require 'bundler' Bundler.setup(:default) require 'memory_model' require 'colorize' require 'faker' class Foo < MemoryModel::Base set_primary_key :id field :first_name field :last_name field :email field :age add_index :last_name add_index :first_name add_index :email, unique: true, allow_nil: true end def benchmark_average(count, name = nil, options={}, &block) nominal_range = options[:range] || (1.5..4) puts '', "Starting benchmark of #{name} on #{count} records", '---------', '| '.green + "< #{nominal_range.min}ms", '| '.yellow + "#{nominal_range.to_s}ms", '| '.red + "> #{nominal_range.max}ms", '---------' times = do options[:before_each].call if options[:before_each].is_a? Proc st = ( - st).tap do |seconds| milliseconds = seconds * 1000 color = case milliseconds when 0..nominal_range.min :green when nominal_range :yellow else :red end print '|'.colorize(color) end end options[:after_all].call if options[:after_all].is_a? Proc print "\n" total = times.reduce(:+) shortest_milliseconds, shortest_index = { |t| t * 1000 }.each_with_index.sort { |(timea, ia), (timeb, ib)| timea <=> timeb }.first longest_milliseconds, longest_index = { |t| t * 1000 }.each_with_index.sort { |(timea, ia), (timeb, ib)| timea <=> timeb }.reverse.first milliseconds_avg = (total / count) * 1000 color = case milliseconds_avg when 0..nominal_range.min :green when nominal_range :yellow else :red end puts '', '------------------------------ BENCHMARK RESULTS ------------------------------', '', "when executing #{name}", "#{count} times", "executions took an average of #{milliseconds_avg} milliseconds".colorize(color), "and a total of #{total.round(2)} seconds", "shortest".green + " was execution ##{shortest_index} lasting #{shortest_milliseconds} milliseconds", "longest".red + " was execution ##{longest_index} lasting #{longest_milliseconds} milliseconds", '', '###############################################################################' end def gather_attributes! $attributes = { first_name: Faker::Name.first_name, last_name: Faker::Name.last_name, age: Random.rand(0..100), email: "#{Faker::Lorem.word}_#{SecureRandom.hex(12)}" } end def create_record! Foo.create gather_attributes! end def clear! Foo.clear end n = 2500 ## Creates # Benchmark Create benchmark_average(n, '.create', before_each: -> { gather_attributes! }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { Foo.create $attributes } ## Reads # Benchmark Find require 'pry' benchmark_average(n, '.find', before_each: -> { create_record!; $id = }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { Foo.find($id) } # Benchmark Sample benchmark_average(n, '.sample', before_each: -> { create_record! }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { Foo.sample } # Benchmark Where (using index) benchmark_average(n, '.where (using index)', before_each: -> { create_record! }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { Foo.where(first_name: Faker::Name.first_name) } # Benchmark Where (using loading) benchmark_average(1000, '.where (using loading)', before_each: -> { create_record! }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { Foo.where(age: Random.rand(0..100)) } ## Updates # Benchmark Update benchmark_average(n, '.update', before_each: -> { $record = create_record! }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { $ } ## Deletes # Benchmark Delete benchmark_average(n, '.delete', before_each: -> { 2.times { create_record! } ; $record = Foo.sample }, after_all: -> { clear! }) { $record.delete }