module Fastlane class CrashlyticsBeta def run UI.user_error!('Beta by Crashlytics configuration is currently only available for iOS projects.') unless config = {} FastlaneCore::Project.detect_projects(config) project = keys = keys_from_project(project) if FastlaneFolder.setup? UI.header('Copy and paste the following lane into your Fastfile to use Crashlytics Beta!') puts lane_template(keys[:api_key], keys[:build_secret], project.schemes.first).cyan else fastfile = fastfile_template(keys[:api_key], keys[:build_secret], project.schemes.first) FileUtils.mkdir_p('fastlane') File.write('fastlane/Fastfile', fastfile) end end def keys_from_project(project) require 'xcodeproj' target_name = project.default_build_settings(key: 'TARGETNAME') path = project.is_workspace ? project.path.gsub('xcworkspace', 'xcodeproj') : project.path UI.crash!("No project available at path #{path}") unless File.exist?(path) xcode_project = target = xcode_project.targets.find { |t| == target_name } scripts = { |t| t.class == Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXShellScriptBuildPhase } crash_script = scripts.find { |s| includes_run_script?(s.shell_script) } UI.user_error!("Unable to find Crashlytics Run Script Build Phase") if crash_script.nil? script_array = crash_script.shell_script.split('\n').find { |l| includes_run_script?(l) }.split(' ') if script_array.count == 3 && api_key_valid?(script_array[1]) && build_secret_valid?(script_array[2]) { api_key: script_array[1], build_secret: script_array[2] } else UI.important('Please enter your API Key and Build Secret:') keys = {} loop do keys[:api_key] = UI.input('API Key:') break if api_key_valid?(keys[:api_key]) UI.important "Invalid API Key, Please Try Again!" end loop do keys[:build_secret] = UI.input('Build Secret:') break if build_secret_valid?(keys[:build_secret]) UI.important "Invalid Build Secret, Please Try Again!" end keys end end def api_key_valid?(key) key.to_s.length == 40 end def build_secret_valid?(secret) secret.to_s.length == 64 end def includes_run_script?(string) string.include?('Fabric/run') || string.include?('Crashlytics/run') || string.include?('Fabric.framework/run') || string.include?('Crashlytics.framework/run') end def lane_template(api_key, build_secret, scheme) %{ lane :beta do gym(scheme: '#{scheme}') crashlytics(api_token: '#{api_key}', build_secret: '#{build_secret}') end } end def fastfile_template(api_key, build_secret, scheme) <<-eos fastlane_version "1.93.0" default_platform :ios platform :ios do lane :beta do gym(scheme: '#{scheme}') crashlytics(api_token: '#{api_key}', build_secret: '#{build_secret}') end end eos end end end