require_relative "spec_helper" begin require 'active_model' rescue LoadError warn "Skipping test of active_model plugin: can't load active_model" else describe "ActiveModel plugin" do before do class ::AMLintTest < Sequel::Model set_primary_key :id columns :id, :id2 def delete; end end module ::Blog class Post < Sequel::Model plugin :active_model end end @c = AMLintTest @c.plugin :active_model @c.freeze if @freeze_class @m = @model = @o = @c.load({}) end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :AMLintTest) Object.send(:remove_const, :Blog) end it ".to_model should return self, not a proxy object" do @m.object_id.must_equal @m.to_model.object_id end it "#to_key should return a key array, or nil" do @o.to_key.must_be_nil = 1 @o.to_key.must_equal [1] = nil @o.to_key.must_be_nil @c.set_primary_key [:id2, :id] @c.freeze @o.to_key.must_be_nil = 1 @o.id2 = 2 @o.to_key.must_equal [2, 1] @o.destroy @o.to_key.must_equal [2, 1] = nil @o.to_key.must_be_nil end it "#to_param should return a param string or nil" do @o.to_param.must_be_nil = 1 @o.to_param.must_equal '1' @c.set_primary_key [:id2, :id] @c.freeze @o.id2 = 2 @o.to_param.must_equal '2-1' def @o.to_param_joiner; '|' end @o.to_param.must_equal '2|1' @o.destroy @o.to_param.must_be_nil end it "#persisted? should return true if the object exists and has not been destroyed" do @m.persisted?.must_equal false @o.persisted?.must_equal true @m.destroy @o.destroy @m.persisted?.must_equal false @o.persisted?.must_equal false end it "#persisted? should return false if the object is created and the transaction is rolled back" do DB.transaction(:rollback=>:always){} @m.persisted?.must_equal false end it "#to_partial_path should return a path string" do @m.to_partial_path.must_equal 'am_lint_tests/am_lint_test' 'blog/posts/post' end describe "with unfrozen model class" do include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests end describe "with frozen model class" do before do @freeze_class = true end include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests end end end