require 'puppet/indirector' # A class for managing nodes, including their facts and environment. class Puppet::Node require 'puppet/node/facts' require 'puppet/node/environment' # Set up indirection, so that nodes can be looked for in # the node sources. extend Puppet::Indirector # Asymmetric serialization/deserialization required in this class via to/from datahash include Puppet::Util::PsychSupport # Use the node source as the indirection terminus. indirects :node, :terminus_setting => :node_terminus, :doc => "Where to find node information. A node is composed of its name, its facts, and its environment." attr_accessor :name, :classes, :source, :ipaddress, :parameters, :trusted_data, :environment_name attr_reader :time, :facts attr_reader :server_facts def initialize_from_hash(data) @name = data['name'] || (raise ArgumentError, "No name provided in serialized data") @classes = data['classes'] || [] @parameters = data['parameters'] || {} @environment_name = data['environment'] end def self.from_data_hash(data) node = new(name) node.initialize_from_hash(data) node end def to_data_hash result = { 'name' => name, 'environment' =>, } result['classes'] = classes unless classes.empty? result['parameters'] = parameters unless parameters.empty? result end def environment if @environment @environment else if env = parameters["environment"] self.environment = env elsif environment_name self.environment = environment_name else # This should not be :current_environment, this is the default # for a node when it has not specified its environment # Tt will be used to establish what the current environment is. # self.environment = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get!(Puppet[:environment]) end @environment end end def environment=(env) if env.is_a?(String) or env.is_a?(Symbol) @environment = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get!(env) else @environment = env end end def has_environment_instance? !@environment.nil? end def initialize(name, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "Node names cannot be nil" unless name @name = name if classes = options[:classes] if classes.is_a?(String) @classes = [classes] else @classes = classes end else @classes = [] end @parameters = options[:parameters] || {} @facts = options[:facts] @server_facts = {} if env = options[:environment] self.environment = env end @time = end # Merge the node facts with parameters from the node source. def fact_merge if @facts = Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.find(name, :environment => environment) @facts.sanitize merge(@facts.values) end rescue => detail error ="Could not retrieve facts for #{name}: #{detail}") error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace) raise error end # Merge any random parameters into our parameter list. def merge(params) params.each do |name, value| if @parameters.include?(name) Puppet::Util::Warnings.warnonce("The node parameter '#{name}' for node '#{@name}' was already set to '#{@parameters[name]}'. It could not be set to '#{value}'") else @parameters[name] = value end end @parameters["environment"] ||= end def add_server_facts(facts) # Append the current environment to the list of server facts @server_facts = facts.merge({ "environment" =>}) # Merge the server facts into the parameters for the node merge(facts) end # Calculate the list of names we might use for looking # up our node. This is only used for AST nodes. def names return [name] if Puppet.settings[:strict_hostname_checking] names = [] names += split_name(name) if name.include?(".") # First, get the fqdn unless fqdn = parameters["fqdn"] if parameters["hostname"] and parameters["domain"] fqdn = parameters["hostname"] + "." + parameters["domain"] else Puppet.warning "Host is missing hostname and/or domain: #{name}" end end # Now that we (might) have the fqdn, add each piece to the name # list to search, in order of longest to shortest. names += split_name(fqdn) if fqdn # And make sure the node name is first, since that's the most # likely usage. # The name is usually the Certificate CN, but it can be # set to the 'facter' hostname instead. if Puppet[:node_name] == 'cert' names.unshift name else names.unshift parameters["hostname"] end names.uniq end def split_name(name) list = name.split(".") tmp = [] list.each_with_index do |short, i| tmp << list[0..i].join(".") end tmp.reverse end # Ensures the data is frozen # def trusted_data=(data) Puppet.warning("Trusted node data modified for node #{name}") unless @trusted_data.nil? @trusted_data = data.freeze end end