.empty? key = String === keys.first ? keys.first.upcase.ord : keys.first.to_i keybd_event key, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0 sleep KEY_DELAY keystroke *keys[1..-1] sleep KEY_DELAY keybd_event key, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 end # Types text message into a window currently holding the focus # def type_in(message) message.scan(/./m) do |char| keystroke(*char.to_key) end end end