require 'progressbar' require 'delegate' class Gemfury::Command::App < Thor include Gemfury::Command::Authorization UserAgent = "Gemfury CLI #{Gemfury::VERSION}".freeze PackageExtensions = %w(gem egg tar.gz tgz nupkg) # Impersonation class_option :as, :desc => 'Access an account other than your own' class_option :api_token, :desc => 'API token to use for commands' # Make sure we retain the default exit behaviour of 0 even on argument errors def self.exit_on_failure?; false; end map "-v" => :version desc "version", "Show Gemfury version", :hide => true def version shell.say Gemfury::VERSION end ### PACKAGE MANAGEMENT ### option :public, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Create as public package" option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-q", :desc => "Do not show progress bar", :default => false desc "push FILE", "Upload a new version of a package" def push(*gems) with_checks_and_rescues do push_files(:push, gems) end end desc "list", "List your packages" def list with_checks_and_rescues do gems = client.list shell.say "\n*** GEMFURY PACKAGES ***\n\n" va = [ %w{ name kind version privacy } ] gems.each do |g| va << [ g['name'], g['language'], g.dig('latest_version', 'version') || 'beta', g['private'] ? 'private' : 'public ' ] end shell.print_table(va) end end desc "versions NAME", "List all the package versions" def versions(gem_name) with_checks_and_rescues do versions = client.versions(gem_name) shell.say "\n*** #{gem_name.capitalize} Versions ***\n\n" va = [] va = [ %w{ version uploaded_by uploaded } ] versions.each do |v| uploaded = time_ago(Time.parse(v['created_at']).getlocal) va << [ v['version'], v['created_by']['name'], uploaded ] end shell.print_table(va) end end desc "yank NAME", "Delete a package version" method_options %w(version -v) => :required def yank(gem_name) with_checks_and_rescues do version = options[:version] client.yank_version(gem_name, version) shell.say "\n*** Yanked #{gem_name}-#{version} ***\n\n" end end ### AUTHENTICATION ### desc "logout", "Remove Gemfury credentials" def logout if !has_credentials? shell.say "You are logged out" elsif shell.yes? "Are you sure you want to log out? [yN]" with_checks_and_rescues { client.logout } wipe_credentials! shell.say "You have been logged out" end end desc "login", "Save Gemfury credentials" def login with_checks_and_rescues do me = client.account_info['name'] shell.say %Q(You are logged in as "#{me}"), :green end end desc "whoami", "Show current user" def whoami has_credentials? ? self.login : begin shell.say %Q(You are not logged in), :green end end desc "accounts", "Show info about your Gemfury accounts" def accounts with_checks_and_rescues do accounts = client.accounts va = [ %w{ name kind permission } ] accounts.each do |a| va << [ a['name'], a['type'], a['viewer_permission'].downcase ] end shell.print_table(va) end end ### COLLABORATION MANAGEMENT ### map "sharing:add" => 'sharing_add' map "sharing:remove" => 'sharing_remove' desc "sharing", "List collaborators" def sharing with_checks_and_rescues do account_info = client.account_info me = account_info['username'] collaborators = client.list_collaborators if collaborators.empty? shell.say %Q(You (#{me}) are the only collaborator\n), :green else shell.say %Q(\n*** Collaborators for "#{me}" ***\n), :green va = [ %w{ username permission } ] if account_info['type'] == 'user' va << [ me, 'owner' ] end collaborators.each { |c| va << [ c['username'], c['permission'] ] } shell.print_table(va) end end end desc "sharing:add EMAIL", "Add a collaborator" def sharing_add(username) with_checks_and_rescues do client.add_collaborator(username) shell.say "Invited #{username} as a collaborator" end end desc "sharing:remove EMAIL", "Remove a collaborator" def sharing_remove(username) with_checks_and_rescues do client.remove_collaborator(username) shell.say "Removed #{username} as a collaborator" end end ### MIGRATION (Pushing directories) ### desc "migrate DIR", "Upload all packages within a directory" def migrate(*paths) with_checks_and_rescues do gem_paths = Dir.glob( do |p| if { |ext| "#{p}/**/*.#{ext}" } elsif File.file?(p) p else nil end end.flatten.compact) if gem_paths.empty? die!("Problem: No valid packages found", nil, :migrate) else shell.say "Found the following packages:" gem_paths.each { |p| shell.say " #{File.basename(p)}" } if shell.yes? "Upload these files to Gemfury? [yN]", :green push_files(:migrate, gem_paths) end end end end ### GIT REPOSITORY MANAGEMENT ### map "git:list" => 'git_list' map "git:reset" => 'git_reset' map "git:rename" => 'git_rename' map "git:rebuild" => 'git_rebuild' desc "git:list", "List Git repositories" def git_list with_checks_and_rescues do repos = client.git_repos['repos'] shell.say "\n*** GEMFURY GIT REPOS ***\n\n" names = { |r| r['name'] } names.sort.each { |n| shell.say(n) } end end desc "git:rename REPO_NAME NEW_NAME", "Rename a Git repository" def git_rename(repo, new_name) with_checks_and_rescues do client.git_update(repo, :repo => { :name => new_name }) shell.say "Renamed #{repo} repository to #{new_name}\n" end end desc "git:reset REPO_NAME", "Remove a Git repository" def git_reset(repo) with_checks_and_rescues do client.git_reset(repo) shell.say "\n*** Yanked #{repo} repository ***\n\n" end end desc "git:rebuild REPO_NAME", "Rebuild a Git repository" method_options %w(revision -r) => :string def git_rebuild(repo) with_checks_and_rescues do params = { :revision => options[:revision] } shell.say "\n*** Rebuilding #{repo} repository ***\n\n" shell.say client.git_rebuild(repo, :build => params) end end ### GIT REPOSITORY BUILD CONFIG ### map 'git:config' => 'git_config' map 'git:config:set' => 'git_config_set' map 'git:config:unset' => 'git_config_unset' desc "git:config REPO_NAME", "List Git repository's build environment" def git_config(repo) with_checks_and_rescues do vars = client.git_config(repo)['config_vars'] shell.say "*** #{repo} build config ***\n" shell.print_table( { |kv| ["#{kv[0]}:", kv[1]] }) end end desc "git:config:set REPO_NAME KEY=VALUE ...", "Update Git repository's build environment" def git_config_set(repo, *vars) with_checks_and_rescues do updates = Hash[ { |v| v.split("=", 2) }] client.git_config_update(repo, updates) shell.say "Updated #{repo} build config" end end desc "git:config:unset REPO_NAME KEY ...", "Remove variables from Git repository's build environment" def git_config_unset(repo, *vars) with_checks_and_rescues do updates = Hash[ { |v| [v, nil] }] client.git_config_update(repo, updates) shell.say "Updated #{repo} build config" end end private def client opts = {} opts[:user_api_key] = @user_api_key if @user_api_key opts[:account] = options[:as] if options[:as] client = client.user_agent = UserAgent return client end def with_checks_and_rescues(&block) @user_api_key = options[:api_token] if options[:api_token] msg = '[DEPRECATED] This CLI is no longer supported. Please upgrade to the new CLI:' shell.say(msg, :yellow) if !options[:quiet] && !current_command_chain.include?(:logout) with_authorization(&block) rescue Gemfury::InvalidGemVersion => e shell.say "You have a deprecated Gemfury client", :red if shell.yes? "Would you like to update it now? [yN]" exec("gem update gemfury") else shell.say %q(No problem. You can also run "gem update gemfury") end rescue Gemfury::Conflict => e die!("Oops! Locked for another user. Try again later.", e) rescue Gemfury::Forbidden => e die!("Oops! You're not allowed to access this", e) rescue Gemfury::NotFound => e die!("Oops! Doesn't look like this exists", e) rescue Gemfury::Error => e die!("Oops! %s" % e.message, e) rescue StandardError => e die!("Oops! Something went wrong. Please contact support.", e) end def push_files(command, gem_paths) files = do |g| g.is_a?(String) ? : g rescue nil end.compact if !options[:quiet] && !shell.mute? && $stdout.tty? files = { |g| } end if files.empty? die!("Problem: No valid packages found", nil, command) end push_options = { } unless options[:public].nil? push_options[:public] = options[:public] end error_ex = nil files.each do |file| show_bar = file.is_a?(ProgressIO) && file.show_bar? title = "Uploading #{File.basename(file.path)} " begin if show_bar begin client.push_gem(file, push_options) ensure shell.say "\e[A\e[0K", nil, false shell.say title end else shell.say title client.push_gem(file, push_options) end shell.say "- done" rescue Gemfury::CorruptGemFile => e shell.say "- problem processing this package", :red error_ex = e rescue Gemfury::DupeVersion => e shell.say "- this version already exists", :red error_ex = e rescue Gemfury::TimeoutError, Errno::EPIPE => e shell.say "- this file is too much to handle", :red shell.say " Visit for more info" error_ex = e rescue Gemfury::Error => e shell.say "- #{e.message.downcase}", :red error_ex = e rescue => e shell.say "- oops", :red error_ex = e end end unless error_ex.nil? die!('There was a problem uploading at least 1 package', error_ex) end end C50K = 50000 class ProgressIO < SimpleDelegator attr_reader :content_type, :original_filename, :local_path def initialize(filename_or_io, content_type = 'application/octet-stream', fname = nil) io = filename_or_io local_path = '' if io.respond_to? :read local_path = filename_or_io.respond_to?(:path) ? filename_or_io.path : 'local.path' else io = local_path = filename_or_io end fname ||= local_path @content_type = content_type @original_filename = File.basename(fname) @local_path = local_path if io.respond_to? :size filesize = io.size else filesize = io.stat.size end if filesize > C50K title = 'Uploading %s ' % File.basename(fname) @bar = ProgressBar.create(:title => title, :total => filesize) else @bar = nil end super(io) end def show_bar? @bar != nil end def read(length) buf = unless @bar.nil? || buf.nil? @bar.progress += buf.bytesize end buf end end def die!(msg, err = nil, command = nil) shell.say msg, :red help(command) if command shell.say %Q(#{}: #{err}\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}) if err && ENV['DEBUG'] exit(1) end def time_ago(tm) ago = tm.strftime('%F %R') in_secs = - tm if in_secs < 60 ago += ' (~ %ds ago)' % in_secs elsif in_secs < 3600 ago += ' (~ %sm ago)' % (in_secs / 60).floor elsif in_secs < (3600 * 24) ago += ' (~ %sh ago)' % (in_secs / 3600).floor end ago end end